Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1316: , the saint's ass...

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Said spike is to kill.

There is nothing wrong with the fantasy fairy.

The combination of the power of Suzaku and the phoenix weeping blood bracelet, the released flame directly evaporates all the surrounding blood, and the blood spring is also thirsty, and the blood volume of 10 million drops directly to the lowest end, and finally struggles. Next, a powerful force of evil forces wants to break through the blood springs, but it is eventually crushed into powder.


The system immediately sounds a beep.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to kill ‘Evil Blood Spring’ and gain 1000000000 points and 100,000 points.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to get ‘spring eyes’”

"Congratulations to the player "Luo Tian" to get three drops of "Universal Spring Water", is it used?"

"Congratulations to the player..."



“Congratulations to the player’s promotion of Luo Tian’s promotion, the current level is too fourth.”

A series of prompts sounded.

Luo Tian did not notice that it was directly scared by the series of experiences. "One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand... my heaven, a whole billion experience, one hundred thousand yuan, this Nima is going to be counter God, this blood spring experience is too fierce?"


Thoroughly scared.

One billion experience, let him upgrade directly!

Do you want to be so scary?

This is enough to prove the power of the blood spring.


The blood spring is very powerful, just because the savage attack of the saint is not enough to tell him everything, and the second kill is the only way. If it can't be killed, he will resurrect and kill.

Then again.

Blood Spring controls this dead forest for tens of thousands of years, engulfing the lives of countless warriors, and its experience is naturally high and scary.

The experience value is high.

Luo Tian secretly swears and looks at another thing, 'Spring Eyes'.

Item: Spring Eye

Attributes:? ? ?

Description: Quest items, the only item to open Pangudong!


Luo Tian’s heart was again shocked. “The quest items of Pangu Cave?”


He immediately thought of the words that Xuequan said at the end. "Is he also guarding the family? Otherwise, how would he know the king of the ancients?"

The blood spring and the king of the ancients must be related.

Exploding quest items is also a matter of reason.

The third thing.

"Universal spring water!"

Luo Tianxin snorted, "I see how versatile you are."

Item: Universal Spring Water

Attribute: Full state resurrection.

Description: The item will be fully restored as soon as it is not dead, and everything will be full.

"I rub!"

Luo Tian’s heart almost stopped beating. “This thing is good. This thing is very good. As long as there is still a little blood, the universal spring water is immediately resurrected. No wonder the blood spring can withstand millions of injuries and it will be as good as ever. It turned out to be this thing."

Anyone who has played the game knows.

This kind of thing is very bad.

Excuse me, if you kill a player with the last drop of blood, only the last knife will explode him, but this moment is full, and it is you who run, this feeling is too depressed It is.

"Three drops of universal spring water is equal to three lives." Luo Tian said excitedly, "As long as you are not spiked, you can survive!"

There is another one.


at this moment.

Liu war climbed up from the ground and glanced at everything around him, as if he was in hell, he ran to Luo Tian and said: "Boss is quick to see the Santa sister, she is going to die."

For women, beautiful women, fat people can always care more than anyone else!

Luo Tian put away his thoughts, did not dare to delay, and quickly stepped forward.

The face of the saint is full of blood, and the air is like a gossamer.

The body is a bit stiff and cold, just like dead.

Liu Zhan shouted: "St. Sister, St. Sister... wake up."

The saint has no response.

Luo Tian opened her eyelids and found that the pupil's response to light was already very weak. There was no such thing as a few regenerative techniques. It is difficult to estimate the pain that she suffered just now.

In addition, the blood whirlpool almost pumped out everything in her body.

Very uncomfortable.

Liu Zhan’s eyes blinked and said: “Boss, what should I do? What should I do? She is going to die, do you want to give her artificial respiration? I am very good at this...”

"To shut up!"

Luo Tian glanced at him, looked at the familiar but strange face, bit his teeth, and said: "If you are not a sister of Cher, I will never save you."


He took out a drop of omnipotent spring water.

There was a pain in my heart.

You know that this is a life for him.


Luo Tianwu refers to a loose, the drop of the universal spring water droplets on the lips of the saint, the spring slowly infiltrated.

Between the blink of an eye.

Her face was bloody.

The body is no longer stiff, and the limbs have been slightly moved a few times, and the body has also released the breath of that kind of person.

Less than three seconds.

The sacred girl blinked and suddenly popped up. Before Luo Tian reacted, she grabbed Luo Tian’s collar and said with anger: “You actually stole my things, the Phoenix Bleeding Blood Bracelet gave me Come."

No thanks.

No gratitude.

When I came up, I wanted to find Luo Tian desperately.

This is exactly the same as Cher, otherwise, Luo Tian has to do it again.

Luo Tian took out the Phoenix Weeping Blood Bracelet and said: "Please pay attention to it. You are thrown by me. I am not stealing. I will pay attention to it. If it were not for me, you have now been swallowed up by the blood spring."

"Do you treat the savior like this?"

Luo Tianyi said that she noticed.

Everything around is calm.

However, her hand was not loose, one hand took the Phoenix Weeping Blood Bracelet, and the other hand was still holding Luo Tian, ​​saying: "Why, how do you know that the Phoenix Bleeding Blood Brace contains a powerful force?"

"Are you also in Wushan Mountain a few months ago?"

She just sensed the breath of the phoenix weeping blood bracelet before going down the mountain.

This bracelet is her sister's.

She is coming to her sister.

Luo Tian sneered and said: "Do you want to know?"

"I just won't tell you."

His heart is also secretly shocked. "Isn't another bracelet a snow? Just left in the white house, isn't it... Xueer's sister is a person who entered the Tianxuan mainland from the ancient mainland? How is this possible?"

The voice of the saint became cold and cold, saying: "Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

"kill me?"

"You a little Nizi, a pair of cold ice, high on the way, always thought that he is a saint is great ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ a look of contempt for the world, I have long seen you are upset, you want to kill me? ?"


Luo Tian’s body moved slightly, not waiting for the reaction of the saint, and hitting her **** directly.


"Come to kill me."


"Kill me!"


Ass is going to bloom!


The first chapter is delivered!

Brothers, the old bulls ask for a monthly ticket, and give the old moon tickets to the old bulls! ! ! R1148

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