Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1329: , 10th order is perfect...

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joke? !

Nature is not.

He wants to get a colorful stone compared to killing a saint.

What's more!

The saint is still here, and she does not need to rush to kill her.

When he gets the colorful **** stone, these people will die!

Luo Tian back sees a cold sweat, he really worried that the black robe will choose to kill the saint, in that case, he really can not stop, this feeling makes him very angry, "Imperial realm, emperor realm!!! ”

The gap in the realm is too uncomfortable!

If he has the ability to kill the black robe, he will not hesitate to kill him.


He didn't!

This feeling of powerlessness makes Luo Tian feel extremely angry.

The bite of the teeth squeaked.

The black robe teaches the faint smile: "Boy, you said that you are the only person in the world who knows where the king of the ancients is. Now even this first layer can't go down. You should always have that strength to prove it?"


Said here, the black robe leader slightly glanced at the distant Liu war, sneered and said: "I can put her life for the saint, but this fat man, oh..."

He is not joking.


From his eyes, Luo Tian is also grateful for the strong killing.

Liu Zhan clenched the colorful bow and said: "Boss, don't care about my life and death, not a death, 18 years later is a hero, a mother, a ghost, you will threaten my boss, you will What? There is a kind of killing me!"

The black robe leader did not look at Liu Zhan’s eyes at all, but stared at Luo Tian. The killing in his eyes was deeper.

at this time.

Karin and her Paladins cleaned up and all came up.

Looking at what had just happened, Karin’s heart was secretly moving. She was very disdainful about the practice of the black robe, but... because of the identity of the black robe, she must listen to her.

Many paladins are also watching Luo Tian.

Like Karin, they are very disdainful of the practice of the black robe.

Just so many monsters did not shoot, and now they actually start to their own people, is this still a human?

Karin knew the means of black robe and could not help but say: "If you know how to open the switch on the next layer, you can say it."

Luo Tian naturally won't take the life of the brother. He looked up at the mysterious rune on the top of his head and said faintly: "I just observed that all the runes in the cave lead to one place, if I didn't guess wrong. If you put in a specific thing inside, the second layer will open automatically."

He knew it from the beginning.


Luo Tian did not say it.

He originally wanted to use these monsters to consume Karin's Paladin, and later he changed his mind and wanted to recruit them.

The black robe lord glanced at the runes around him and said, "What is a specific thing?"

"Fat, you hold her." Luo Tian called out, then put on a meditation look, look at the east, look at the west, look at the top of the head, then look at the runes on the ground, and put on a high depth Unpredictable look, said: "I can only understand a small part of these runes, they are talking about springs or something."

"If I didn't guess wrong!"

"It should be this thing!"

Luo Tian went to the center, the place of the groove.

Holding a blood spring still rolling in his hand.

The black robe teacher’s face was amazed and said: “One of the gods who guard the family, the blood of the Nether!”


The black robe teacher looked at Luo Tian seriously and said: "The prophecy of God is correct. In this world, only you can take me to find the king of the ancients."


The black robe teaches the Lord: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and put it on."

Luo Tiandao: "I am afraid that it is difficult to open with the power of me alone..."

The black robe leader glanced at Kailin and said, "You go to help him, and look at his waste, it is really disgusting."

"Yes!" Karin walked to Luo Tian.

The two stood side by side, facing the black robe and teaching the Lord, and then Luo Tian pretend to call the ghosts, "Mali, 叽 扒 哄 哄 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

A lot of people can't understand.

at the same time.

Luo Tian gave a voice to Kailin.

Karin’s brow was tight.

Luo Tian took the lead and said: "I know that you don't believe me, but I also want to say that the black robe gets the colorful stone and will kill me and your paladin. Just now he can explain it slowly. No matter what your life and death are."

Karin did not answer.


Her heart was not shaken by Luo Tian’s words. She is the strongest Paladin in the ruling. Her Paladin is one of the strongest Paladins in Eurasia. The Holy See is extremely important to them. May destroy them.

Luo Tian also knows that Kailin will not be allowed to fight against water because of one or two sentences. If this is the case, then she is too worthless, and then he said: "You have to keep one more eye."


Luo Tian's hands jerked, holding the Nether Blood Spring into the groove.

Kailin squatted down at the same time and looked at Luo Tian and whispered: "Can you really find the king of the ancients?"

Luo Tian did not speak.

The blood spring is placed in the groove, rolled up in the groove, and then, like it is alive, the overflowing blood begins to flow out along the surrounding rune groove, the speed is very fast, and even the top of the hole is flowing with blood.

Luo Tian looked at Kailin's slight smile and didn't say anything. Instead, she turned and looked at the black robe and taught: "The entrance to the second floor is about to open, but... if I didn't guess wrong, the first layer of guardian God will appear. No one is his opponent. If you don't shoot again, we will die."

This is the subconscious mind cultivated in the game.

If the death forest is the first level, then this is the second level.

It is impossible not to keep the BOSS.

After that, Luo Tian again voiced to Kailin and said: "Do you believe that the black robe will save you?"

Karin gave a slight glimpse and said: "The black robe has his thoughts. We have been loyal to the Holy See since birth..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

The whole cave began to turmoil.

The central groove on the top of the cave was also full, and the upper and lower blood springs began to echo. A barrier appeared behind Luo Tian. The space began to rotate and twist, and a thick and strange laughter came out of the space. "Oh... I can’t think of the ghost of the old ghost who was killed."


"Just do not want to go out from here alone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all will die here."


A void rushed out of space.


A huge, muscular exploding werewolf king came out, and in a moment it turned into an adult shape!

no doubt.

The beast of the great perfection, the strength is comparable to the strongest in the realm of the emperor!

Horror is incomparable!


Brothers, I immediately collected 200,000, 200,000 brothers, support the old cow! R1148

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