Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1351: Explosive



"Hey, hey..."

On the cheek.

A drop of tears hit.

Tears slipped into the mouth, salty, but Luo Tian felt very sweet.

A girl is crying for him!


The most terrible thing is that this girl has nothing to wear, a piece of light, she is held in her arms, this is the best pillow in the world, people are not willing to move more.

"Luo Tian, ​​you don't want to die!"

"I don't want you to die..."

"If you are my life and death, then I am willing to die."


The sacred cry of the sacred woman, she did not know what happened to her, just want to cry, tears can not stop flowing down, completely unable to control.

Perhaps it is because of the cultivation of yin and yang.

It may also be that Luo Tian has long been in her heart.

It is also possible that because of her sister Xue, the twins are connected, she is crying instead of her sister?


As for which one?

She couldn't tell, she only knew that she was very sad. She looked at Luo Tian's face and her heart was like tearing.

So that ... she even Luo Tian has completely recovered, the body is already warm, his face is already rosy.

Listening to the saints, the tears in her eyes were watching her, and Luo Tian’s heart hurt.

"Life and death?"

"I am his catastrophe?"

at this moment.

Luo Tian’s heart suddenly sinks, because he suddenly thinks of the snow in Tian Xuan’s mainland. If it is not because of himself, Cher can’t make a poisonous attack, and it’s impossible to be unconscious until now. That kind.

Is it...

Is it also the life and death of Cher?

this moment.

Luo Tian suddenly hated himself. "Xueer sister is because I became a vegetative person. Now I am not sure about life and death. I can't let her sister do it again, absolutely not!"

"Luo Tian!"

"You can't afford anyone, you can't be sorry for Cher!"


Luo Tian pretended that the body suddenly moved, then controlled the body and slammed a big cough, "Call...call...suck..."

The heavy gasp breathed out, the body suddenly slammed, and stupidly said: "Is the king of the ancients dead?"

A sacred girl, staring at Luo Tian with both eyes, then...

She suddenly plunged into the arms of Luo Tian.

Luo Tian did not respond at all, his body jerked, and the whole body was the same as the electric shock.

Luo Tian would like to give himself a slap.

The two are holding this, as long as a man will react.

not to mention.

The body of the saint is too tempting.

The niece squatted on Luo Tian’s shoulder and rubbed Luo Tian’s back. He cried even more. “It’s all you, it’s all you, you are scared me, do you know how much I worry about you? Do you know if you know, ah..."

Luo Tian’s heart melted.


His hands were suspended in the air and did not hug.

"Oh shit!"

"What is life and death, what is catastrophic, Laozi does not believe in life, does not believe in the sky, Laozi only believes in himself." Luo Tian double-handedly clenched, and then the bride hugged tightly, gently said in her ear: "I'm sorry, I am sorry!"

do my best.

This time a man will hold her tightly and comfort her.

Luo Tian originally wanted to keep a distance from the saint.


He changed his mind.

People, everything depends on oneself.

Believe that people will win the day!

What about fate dominance?

Luo Tian believes that he can change his destiny and tightly invade the saints into his arms. His eyes are firm, firm, and firm, and he silently said: "Snow sister, if you are in Tianxuan mainland because of me, you In that way, then in the ancient mainland, Luo Tian swears that I will never let your sister because I am under a little danger, I will use her life to protect her, and I will use my life to protect you. Waiting for me, I will be fast. Refining the antidote to the soul!"


The determined eyes of Luo Tian’s eyes are stronger than ever.

The saint seemed to feel that Luo Tian was different. She stopped crying and leaned gently on Luo Tian’s shoulder.

She is in Luo Tian.

Luo Tian also hugged her.

The two men were quietly holding, and no one spoke.

ten minutes later.


Luo Tian gently stunned.

Also at this moment.

The face of the saint is red, and the body explodes quickly.

Very fast!

Just like lightning, the clothes on the ground were put on.

Luo Tian is also a bit embarrassed.

Ma Li's clothes.

Even if he is alive again, he will not be able to take the saint at this time.

What's more.

The tears of the Virgin just made him more unable to do things that hurt her. He wants to protect her, unless she is willing, otherwise, Luo Tian will never move her hair.

Luo Tian got dressed and stood up and quickly changed the subject. "I don't know how they are outside?"

at this time.

He couldn't help but open the system to see what the king of the ancients had exploded.

Looking at the purple gods in the space ring, Luo Tian is not excited.

Then I saw the colorful **** stone... "Broken out, hahaha... The girl 娲 天 天 天, ha ha ha... I have to refine and refine the refining, the power of creation is a very powerful existence, directly killing the realm of emperor The existence of the strong?"

It is also a time.

Luo Tian saw another fast-blooded stone, crystal clear, and shimmered with a thick and radiant glow. He couldn’t help but take it out and put it in his palm. In order to resolve it, he deliberately asked the girl: "Do you know what?"

The saint took a look.

His face suddenly changed, his breath was forgotten, and he stepped up and stared at Luo Tian’s palm. He said with excitement: "God, God, God, Godhead! The **** of the ancient king."

Phoenix Tianshan has a record on the gods~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She has also seen graphics, so I know.

Just at this time.

The little white dog that has been hidden by the saint in the space ring suddenly rushed out like an arrow, flew over Luo Tian’s palm, and took the godhead of Luo Tian’s palm to the past...

———————————————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————— Modify the chapter, harmony, sorry for the old cow! ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————

Seeking a monthly ticket! Brothers

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