Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1216: All will die

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Zhu Dacheng did not make any good things.

This is a bit uncomfortable for Luo Tian.

This is completely a poor man!


The next prompt tone makes Luo Tian slightly stunned.


"Shenfire upgrade!"

"At the current level 2, the chance of killing is increased by 5%, the current spike rate is 10%, and the skill cooldown is over!"



Luo Tian glimpsed a little, and the fusion of one hundred and eight different fires became the current fire.

Say something in my heart.

Luo Tian is somewhat dissatisfied.

One hundred and eight different fires are called a strong battle in Tianxuan mainland. One hundred and eight fires can hit a billion worth of damage, but after the fusion, it becomes a fire. Although it has the spike attribute, it is even 10 billion blood. The amount of super BOSS is likely to be spiked!


It is only possible.

He has a chance.

This is a probabilistic problem, and the success rate is low.

Since Luo Tian used the fire of the gods, the number of spiked people can not count, can see how low its success rate?

So during this time, Luo Tian did not care about its proficiency.

just now.

He suddenly upgraded.

Some accidents, Luo Tian’s heart was also suddenly shocked, like awakening, “God fire, God fire escalated! Nima, almost forgot the attribute of this anti-sky practice, the super-successful level of fire has a percentage The chance of killing 50, if you add the spike of the shadow jewel, you will definitely reach a height of horror. After you find the time, you will upgrade its proficiency, and then the first thing after passing the assessment. It is to build a dark weapon and inlay the shadow gems into it. This spike rate is improved, let alone the prince of the sea, like the ancestors of the Hai family, and his ancestors also burst out of his body!"


"I rely!"

"The pig's big intestine is stupid?"


"It was the flame that Luo Tian had released. There was a problem with the flame." Liu Zhan ran halfway, and saw Zhu Dacheng being devastated by the worm to smash the chrysanthemum and then ate it, and the chrysanthemum jerked in, even I didn’t pull it for three days, and I’m already rushing to my **** and I’m going back.

Think of the scene just now.

Liu Zhan lived.

The admiration of the heart can no longer be concealed. ,

He can't wait to scream in front of Luo Tian, ​​"Idol, you took me!"


"I have to hold back, I have to hold back."

"Can't let him discover that this young man admires him. How can I admire others? I am the most handsome man in the world." Liu Zhan said secretly, at the same time, he ran to Luo Tian's body and hurriedly reminded: " It’s still happening, when the dandelion worms consume Zhu Dacheng, its strength will be improved, and it will be our turn to run.

The dandelion worm is still chewing Zhu Dacheng.

The generosity of Zhu Dacheng's body was all absorbed by him, and his body was a big one.

The darkness that it released from the body became more violent.

Luo Tian looked up at it and smiled a little. He said: "I said Ah ugly, do you want to devour a lot of high-level talented martial arts? If you want to, then listen to my words, if you don't want to... you think you are in the sky The situation of the college assessment site is the change of the emperor level of the Yunxiao Academy. The strong state will not know, and will inevitably tear you away and use your chrysanthemum to feed the dog."

The dandelion worm seems to understand Luo Tian’s words.

Eight-order monster, intelligence is not weaker than humans!

The dandelion worm looked at Luo Tian, ​​and the face of the eye turned and turned, as if considering Luo Tian’s words, then the darkness of his body was secretly collected, and there was no such violent anger.

Zhu Dacheng's pure vitality made him eat very cool, this is the first time it has been so delicious for hundreds of years.


Luo Tian’s words are very clear.

The metamorphosis of the Yunxiao Academy will never let him go. What he has to do now is to destroy as much as possible and become as strong as possible. The monsters in the valley are all swallowed by him. Now they want to change. Stronger can only devour those warriors.

Liu war did not understand Luo Tian, ​​and could not help but whispered: "Maniac, what are you doing?"

Luo Tian smiled lightly and said: "It is always chased by it. Undoubtedly, if it wants to break through again, it must devour more warriors, and my goal is to turn all the disciples of the Hai family up, and the goal is exactly the same! ”

Liu Zhan was dumbfounded and said: "You don't want to get an agreement with the Dan Devil?"

Luo Tian smiled and said: "It's completely correct, but unfortunately there is no reward. At most, let me not let your small chrysanthemums burst, hahaha..."

Turn around.

Luo Tian looked at the dandelion worm and said: "I can take you to find a large number of high-level talented warriors, and even super-genuine warriors, these are more delicious than those of the monsters, and they have a lot of blood. Awakened, just like this little fat man around me, blood awakening people believe that the improvement of your cultivation is faster?"

Liu Bing's legs are soft, and the scared face is white, so I can't wait to give Luo Tian a few feet.

Look at the dandelion worm watching his eyes, not greed, but sly, and still swallowing, especially staring at his waist, above the thigh, the face of the face gives a different light .

"I rely on, Luo Tian, ​​he will look at me like this again, and Lao Tzu will give him a taste of desperate life." Liu Zhan was stared at the hair.

It’s ugly and ugly, and all eyes are like inner eyes.

Still a look of embarrassment.

There is a special hobby for the chrysanthemum part of the person. The achievement of Zhu Da was so terrible.

Who can afford it?

Luo Tian said seriously: "He is my friend, you can't hurt, but... look at your expression, you are promised. If I am right, then nod, then we will start looking for those talented warriors. ""

The dandelion worm recovered his gaze from Liu Zhan, and then looked at Luo Tian and nodded.

Luo Tian excitedly smiled and said: "The agreement is reached, now we are allies."


"I will take you to kill the Quartet, hahaha..."

"A ugly, come with me!"

During the speech, Luo Tian took the lead and quickly ran into the woods.

Liu Zhan did not dare to leave Luo Tian, ​​for fear that the dandelion worms in the back would smash his chrysanthemum...

at the same time.

Luo Tianyi’s thoughts were sent to Liu Zhan, saying: “The magic insects raised by the magic sects are insidious. Although an agreement is reached, you must always guard against him. When he gives the Haijia people some color, let them know. Go to the end of my Luo Tian, ​​and then get rid of it when I find the opportunity!"

Liu Zhanyi, immediately violently yelled: "I rely on, you said that I am a **** awakened person, you want to push me to the cusp, now I want to guard against it, you ... you want to I want to play dead."


"This game is good, this young master likes it!"

He secretly complained in his heart.

Even if you don't like it, there is no way.

I can only go crazy with Luo Tian.

From the beginning of knowing Luo Tian, ​​what happened in just a few days is more than what happened in his ten years, and it is very exciting. If the ability is not good, I really can't stand it.


It seems that Liu Xiao’s little heart is good.


Outside the examination room, Haijia.

In the secret room.

Zhu Dacheng’s life light was extinguished.

The old man's face changed slightly, contemplating for a few seconds, still decided to report to Haitongtian.

Haijia Hall.

Haitong was full of blushing light, and did not feel a little annoyed by Zhu Dacheng’s death. He said: “Zhu Dacheng is just a small man who climbs the flames. This kind of person does not die for us.” relationship."

"As long as Ghost is still there!"

"It is not difficult to deal with the eight-order monsters in the realm of the ghosts of the ghosts. Even if Luo Tian and the monsters reach an agreement, they will not pose a threat to the Haijia disciples, let alone..."

Said here.

Haitongtian’s eyes slightly picked up and said: “The super-natural talents sent by Haijia’s secrets are completely hidden in them. They are not involved in this hunting operation against Luotian. They can pass the assessment and they can be as high as those of higher talents. The warrior, who can do the cannon fodder of the sea family is the honor of their life!"

The dead are very normal.

For Haitongtian, even if the ordinary talents of the warriors die too much, he will not blink.


"The relationship between the three whites and Luo Tian is very close. If they meet, Luo Tian finds their words, then..." said an elder.

Haitong Tian smiled: "It doesn't matter!"

"I believe that anyone is afraid of death!"

"The talent of the three of them is super, and the talent of one person is a great one, especially the forest of talented talent. I can see the determination to become stronger from his eyes. He even meets Luo Tian. Don't do anything, don't worry."

He seems to see through everything.


Haitongtian does not know that

The secret super-class talent disciples sent by Haijia this time are not the only ones who are Luotian! ! !

Early in the beginning.

Luo Tian was secretly deployed while in the city of Wuliang.

More than 50 disciples of Baijia have nearly 30 talents, and these people’s secret divisions are among the kings’ power families in Yunxiao City!

He wants to borrow someone else's hand to train his own people.

This move is extremely high, and it is as high as several floors!


No one knows how their talents come from, no one doubts!


In the assessment site.

Luo Tian was tired, and finally he simply rode on the head of the dandelion worm, arrogant and arrogant, how do he have more domineering, and let Liu war come up.


The dandelion worm has thrown a wink at the Liu war several times and let him go.

Liu war killed not to go up.

Luo Tian has no way.

They rushed in the direction of the first city.


Even the disciples of Haijia will be on the way to the first city~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What he has to do is to turn these Haijia disciples one by one.


Luo Tian’s mouth is slightly ticked and said: “There is a good show!”

"A ugly, it’s time for you to eat."


Luo Tian is very angry and arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, "Haijia's dog hybrids, all out to Laozi!"


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Spring is coming, there are so many things in the farmland, I have to help my family, who told me to be a cow! R1148

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