Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1288: Strong brother is also...

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Nothing looks down.

Ren Xiaoyao is on the matter.

Yunxiao College's points are the hardest to get.

Someone used artifacts to redeem three hundred points. The other side thought that the artifacts were too garbage, and they would not be exchanged at all.

The Xuan currency is a common currency.

But the points at Yunxiao College are the supreme currency.

A hard-to-find realm!

If you want to get a thousand points in just one month, it is just like the Arabian Nights.

Ren Xiaoyao looked at Luo Tian so firmly, and his heart was still a little lucky. He said: "Fortunately, he is not a special enrollment student to enter Yunxiao College. Otherwise, he really wants to participate in the selection and participate in the new student exchange meeting. At that time, then it is true. It’s too dangerous.”

"Even if you are a strong person in the realm of the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to get a thousand points in a month."

Ren Xiaoyao pretending to be a serious look, said: "You should rest well, you can look around in the junior college of the college tomorrow."


He left.


After half an hour.

He appeared in the imperial court.

Huangfu is also secretly shocked every day. He said: "It is really impossible to get a thousand points in a month. This is also true. We don't have to worry about Luo Tian's participation in the new exchange meeting. The devils of the Abyss College also I won't have the opportunity to do anything with him."

Ren Xiaoyao smiled and said: "I think so too."

Huangfu asked one sentence and said: "What about the two strong men of the Qinglong family?"

Ren Xiaoyao looked tight and his expression became serious. He said: "After the afternoon, Luo Tian released the blood of the four gods, one person suddenly left the college. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be back to the four gods and continents. It may be moving. The rescuer went, Dean, are we going to be prepared? The four-soul beast is much stronger than the sea."

"and also!"

"I received the information, the Holy See of Eurasia, the Buddha's Gate of the Shunyi Continent, and the North China Ice Kingdom. They will secretly sneak into the Yunxiao College within these three months. They must all be directed at Luo Tianlai. of."

"The ancient continent and thousands of years have not appeared in the people who have ascended into the gods, the emergence of the talent of the gods and the balance of the five continents, I am worried that ... there will be a war."

The influence of the talent of the gods is too great.

To know.

The potential of God's talent to win the throne is beyond imagination. A **** can crush the whole continent!

Who doesn't want to get it?

If you can't get it, it will be destroyed.

No one wants others to be stronger than themselves!

Huangfu exhaled a heavy breath and said: "The present world of the saints, the appearance of Luo Tian's talents, these seem to have nothing. In fact, Yunxiao College has been involved in a huge vortex, just in a typhoon. Eyes, it won't take long..."


Huangfu sighed with a slight sigh and said with a smile: "The Yunxiao College can't cope with the Haijia now. The pressure is too breathless. There is no energy to deal with the other mainland's strongmen. Everything depends on God's will. In the end, it's really impossible. If you don't agree with Luo Tiantong, I will transfer him to different time and space!"

The pressure on the sea is too great.

The breakthrough of the emperor's realm of the prince of the sea has made the Emperor feel the strong pressure.

All his hopes are now on Luo Tian, ​​and he must not let him do anything!


Early next morning.

Luo Tian got up early and washed it, and casually got something to fill his stomach and went out.

Yesterday, the energy consumption was exhausted.

It has not been supported for a long time.

There is still more than a day, he must add the vitality, otherwise the ancient tree must be worried, and now the ancient tree has been half a person high, the ancient power of the implication has already begun to take shape, absolutely can not give up.

To supplement your vitality, the easiest and straightforward way to hunt the monster!

Luo Tian walked on the road, and some people kept pointing behind him.

Especially some little girls.

"Wow, he is Luo Tian? So handsome."

"It is his resistance to the Hai family. It is a bad smell for our college. You see that the disciples of the Hai family are not as arrogant as before."

"How handsome."

"If you can be a woman who can be his."

"Flower idiot, don't dream, he is emperor, she is the daughter of Huangfu's dean, who can win her, and... I heard that even the former iceberg queen Yi Meng dreamed of him. ""

"Ice Queen of the Iceberg? It should be ugly now, so she is also qualified to like Luo Tian?"


Luo Tian became the focus of the junior college department.

Some are not suitable.

Never thought that I would be so popular.


When he heard the remarks about ‘easy dreams, the heart was tight. “The stupid queen, waiting for me, I will definitely become a wizard, and I will get rid of the poison on my face.”

How cruel is it that a woman’s appearance is destroyed?

Every time.

Luo Tian came to a huge building.

"Task building!"

As the name suggests.

It is the building that issued the mission.

Outside the building is a huge open space, and some people in the open space screamed loudly. "Steel rhinoceros horn, a little points sold."

"Jiupin Yu Ling Dan, as long as two points."

"Three-level mission, sweeping Yannanshan, you need two more than eight-order warriors, interested in the speed."

"Five points to buy a unique angle."


The scene is the same as in the middle of the game.

Luo Tian’s heart is awkward.

There is only one way to get points in Yunxiao College, to do the task!

The tasks are divided into one to ten levels.

The higher the level, the more difficult the task and the more points.

Luo Tian walked into the mission building and immediately attracted many people's attention.

at this time.

Liu Fatzi came out from the inside, and there was a beautiful little girl with a beautiful face. The face of the fat man was happy, and Luo Tian immediately greeted him. "Boss, you are here."

The younger sister also rushed to follow up.

Liu Fatzi immediately said: "Xiaomei, call the boss."

Xiaomei’s woman is a little embarrassed, watching Luo Tian’s eyes look a little weird, but disappeared in an instant, holding the arms of Liu Fatzi, very cleverly said: “Boss!”

It’s too breakthrough.

Liu Fatzi didn’t react at all, this is the first time that a woman is holding her arm. That feeling is really cool~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Liu Fatzi calms down, said: "Boss, I have to pick up the task." Well, the four-level mission, the bandits of Qinghai Haicheng, fifty points, plus Xiaomei, we now have three people, and we should be able to complete the task with our strength."


A group of people rushed out of the mission building.

Headed by a lean little dwarf, pointing to the nose of Liu Zhan said: "Big brother, that is, he robbed us of the task."

"His mother, even the task of our strong brother dare to grab?"

"Look for death!"

During the speech, a warrior who was repaired to reach the rank of Taiyan was attacked one by one, and it was a slap in the face of Liu Fatzi...


The old cow asks for a chrysanthemum!

Only 20 votes, brothers, give strength! Exploded him! R1148

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