Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1353: And finally got it...

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Recognize the Lord!

In an instant.

The stone on the palm of Luo Tian reveals the original shape.

Dragon handle jade!

Underneath the jade, the monster that Luo Tian has never seen before is very incomparable. With the power of infinite repression, the whole body of the beast is carved with a simple rune, and the rune character is like a living. The same, faint and moving, it is possible to rush out at any time.

“This is the source of power in the ancient continent?”

Luo Tianxin was slightly shocked.

The saint looked at the gods with a slight glimpse, and then smiled and said: "I know that it is not a thing, its body contains a very powerful force, no wonder can suppress the evil spirit of the ancient king."

She doesn't know what the **** of the gods is.

I don't know what happened outside.

Many places have already flowed into the river.

Many towns have fallen.

The demons that were tens of thousands of years ago have awakened and are killing the continent.


Luo Tian looked at the saint and did not explain it. He smiled slightly: "Well, now it recognizes the Lord."


The **** of the palm of your hand disappeared.



The **** of the gods appeared on his palm, and Luo Tianxin secretly smiled. His heart asked: "Fantasy girl, this **** of the gods, I can't see his attributes. Is it really as powerful as you said? ?"

Luo Tian tried to use the system to view the properties of the God of Heaven.

But nothing can be seen!

Fantasy fairy said: "Big stupid, of course it is true."

"It is said that the ancient continent was created by a mighty saint from this stone. It is the source of the power of the world, but... over the years, the ancient world has its own rules of space and various laws. It is no longer the source of power in this world, but it is still very powerful, not only can help you suppress the demon, but also help you strengthen the body, then you will know his benefits."

"just now……"

Fantasy fairy smiled and said: "Now I don't worry that your body can't bear it anymore. If you have it, your flesh will not be as dead as it was."


Luo Tian took a moment and didn't ask much.

Fantasy fairy will not lie to him.

Since she said that she can help her strengthen her body, it must be very useful.

"I am now a six-level body. If I am still dead, I can use the dragon **** to ban the dragon." Luo Tianxin was secretly excited, and he looked forward to him on this day, and immediately looked at the saint: "Let's go out, Don't let them wait too long."


Outside the cave.

The black moon in stealth.

He is so excited that he can't!


"It turned out to be really successful."

"The prophecy is really right, hahaha... kid, hurry up, the colorful stone is mine, all the treasures in you are mine, hahaha..." The black moon is boiling.

He has seen himself become the master of the ancients.

See yourself as the strongest king on this continent!

"Come on, come on, hahaha..."

He can't wait.


In the time and space cracks over the Pangu Mountains.

Huangfu never looked for it.

"where is it?"

"Luo Tian, ​​is it you?"

"The people of the Holy See are coming."

"Where is it?"


He is looking for Luo Tian everywhere.

When I saw the dark clouds over the Pangu Mountains, the darkness of the clouds and the turmoil of the heavens and the earth, the demon's arrogance spread for thousands of kilometers, and the heart of the emperor was suddenly tightened. He viewed the historical documents.

I know that Pangu Cave is suppressing the king of the ancients.


Even if he is not sure, he will enter Pangu Cave.

He did not expect it.

Someone accepted this task, and this person is likely to be Luo Tian!

For a thousand points, Luo Tianyi took the risk...this...

Huangfu is extremely worried.


He is also extremely anxious.

As the head of the Zhongzhou mainland ancestral gate, Yunxiao College is bound to be chaotic at the moment. The Wan Moe is out of the earthquake. At this time, he must call on everyone to fight against each other, the most important point.

He must be present!

"Where is it, boy!"

The idea of ​​non-stop search, still did not notice any of the atmosphere of Luo Tian, ​​even the breath of the strong man of the Holy See seems to disappear instantly, which makes the emperor feel unpredictable.



"Boss, hahaha..."

"You finally came out, the king of the ancients was killed by you." Liu Zhan's eyes were filled with tears, and he rushed up and hugged Luo Tian, ​​watching them come out and greet them for the first time. .

Karin is also a look of excitement.

The knights behind her are even more excited.

"Luo Tian adults, you are really too strong."

"Ha ha ha... From today you are the only idol of my Jack."

"I admire you too much."


Everyone in the Paladins admires Luo Tian.

In the face of the king of the ancients, you can still retreat.

at this time.

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and took a stone with a strange ray of light from his arms and handed it to Karin. He said seriously: "This is the colorful **** stone, you take it!"

There is no slightest reluctance.

There is no hesitation at all.

Everyone was shocked by the silence.

The colorful **** stone contains the power of creation.

If it is completely refining, and has unrivalled power, Luo Tian does not hesitate to give it to others?

Karin shook, and her body shook a little.

Luo Tian smiled and said: "This is the bargaining chip for you in Eurasia. Even if the Holy See is to embarrass you, the royal family of Eurasia will protect you, Karin. This is my first commitment to you. This is also what you should be. Got it."


Karin looked at Luo Tian seriously.


She is kneeling on one knee.


The same is true of the fifteen paladins behind her, one kneeling on one knee.

"I am Kailin!"

"I Karen!"

"My Jack..."

All the paladins reported their names, one hand on the chest, and the two eyes admiring Luo Tian, ​​and then they said in unison: "I will always be loyal to you, never renegade, violate the promise, the soul will be dark Forever swallowed."


“Congratulations to the players ‘Root’ and ‘Kelene, the Paladin’ are intimate +10, reaching 100%!”

"Congratulations to the player "Luo Tian" to recruit the 'Golden Holy Knights' to gain 1000000 points and 10,000 points."


"Congratulations to the player 'Rosie' has the experience of the Paladin ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ St. Howards will kill you half."


Luo Tianxin was shocked. "Half of the experience has developed since then, hahaha..."


Luo Tian also said very seriously: "From today, you are my brother of Luo Tian, ​​the closest relative, no matter what the future, I will try my best to protect each of you."

Finally got it!

Next, go out and sweep!


Thank you for your support and support from the brothers! R1148

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