Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1335: , 闯3 off

This chapter is grateful to ‘ī_佐掱诫指’ 10,000 book coins for friendship and support, thank you!


The tone is firm and there is no room for manoeuvre.


The old woman did not shoot.

There are no monsters around to rush out.

If this is a game, then there must be a place for BuG.

Luo Tian’s brain turned quickly, and immediately thought of the thigh bone. He said, “Grandma, you will let us go in the part of the thigh bone.”


He also whispered to Kailin and said: "Without my orders, no one is allowed to act rashly."

If it is really the same as the saint.

It would be useless for them to practice for another ten or eight years. It is not an opponent of the old woman.

The first wizard in the ancient continent.

What is the existence of this embarrassment?

Maybe, the mountain she climbed is not high, or his wizard is not strong, but she is an old monster who has been practicing for tens of thousands of years. The reason why she can defend the second level is enough to prove that her strength is better than that. The beast is strong, this is beyond doubt!

The old woman’s eyes moved gently, as if she was meditating, and she seemed to be asleep. After stopping for a while, her eyes lifted gently and said: “Well, my wife will give you a break, so it’s good, we Compare the three levels, as long as you can win my wife, I will let you in!"


Luo Tian took a moment.

Liu Zhan said: "Grandma, you are the first wizard, we are not your opponents together, how is it compared?"

"That's right."

"There is no comparability at all."

"This is still an exception."


Compared with the first wizard?


The title is still her out, can win?

It is impossible at all!


Luo Tian has no choice.

The old woman looked at Luo Tian and smiled as if she was waiting for Luo Tian’s reply.

Luo Tian said: "Grandma, what do you say we are?"

Since there is no choice, you can only go to the test!

The old woman meditated again, and then she thought of an excitement. "I don't remind you that I don't know that I am a wizard. I have the power of heaven. Then we will summon the alien monsters!"

She is happy like a child.


The expression is very real, just like I really forget that I am a wizard.


"Are you not a martyr? No one here is a wizard, how can I summon a strange monster?"

"Yes, how is this compared?"


Karin’s Paladin was noisy.

Although they are in Eurasia, they also know what is the power of heaven and what is a wizard.

Only the wizard can summon the alien monsters.

Luo Tian also showed a distressed expression, said: "Grandma, we have no wizards here, can you change a project?"

When they listened to Luo Tian, ​​they didn't have a wizard, the old woman was more happy, and the scepter slammed, and gave a slight sigh, "Give me out!"



In the space on her right side began to twist, the void moved, a small white dog fart turned out from the void, walked to the side of the old woman to waddle, a familiar look, very pitiful.

The old woman moved her right hand and took out a piece of bone and lost it. "Eat, eat, starve you."

That bone is just the thigh bone.

Just bitten by her.

They all thought that the old woman likes to eat bones. I didn't expect her to just feed her little pet dog.

After feeding, the old woman smiled and said to Luo Tiandao: "It's yours."

Karin took a step forward and said: "I can't do it? If it doesn't work, let me summon the horse. Is this a summoning? My horse is a sixth-order monster, which is much stronger than his puppy." ""

The sound is not big.


Someone, no, it should be that a dog is not happy.

Even the sixth-order horse is better than him?

He is naturally unhappy.

In an instant.

Its body suddenly changed, directly into two meters high, three meters long, extremely ferocious dogs, with mysterious runes, bursts of halo under the feet, abnormal sputum, two eyes 狠Staring at Kailin, my teeth are exposed...

This Nima is even stronger than the 9th-order monster.

The old woman gently stroked its hair and smiled slightly: "This is my rune war dog. The runes you saw in Pangu Cave are all refining. It hates others saying it is weak, it is very unhappy."

Originally thought that this is a lost puppy was summoned by the old woman, I did not expect to be a big guy.

For a time.

Karin’s face is ugly.

The same is true of her Knights.

Luo Tian smiled lightly and said: "It doesn't matter, there is me."

Karin looked at Luo Tian and said: "Your cultivation is just a real world, and there is no power of heaven. Can you do it?"

Luo Tian said: "Try it, don't know if you are sure."

Losing a game is equal to losing your qualifications!

In other words.

You can't lose in one game in three games.


Luo Tian spit out a breath, then his eyes sank, his right hand moved toward the void, and said: "Fire unicorn, give me out!"

The idea is moving.

Unleash the skill of summoning the beast.

The void is moving.

A unicorn with a sacred breath came out of the dark void, and the body was savage and savage.

The little white dog was immediately scared to become a puppy, and jumped into the arms of the old woman and cried.

Karin’s face was shocked. She looked at the fire unicorn and looked at Luo Tian. Her heart secretly said: “Who is he? Is he a wizard, but even a wizard can’t summon it as ever? Against the heavenly beast?"

The Paladin of the Knights behind her is also the same expression as her.

In this moment.


“Congratulations to the intimacy of the player 'Rosie’ and ‘Kelene, the Golden Knights’ +10”


Increased intimacy!

This is because they admire Luo Tian.

The old woman was also shocked. She looked at the fire unicorn and looked at her eyes. She said: "I can’t think of someone in this world who is not a wizard but can summon a strange beast. Although you look like this monster, but not There must be my puppy, but I lost this game."

She can see the shortcomings of the fire unicorn at a glance!

The first wizard is not white.

Luo Tian’s hands were slightly arched and said: “Thank you!”

The old woman went on to say: "The second level is better than the ability to bear. You pick one person. Who can resist the attack of my puppy and ten strokes, even if you win, if you can't resist it, you will lose."

"Special reminder."

"My puppy dog ​​especially likes to eat people, especially young people like you."

"of course."

"You can also choose to admit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ giggling..."

The old woman smirked.

The strength of the puppy is definitely more than the nine-order monster, who can resist the ten attacks of the nine-order monster?

Even Kailin, who is the peak of the Holy Spirit, can't resist it.

At this time, Luo Tian took a step forward and said: "I am coming!"

If one level can increase the intimacy of 10 points, if the intimacy reaches one hundred points, you can surrender them. It is even harder, Luo Tian will kneel down, everything is for you! ! !


The fourth chapter is sent!

I really can't code any more... The vision is getting worse and worse. I just strolled to the mall and saw a banner "Li Yuchun B". Who is the big enemy of Li Yuchun? Closer look, I rely! It is "Li Ning Chun installed 20% off....R1148

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