Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1367: I am coming to kill the light...

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The entire Deng family is filled with a suffocating murderous.

The sudden appearance of Luo Tian made them somewhat unresponsive.

They also discussed how to deal with Luo Tian at the moment, and Luo Tian appeared in front of them at this moment. All this was too sudden.


Deng Leigong stared at Luo Tian in the yard, his eyes were bloodshot, and the hatred of his son was poured into his heart. He said: "Luo Tian, ​​you finally came. Since you came, it is called All your helpers are coming out."


Luo Tian smiled a little, and swept his eyes and found that the owners of the four major families were there. He smiled slightly: "It seems that I am coming, I don’t think you are here, so I will save one by one. Go find it."

Deng Leigong sneered and said: "There is no helper, how can you kill the white elders, Luo Tian, ​​I can't think of you in a few months without seeing you become so insidious, the strongest of Yunxiao College must hide in the dark. Sneak attack?"

He always believes that there are strong people who are helping Luo Tian.


Even if the speed of cultivation is fast, it is impossible to cultivate in the short period of time to the point where the magical peaks will be spiked. This is impossible.

There must be a strong man to help him in the dark!

It is difficult for a common warrior to break through once in a few months.


Is Luo Tian an ordinary warrior?


The speed of his cultivation is not measured by time, but by experience!

As long as there is enough experience, he can rise dozens of levels a day, even direct 100 is possible!

"Luo Tian, ​​despicable villain, I can't think of you in the Yunxiao College, but I learned to attack!"

"A waste in the district also dared to come to Lingyun City. At first you escaped like a dog. If you dare to come today, then you don't want to live again."

"Where is the guard?"

"Take this dog thing!"

"Luo Tian, ​​do you think that we are still the four big families a few months ago? Then you are very wrong. Our current power has surpassed the gold power. If you are more than enough to deal with you, you are ready to die." ”


They are not particularly afraid.


Behind them are the mountains and seas.

There is also the demon supreme.

Not to mention Luo Tian, ​​even if the strongest of the Yunxiao Academy came, he did not dare to act rashly.

Luo Tianqi smiled coldly and said: "Come on, you all come together, today Laozi wants to kill."

"In the beginning!"

"The moment I left from Lingyun City, I secretly vowed that one day I will come back. I will uproot these four families, and use your head, your blood to avenge the white uncle!"

"Deng Leigong, was the white uncle you killed?"

The voice fell.

Luo Tian stepped out.


A line of strength under the foot is ejected like a cockroach.

Deng Leigong’s knowledge of the sea slammed into the air, and it was crushed like never before. The body trembled uncontrollably. The forehead oozes fine cold sweat and is forced to wear hard air. “When it’s damn, I give him a chance to live. He doesn't know how to cherish, but...if it is not because of you, he will not die, Bai is still the white family, to say who killed it, I think this person should be you."

"It will be a sophistry!"

"Since you have given the opportunity to start a white uncle, then I will also give you a chance to live."

"Your Majesty!"

"I confessed to the dead white uncle, I will leave you a dog." Luo Tian said not slowly.

Also at this time.

Deng Leigong’s eldest son sneaked out and screamed. “You count something, it’s **** white, Luo Tian, ​​you can give me hell?”

"Thunder and a sword!"


There is a thick force of lightning on the sword, just like the thunder is angry.

The distance is very short.

Plus it was a sudden attack.

The power of this sword is extremely powerful.

Many people have a sneer on their faces.

"It's still too young."

"Ha ha ha... Luo Tian, ​​this is going to die."

"Kill him!"


Everyone’s face was loose.

Deng Lei’s heart was greatly appreciated by the eldest son’s move. He also believed that Luo Tian could not hide this sword. As long as Luo Tian was injured, he would attack immediately and would kill Luo Tian.


What is unexpected is that.

Luo Tian's body does not seem to move.


Strangely, Deng Jin flew out.

I ran into the wall of the yard, and then...not waiting for him to slip down, a long sword directly nailed him to the wall, his eyes were horrified, protruding, and he didn’t know what was going on. It was all too fast.

Even the screams didn't come out urgently.

Hell? !

There was no sound around, and my mouth was staring at Luo Tian tightly.

what happened?

They don't know at all.

What happened?

What happened just now?

Deng Leigong watched his son cruelly killed, his body sank and almost stood still.


"The magical realm!"

A voice came from behind the crowd. A purple elder came out and stared at Luo Tian. He was careful. "I have heard of some of your things. I can’t think of the growth in just a few months. I have never seen it!"


"You are still tender, and the fifth stage of the fantasy is more than enough for the waste family of Lingyun City, but... you are unlucky today and meet me." The elders of purple clothes went to the front and their faces were proud. Sneer.

If there is only Luo Tian, ​​he is not in the eye.

The fifth stage of the magic!

Not at all his opponent.

When I heard that the elders of the purple dress said that Luo Tian’s cultivation had reached the fifth stage of the magical fantasy, the faces of the four masters had turned into pig liver color. Is this still a human?


"How did he do that."

"The comet, the comet, it seems that we really get rid of people who shouldn't be provoked."

"Fart, there is a need for the elders of the mountains and seas to be afraid of him."


Luo Tianwei smiled and said: "You are their backing?"

The elders of the purple dress said: "Yes, the Deng family in Lingyun City is already the affiliated force of my mountain and sea magic, although they are of no use, but since I am here, I can't let others bully them."

Luo Tian said: "I don't want to bully them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The elders of purple clothes have a glimpse. Some reactions are not here.

Luo Tian went on to say: "I just came to kill them, nothing more!"

"As for you..."

"Do you think that you can stop me with the cultivation of your fantasy?"

"Do you know what is blocking my end?"

The purple elder is a little angry.

Luo Tian pointed to the white elders on the ground and said: "He is the end."

The elders of purple clothes were completely angry, their hands were clawed, and the wind was blowing, and they rushed toward Luo Tianchong. "Look for death!"


The second chapter is delivered, and there is a chapter in the evening! R1148

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