
"The prophecy of God is really right!"

"This kid really went into the third floor."


Outside the Pangu Cave.

The black moon hides in another inconspicuous darkness.

His mind has been stuck in the breath he has left on Luo Tian. Although he can't see it, he can roughly guess what happened through their dialogue.

The first wizard of the ancient times used it as an entrance.

this point.

Even if he goes in the black moon, I am afraid I can't do it.

The expression of the black moon was shocked and murmured. "I will find the king of the ancients immediately. The secret of tens of thousands of years will be solved. Hahaha... Colorful stone, he is mine, he must be me. of!"

Nearly crazy.



Everyone is keeping up. ”

Karin followed me in the second.

The sacred woman walked in with the third white, and then the Liu war, followed by the Paladin.


I can't reach my fingers.


The darkness in it cannot be seen through their cultivation.

It is endless darkness, like in the abyss.

Moreover, the entrance passage is much longer than expected. Luo Tian supported the wall and said to the people behind him: "One followed, don't fall behind!"

"Who has any lighting items?"

Luo Tianchao said behind the team.

Many people in the Paladin have come out with bright gems, but this jewel has no effect at all in the passage. It is used for illumination, but it does not produce any light. Anything like glitter is swallowed by the surrounding darkness. The same.

What is ahead?

I can't see it at all!

How far is the front?

I don't know, I still can't see it.

This feeling made Luo Tianxin very uncomfortable, and his mind moved and spread out.

"Hey, hey..."

The mind was swallowed up in an instant, and I couldn’t feel any breath.

They seem to enter a dark independent space. Luo Tian’s heart is rising with a bad feeling. The heart is dark: “The last time the King of the Ancients took my mind to enter here, there is no such dark passage. ”


Luo Tian exhaled a sigh of relief and directly conveyed to him with his thoughts: "Master, I am here to save you!"

"Master, I am here to save you."


I have said a few words in a row, and there is no echo.

Kailin reminded, "Would we go the wrong way?"

The saint also followed: "It seems to be an independent space. Our mind sensing is completely useless. Any lighting objects are useless. I am afraid that something will happen if I continue."


Darkness always makes people feel scared.

The darkness here is even more special!


Luo Tian took a deep breath again and said: "Everyone stops moving forward."


He wants to see if there are few people.

Fortunately, the people are there.

Luo Tianxin’s heart was slightly loose, and then he stepped forward. “I use the power of soaring in the blood of Suzaku to see if I can take care of the road ahead. You should pay attention to it.”

Karin was surprised again.

Just now she heard the old woman said that Luo Tian had basaltic blood in his body. He did not expect that there was another blood force in his body.

Holy Virgin: "If you know that there are four blood vessels in his body, and they are all god-level blood, you will be even more shocked. He is the one who has the blood of the four gods and the talent of the gods."


"Spiritual talent, people who have won the gods?" Karin was shocked and stared at Luo Tian, ​​and her heart was extremely shocked.

Luo Tianmei's heart moved, and he sipped aloud, "Suzaku's power, give me a drive!"


Suzaku suddenly moved in the sea of ​​Luo Tian’s knowledge.

"Take off!"


A fiery red Suzaku flew directly from Luo Tian's body, vacated and shone.

The flames on Suzaku are completely different from ordinary flames.

She can crush all the power of evil.

It is also in this moment.

"White bones!"

"All are bones!"

"Oh my God, the bones of the mountains!"


Everyone's face was pale and pale.

In front of them is a bone-like mountain, all skulls, standing at the top of the skull, a man with a black armor, with two horns on his forehead, bloody, eyebrows like a sword, and his armor exudes a black breath.

Holding a huge knife under his hands.

Black knife!

The knife also emits black arrogance, and the endless hegemony.

It is very taboo.

The darkness around him was all released from him.

That kind of evil.

The power of arrogance makes everyone's minds tremble.

Look at Luo Tian's feeling that the heart is being crushed and stopped beating. "Too powerful breath."

The face of the saint suddenly became cold, and said slightly: "The guardian of the gods!"


Luo Tian’s eyes suddenly stunned, “Devil God?”

The saint nodded and said: "You can also call him the demon god. He is the strongest person to guard the family. He was the seal of the king of the ancients. He heard that he is the one who can win the gods and bear with him. The robbing and baptism of the gods, but ... he did not enter the domain of God, what is it for, no one knows, I can not think he is still guarded here."

Phoenix Tianshan has all the information on the ancient continent.

The saint is also inferred from the costumes of the man and the endless magical flames released from him.

"Condensed the godhead?"

"Does that not surpass the existence of the perfection of the emperor's realm?"

Luo Tian's heart is as gray as he is, but... When he carefully looked at the demon **** Chiyou, there was a feeling of familiarity inside him, and the kind of breath that he released from him also felt an inexplicable familiarity.

If this is the case, then it is not possible for him to be an opponent.

Karin whispered, "What should I do?"

The fire of Suzaku in the air is getting weaker and weaker, and some of her can't stand the dark magic flame that rushes toward him. After half a minute, the surrounding area is restored to the endless darkness.


Still retired?

Progress is definitely to face the devil.


Luo Tian bit his teeth and said to Kailin: "You bring people out first, and the saints go out together."

"how about you?"

At the same time, the two asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luo Tian smiled lightly and said easily: "You forgot what the black moon said. I am the person in God's prophecy. I will definitely find the king of the ancients. Get the colorful stone and believe me."

"But... you are alone." Kailin said with no confidence.

Luo Tian smiled and said: "You will drag me down here, you will be waiting for my good news outside."

Karin said: "Be careful with yourself."

They believe that prophecy.

Although the saint is not very convinced, she has no other way.

Ten minutes later, they retired along the same path.

Luo Tian looked at the darkness of nothingness, and drank a heavy drink, saying: "The king of the ancients, come out!"


The old cow is seven hundred and twenty degrees rotating to ask for a monthly ticket!

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