Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1319: , Holy See Paladin...

Do not stop all night.

Killing all the way.

There is a sacrificial machine for the sacred woman, and it’s so cool.

Plus the night's monsters are very dense and rich in experience. In less than half a night, Luo Tian broke through to the sixth stage of Taiyan.

In order to treat this killing machine.

Luo Tian elaborately made a super-large barbecue. Instead of using ordinary fire, it was a kind of monster thigh meat that was burned with vitality. It was even more tasty, and it was even more delicious for people to eat for a lifetime.

The sacred woman gorged and there was no image of a saint.

Eat more.

Just like having never eaten anything in your life.

If you want to catch a man... wrong, it is a woman's heart, you must first grab her stomach.


The world's strong people don't have to eat for days, months, or even years, but once they eat, they will become addicted and absolutely forget.

"No Error" novel WWW.quleD saint belongs to this.

After eating, I still don't forget to say a word, "I still have to eat barbecue in the morning!"


“If you eat more barbecues, it’s not good for your health. Wouldn’t it be better for us to change some?” Luo Tian asked, and then said: “It’s a pity that there is no kitchen utensils, otherwise you can do something that you have never eaten before. thing."

Waiting for him to finish, the saint immediately said: "There is no barbecue, tomorrow I will not help you to hunt the monster."


"Barbecue, you must barbecue, you have to eat as much." Luo Tian immediately said very firmly, what to eat more barbecue is not good for the body, in this different world, the body is super metamorphosis, the internal organs are more than steel To be strong, is there anything that can hurt this body?

Obviously, Luo Tian’s worry is superfluous.

Continue to kill!

Experience continues to soar.

Time is lost bit by bit.

Five days later.


“Congratulations to the player’s “Luo Tian” promotion, the current level is too tenth.”

The system sounds a tone.

Luo Tian’s face was happy, and he immediately looked up. His face was a bit hard. He said: “I rely on it. Now I need more than one billion experience. It’s the rhythm of playing with me. Where do I get so much experience? what."

In addition to the first few days of upgrading a little faster.

Slow down a lot.

With the improvement of Luo Tian's rank, the experience of the monster has been pulled down a lot.


This speed is still super abnormal.

Even the saints secretly screamed, and watching Luo Tian several times was like watching a monster. He couldn’t help but ask how he broke through, but she still resisted it. .

She did not want to control how Luo Tian practiced breakthroughs.

She didn't want to have more contact with this man.

She didn't care about the man who was playing her buttocks.

She still remembers the pain on her ass. If her mouth is too greedy, she will never be controlled by Luo Tian.


In these five days.

Liu war also broke through once, compared to the speed of Luo Tian, ​​he directly had the urge to die.


Even now, Luo Tiantai’s nine-level cultivation can still not see the current realm of the Virgin.


"According to the map, the bottom of the front valley should be the entrance to the Pangu Cave." Luo Tian said a little, then took a look at the saint and asked: "Whether you came to Pangu Mountain this time is also the task of completing the Pangu Cave. of?"

The virgin said coldly: "I am not interested in the tasks of the college. Phoenix Tianshan does not want to change everything in the world. I will not stay in Yunxiao College for too long, and there is no need to do anything."


Her identity is what she wants at Yunxiao College. Even if she wants a position in a vice-president, Tianlong will not hesitate to agree, and where can she see the task of this release.

Luo Tian smiled and said: "What are you doing here?"

The saint said coldly: "Do you manage it?"

Another cold expression, Luo Tian is not angry, said: "Since you are not for the task, this is good, I need the points of this task, originally wanted to give points to you, now think about the basic use No."

Liu war inserted a sentence, said: "Boss, points do not have an egg for me, and can not change a sister, so I do not need points,"

The saints said, "Only you can only earn points."


Luo Tian smiled bitterly.

If it is not for the abyss college, he will not pick up any tasks at all.

It is not impossible now.

You must go to the Abyss College to go to the shadow vein to dig more shadow concentrates to refine a super dark weapon.

No points are redeemed, how can he qualify for the selection?

The saint said again: "I will help you with the task. Tell me what you know, then you are you, I am me."

"Just never knew it."

"As long as I find my sister, I will take her back to the Phoenix Tianshan. We are also two world people, and there will never be any focus."

The voice is particularly cold.

Luo Tianxin secretly smiled and said: "Small sister-in-law, do you hate me so much? Well, I am also your brother-in-law. What focus is not on focus, and it is enough to have a plug in the bed."

Luo Tian did not speak.

He didn't say much about Cher's things, he didn't want to say it, but because Cher was poisoned because of him.

If she can't solve the soul poison in her body, Luo Tian will not forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Sit for half an hour, then enter the valley." Luo Tian said that he would close his eyes and raise his mind. He began to think about being held in the ancient king of Pangu Cave. In the Tianjian City of Tianxuan, Liu Yizi changed. When he was in the demon, his consciousness was once brought to Pangu Cave. Luo Tian still remembered some things in Pangu Cave, but at that time he only entered consciousness and did not notice the danger.

But now?

It is impossible for the guardian to easily rescue the king of the ancients.

There must be a huge danger in Pangu Cave.

Luo Tian thought quietly.

After half an hour.

Luo Tian stood up and said: "Go, enter the valley."


Inside the valley.

The corpse of the demon is everywhere.

Every head is as big as a hill.

Seven-order monsters, eight-order monsters, and even two nine-order monsters, all died.

Those who possess this kind of combat power are not the strongest of the realm of the emperor, but also the peak of the Holy Spirit.


Still not a strong peak of the Holy Spirit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but a whole group!

Holy See, Paladin Legion!

All the gold armor, with the sword of the knight, the left hand shield, the right hand long gun, shining brightly under the scorching sun, it is extremely!

The leader of the Knights is still a woman.

An iron-and-blood woman who has experienced countless battles.

There is still one person in front of her, the black robe teaches the Lord.

The woman said with respect and respect: "Adult, in front is Pangudong!"


Is there a monthly pass?

Can you ask for another one, just one! ! !

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