Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1377: I have no money...

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"it has started!"

"A lot of talented martial artists who had been in the field of super talents yesterday went out. They have to participate in this trial. They are the most perverted existence of Yunxiao College, and... this year, the demon is in trouble, I heard this exchange. There will also be a selection of new teams formed by the two colleges to resist the demon army. This is a famous opportunity, who may miss it."

"You guess who can win this year?"

"This is also used to say that of course, those talented geniuses, we must know that Yunxiao College's secret training ground is the strongest secret of Zhongzhou mainland, and it can quickly make repairs as a surge. Who can be their opponents? ”

"That's not necessarily, don't you forget that this year's freshman has a super talent of talented talent, he is stronger than the talent of the Haijia Prince."

"What do you mean by Luo Tian who has the blood of the four gods?"

"His talent is really powerful, but you don't forget it. It's useless, it has to be powerful. He was still in the primary realm a month ago, and can he be promoted to him in a month?"

"There is one more thing to forget. He doesn't even have the qualification to participate in this exchange. How can he participate without points?"



On the stage of the Yunxiao Academy, the crowds are crowded and lively.

The selection of this year's exchange meeting is particularly important.

In addition to Yunxiao College, the major forces in Yunxiao City also sent disciples to participate in Yunxiao College.

The devil is in trouble.

This is a great opportunity.

No one will miss the opportunity to raise family awareness.

The sea family is even more impossible.


Mission hall.

In front of Chen Falun.

Luo Tian brow wrinkled, once again asked: "The task I finished, now you should give me the points!"

Chen Falun is the elder of the mission hall.

He looked at Luo Tian's face with a smile and said: "Luo Tian, ​​I don't want to give you points. You said that you completed the task of the King of the Ancients, but you did not bring his body back. How do you believe me? ?"

"Do you always have some evidence?"

"There is no evidence to prove that you are completing the task. How can I give you points? Even if I am willing to give you points, what if I have to run all the time in the next time, I can't give them points?"

He is the elder of the mission hall, and he controls the distribution of points.

To complete the task, you must come up with evidence.

The description of the mission criteria is clear.

These Luo Tian also know.


The body of the king of the ancients turned into a powder, where did he go to get the flesh?

How can you prove yourself?

Even if he took out the gods of the gods and took out the colorful stone, Chen Falun would not accept it.

Today, he came to marry Luo Tian and prevented him from attending this exchange meeting.

This is also the mission that Haijia gave him!

As soon as I heard the words 'A cat and dog', Liu Zhan immediately shouted: "Who are you talking about?"

On the other side, the strong brother said uncomfortably: "Luo Tian said that he is finished, he must have completed it. Otherwise, how can the demons who have died for tens of thousands of years resurrect?"

As early as last night when Luo Tian came back, he insisted on apologizing.

Apologize for the last time.

Chen Falun sneered and said: "The resurrection of the demon is indeed done by the king of the ancients. The king of the ancients did die. But who can be positively done by Luo Tian? What is he doing, even if it is the emperor I dare not say that I can do it. How can he do a waste?"

"Ghosts can't believe it!"

Now that the time for the start of the exchange is getting closer and closer, if there is no points before, Luo Tian is not eligible to participate.

Because his talented talents are not recorded, even if he is qualified to participate in the talents, it is too late.


Luo Tian was instantly angry, and his body was released directly, taking a step forward.


The thick bluestone floor was shocked, and a visible force stripe was ejected. Two eyes glanced at it and stared directly at Chen Falun. The cold and cold said: "If you have a little bit of insulting, I will let you lie. under!"

The tone is extremely cold.

At the beginning, Luo Tian was angry.


He is also very clear in his heart that Chen Falun is a seafarer who specifically wants to marry him and prevent him from attending this exchange meeting.

Luo Tian, ​​who is a sea family, will not be polite.

Chen Falun did not fear at all, but instead a sneer and contemptuous expression, he was not afraid of making things big. He is now a seafarer. Haijia is his backing. Who dares to move him?

He sneered and said: "Luo Tian, ​​you are threatening the elders, you have violated the rules of the school, you are a dog thing..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Luo Tian stepped out again, grabbed the right hand, and directly grasped the collar of Chen Falun. In one fell swoop, one top, two eyes glanced, coldly said: "Are you challenging my bottom line?"

The voice fell.

A heavy glimpse!




Domineering, Chenfa rims on the ground, full of mouth blood, pale face.

In just one month, Luo Tian’s cultivation was soaring. He is not afraid of Chen Falun’s eyes at present.

Chen Falun did not think that Luo Tian dared to do it to him. He did not even think that Luo Tian’s cultivation was so terrifying to this point. He struggled to get up from the ground, his eyes with endless anger, "attacking the elders, felony, you will be expelled from the college, Luo Tian, ​​you dog thing..."

"You are looking for death!"

Luo Tian's right shoulder leaned back, his body stuck up, grabbed Chen Falun's hands and kicked one foot.


Kick in the belly of Chen Falun and have a hand.



A series of bones bursting sound, the bones of Chen Falun's two hands were all split, the abdomen was hit hard, the whole person fell again, and he was heavily squatting on the ground. He had no room for resistance in front of Luo Tian.



Chen Fa’s painful screaming pig-like roar, pale as paper, screamed: “Luo Tian, ​​you are finished, you are completely finished, start with me, your end will be very miserable, expelled from school, It was pursued by the Hai family without end."

At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he is still arrogant.



He felt cold and suddenly felt that death had come.

I saw Luo Tian stepping on his head, then squatting down, revealing a sly expression, coldly asked: "I will ask you again, give me no points?"


Five fingers into the claws, flashing a trace of cold light.

As long as Chen Fa-tung dares to say that he is not a word, his Tianling cover will appear five fingers.

Chen Falun swallowed a sigh of relief, afraid, completely afraid...


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