Really not sure.


He has to do this.

For this Paladin!

For Kailin!

He must also do this.

From the power that Kailin broke out, Luo Tian was born to recruit their ideas.

Just going to save Karen was just a temptation.

The result of the temptation is simple.

The interior of the Holy See in Eurasia is not as united as imagined.

The rights are concentrated in the hands of the higher levels of the Holy See.

The things that the Paladin believes are different from them. It is easy to make a difference. This is a basic point, and the only thing that Luo Tian can use.

This time shot.

He did not use ‘神火,神爆’ and various transformation cards, all kinds of blood power, he only defended by the pure power of the four-level body, regardless of the black robes, his purpose was achieved.

Black robe is better.

This will form a contrast.

This will also make the Paladin chill!

In the face of this trick, as long as you do not die, you will earn.

Luo Tian's eyes closed, and he bit his teeth tightly, waiting for the attack of the monster to fall.

have to say.

This kind of waiting is a torment!


a long time.

The attack of this monster has not fallen.

Luo Tian glanced openly and glanced at the black robes in the distance. He did not move.


His face is a bit cold.

Liu Fatzi pointed hard at Luo Tian’s head and shouted: "Boss, boss, your top, above..."

Luo Tian looked up and looked at his head overhead, his eyes darkened.

I don't know when.

Karin disappeared and resisted the moment when the monster attack fell.

Instead of using a shield protector, use your own body directly!

The claws have penetrated her shoulders.

The blood dripped down her armor, and the blood fell on Luo Tian's face. Karin's face was pale. She turned her head and looked at Luo Tian. "You just saved my brother's life, now I still For you!"


Two other paladins came.

When the sword was moved, the arms of the monster were directly smashed down.


The arms fell together with the claws inserted into Karin's body.


Karin’s shoulders were directly torn by the power of falling, and the blood was like a pillar.

Her whole body trembled with pain.

At this moment, my heart was shocked.

At that time, she actually had such a quick response. If she didn’t come, she was enough to protect herself. Her own actions have become her cumbersome. Luo Tian’s heart is somewhat owed, but...

From the perspective of her eyes, Luo Tian can see that his purpose has been achieved.



"Dare to take the leader down."


Several paladins said anxiously.

Kelly picked up the long sword on the ground and looked up at a small bottle of green liquid. "I'm fine, keep killing!"



"Holy Swords!"

There is no thought of withdrawing from the battle at all.

Her mission is to help the black robe to win the colorful gods, the mission is the mission, even if the black robe can save her at that time, but she does not shoot, she does not blame him, the people of the Holy See are very cold-blooded, this she has long been Got it.

Otherwise, her father will not die so easily.


The scattered paladins immediately formed a small battle formation.

Karin said coldly to Luo Tian on one side: "If you don't want to die, you will be far away."

The sound fell.

She moved with a long sword and pointed at the beast that rushed to the front, saying: "Outshoot!"

The beginning is to fight separately.

Now fifteen Paladins are fighting together, and the power that erupts is like a bulldozer.

"Left, defense!"


"Right, attack!"



have to say.

Kailin is their core, whether it is her command, or the strong atmosphere that she exudes, which makes everyone of this knight's head admire, this is cohesion.

Under her command.

Twenty monsters were quickly killed.


The problem is coming!

At the moment when the last monster was dead, the void began to distort, and the roar of the trampling sound came out of the void, as if it were an army of tens of thousands of people.

Twenty beasts die,

The next step is forty.

Doubled the increase!

Where is the monster?

Is there so many nine-order monsters in the entire Pangu Mountains?


Karin’s face changed slightly, and the sword waved and said: “Retreat!”

Twenty heads can be dealt with.


Forty of the nine-order monsters they can't be opponents.

There are too many.

The face of the black robe leader suddenly became cold and drank: "Without my orders, no one of you will be allowed to step back. If you dare to retreat, you will violate our previous agreement and will be punished by God. The ruling of the ruling office!"

Luo Tian could not help but swear: "Forty-nine nine-order monsters, they are not opponents at all, you are too cruel, right?"

The black robe teacher smiled and said: "Cruel? You seem to be very sympathetic to them, or do you like Kailin? She is so beautiful, any man will be touched by her beauty, you are exceptional? You want Save them? Then you can find out where the entrance is, otherwise they will all die."

Karin’s eyebrows sank.

The other knights looked at her.

Silence for a few seconds.

Karin’s sword screamed and said, “Ready to fight!”

The other paladins are a little glimpse.

At the same time, the long gun was also taken out, and the shield was in front of him, and he screamed heavily, "Drink!"

Several other Paladins also rushed to the same time.

Die and die together!

Born together!

At this time, they can't control that much.

The black robe teaches the owner with a cold smile on his face and smiles: "Look, this is the Knights! Hahaha..."

Luo Tian said to Liu Zhan and the saint: "We also join the battle!"

Liu Zhan summoned the colorful **** bow and said: "I have long wanted to join the battle I don't want some cold-blooded people, what is the use of the emperor's realm?"

The saint did not speak.

The white clothes moved gently, floating like a fairy, falling on the first front.

Kailin said coldly: "You'd better keep your life, because we won't take care of your life!"

The saint is also coldly saying: "Take care of yourself."

Liu Fatzi laughed and said excitedly: "It is always the best thing the young master wants to do with the two great girls."

Luo Tian looked at him as he saw him, and immediately looked at the black robe: "You don't shoot?"

The black robe teaches the master and laughs: "I don't have to waste energy in this place. Luo Tian, ​​they all have to die this wave, but you can rest assured that I won't let you die. If you want to save them, you are the most. Good to find the entrance, otherwise... oh..."


The third chapter is sent! 1148

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