Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1337: , Xuanwu blood pulse...

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What Luo Tian has to bear, he is very clear.


Prince of the Sea!

Tianxuan Mountain, wizard.

Antidote to Soul!

It’s like a mountain on his body, it’s hard to bear!


He must bear it.

Men, you should be a little bit guilty about yourself.

If you can't even do this, you can't go on. How can he go on, how can he face Li Xueer who has been unconscious for him? How to face the brothers and women on Tian Xuan mainland?

Luo Tian knows very well what he is going to enter the ancient continent.

Just to find the antidote to the soul poison!

As long as you complete the mission, you can earn points, you can participate in the selection, you can go to the Abyss College, you can get the shadow concentrate, you can create a dark weapon to increase the chance of spike, you can truly stand in this world.

Then become the strongest student, won the place to climb the mountain, become a wizard, refine the antidote, help the fantasy fairy to cultivate the flesh.

all of these!

It is what he has to do.

Forcing him to be desperate.


Luo Tian coughed a few times, the blood coughed out, the body shivered, and pouted to the little white dog: "The last trick, come on!"


There is no silence around, and the needle can be heard.

Everyone is watching Luo Tian.

So people's hearts are tight together, like listening to beating.

The white dog's gaze became more and more fierce. Every time he attacked, Luo Tian stood up like a humiliation to him. The last move he would never let Luo Tian stand up again.


His body blew a burst of white light!

"The power of the demon?"

The old woman’s face was shocked, and the scepter moved, slamming out a loud voice, saying: “Little white, no!”


The little white dog was very angry. He didn’t listen to the old woman’s words at all. He sent out all the power in the demon, and his mouth showed a sharp fang, his body was like electricity, and he rushed out.


His body disappeared instantly.

Even the holy women can't see.

"Be careful!"

"Luo Tian adults!"


"The speed of this ... the impact of the power has surpassed the power of the nine-order Great Perfection."


Everyone's face is drastic.

The little white dog is too fast and too powerful.


The demon dan is the crystallization of a sorcerer's cultivation. It contains the power of the demon beast for decades, hundreds of years, and even thousands of years. This kind of power is very terrifying.

Fantasy fairy finally couldn’t help but said: "Defense! Hurry up defense!"

Not waiting for Luo Tian reaction.

She directly covered the power in her body to cover Luo Tian.

Luo Tian thought of a move!

Directly blocking the power released by the fantasy fairy.

Without the consent of Luo Tian, ​​the power of the fantasy fairy cannot be instantly defended.

Luo Tian's body sank, his fists clenched, and smiled slightly: "I want to become stronger, fantasy fairy, let me become stronger!"

The pupil is moving.

A white black dot rushed up.

Luo Tian's body slammed tightly, and the strength of the four-level body was released, and the muscles were like iron. The scene was violent, and the face was flushed, and a desperate scream, "Ah!"

Meet the strongest blow.

This time.

God burst out.

The fourth grade is released.

The basaltic bloodline defense was also released.

In this moment of the moment.

A very powerful force shocked.

Come to the power of this alien monster!






The moment of contact.

The power exploded, and the lines of power burst out, just like fireworks in the air, the power of that shock exceeded everything.

The old woman’s eyes were shocked. “Good boy!”

Luo Tian did not move!

The little white dog stopped at his place three meters away, panting, "screaming..."

The body looks extremely tired.

There is no more smugness in my eyes, and I am shocked by it!

In the moment just now.

The body is soaring! Reach level five!

What surprised Luo Tian was that under the heavy blow of the basaltic blood, a powerful defense was erupted, and the moment of the moment was awakened. The second blood of the four beasts, the basaltic blood vessels awakened.


The whole body is very painful, but Luo Tian is also grateful for the excitement.

The improvement of physical strength made him feel very comfortable.

Looking at Luo Tian's excited look, Xiaobai dog looked at Luo Tian seriously, his eyes filled with respect. Just now he did not hit Luo Tian with a full blow. He was indeed very strong and instantly became a docile one. The little white dog jumped into the arms of the old woman.

Luo Tian smiled and looked at the old woman, saying: "I won!"


"Ha ha ha... The boss won."

"The collision between the strongest strength and the strongest defense was just too shocking."

"I have never seen such a strong body, and it is stronger than the monsters of our Holy See who practice the flesh to the extreme."

"Luo Tian adults, you are so handsome."


Everyone is boiling.


“Congratulations to players ‘Root’ and ‘Kelyn, Paladin’ to be intimate +10”


“Congratulations to the players ‘Root’ and ‘Kelene, the Paladin’ are intimate +10.”


Six beeps sounded in succession.

The intimacy rose directly to 90%, and it was 100% after 10 o'clock. By that time, Kailin and her Paladin would definitely be absorbed by themselves.

As long as you get this Knights, it is worth paying more.

Everyone is so excited.


Karin’s rare smile is so happy that she laughed for the first time in a few years.

The old woman laughed too. He said: "I didn't want to fight in your body. There is even an incredible power. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the basaltic blood, the strongest defense blood on the ancient continent, good boy."

Luo Tian said: "Grandma, you can see it at a glance."

"There is still the third level!"

The first two passes have passed, leaving only the last level.

Just pass and you will be on the last floor!

The old woman smiled and said: "This third level is very simple."


The little white dog lifted his eyes and looked at the old woman's tears, screaming in her arms, and reluctantly look like it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The old lady gently stroked its forehead and said: "Follow it, Your world will be more exciting, and following my wife for so many years, you will be wronged."


The old woman looked at Luo Tian seriously and said: "The third level is to help me take care of Xiaobai. From today, you are his master."


Luo Tian has some reactions.

at this time.

The old woman suddenly walked to the center of the six-pointed star map, and the scepter slammed for a while, and the power of the heavenly election rose to the sky. "Give me a break!"



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