Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1386: , 1 leaf kills 1 person...

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One leaf and one world.

One leaf and one kill!

Killing is a world.

It is a unique world of the power of the ancients.

Its power is no less than any power of the ancient continent.


The ancient tree absorbed into the soul of the king of the ancients, so that she became a towering giant tree in a short moment, so that the power she released is incomparably rich, and its power has reached the point where the soldiers of the realm of the Holy Spirit are killed!

Twenty-six leaves fell.

The atmosphere of Luo Tian’s body turned upside down.

Not waiting for their pressure to attack.

Luo Tian’s figure disappeared instantly.


A trick hits.


"There are still twenty-five people left."


The system sounds a tone.

The ancient tree continues to absorb the souls of these geniuses, and every time he absorbs him, he has become stronger.


Another trick!

It is a spike.

It is absorption.

The speed is amazing, and the so-called enchanting geniuses in the enchantment are completely unresponsive.

What is the united front.

What is the union?

What kind of pressure fusion, at this moment, collapsed instantly, they all hugged each other, one by one like a pig-like roar.

"Open the enchantment and open the enchantment."

"Let us go out, let us go out, I am the grandson of the royal ancestors, let me go out soon."

"Help, save your life."

"Not a person, he is not a person, God, hurry to save us."


All of them are scared of diaper pants.

A genius that can't be a lifetime? !

It is completely like a dead dog.

The cold arrogance at the beginning, the superiority of the superior, there is nothing at the moment.

at this time.

Huangfu never shot.

The elders of many families stood up and asked loudly: "Imperial, you still don't open the enchantment quickly? Do you want to see them all die inside?"

"Dragon Dragon, you can order now."

"This comparison can't be carried on anymore."

"Dragon, what do you want to do?"

"Do you know who they are? I see your position as the dean of Yunxiao College."


The elders of some of the kings' families of Yunxiao College stood up and questioned.

Seeing that their family's disciples were killed by Luo Tian, ​​they thundered.

Both eyes are worried.

A smoldering arrogance in the stands has risen and it is going to be chaotic!

To be messed up!


The emperor never moved.

Dean Tianlong just said a faint sentence, saying: "The trial has not ended yet, and the enchantment cannot be opened. This is the choice they have made themselves, and they cannot blame others."

He followed the advice of the Emperor.


He also wants a baptism in his heart.

Yunxiao College is full of locusts of the king's family. If this continues, Yunxiao College will be lighted up sooner or later. It can only train talents for other families. In the end, it will turn to Yunxiao College. Half of the family elders who have spoken just now. The above is from the Yunxiao College, this is the best proof.

The voice of Tianlong has just fallen.

The eyes of Prince Haihai suddenly opened, and said faintly: "A good sentence can not blame others, Teacher Tianlong, is this trick too cruel?"

The sound suddenly came to a quiet.

Everyone’s eyes were all attracted to the past by the Haijia Prince.

Haihuanglong also slowly stood up and said: "What you started to say, just around the corner, now there is a massacre in the enchantment. Shouldn’t you stop as a dean?"

Others speak Tianlong Dean can still stand.

Can be pressed down.

However, the Prince of the Sea is different.

His background is not only the sea family of the strongest family in mainland China, he is the son of heaven.

The power of choice is beyond all power.


As soon as he spoke, the elders of the family clamored more.

"The Prince said yes, Tianlong, I want you to stop this test immediately, and kill Luo Tian's dog thing on the ground, killing so many geniuses, even if he is another talented genius, he will die today. ""

"He must die."

"The **** genius who came in from the next level, I don't believe that there are people with talents in the same plane. If there are some people who have already been picked up by the supernatural powers of the gods, what is he? what."

"Hurry up and stop the game."


It is getting stronger and stronger.

Dean Tianlong couldn’t stand it anymore.

Even the elders of the Grand Court were angry and ordered him to stop the test.

Tianlong looked at the emperor.

Huangfu’s eyebrows are wrinkled, and Luo Tian, ​​who is watching the enchantment, is still killing.

He understood very well in his heart.

Luo Tian to kill the breakthrough realm, these enchanting genius may be another breakthrough opportunity for Luo Tian.


"Kid, hurry up."

Huangfu screamed in the heart, and slowly stood up and said: "Since everyone is opposed to continuing to compare, then I will open the enchantment, but ... the game is not over yet, want to open the enchantment is not So simple."


He walked slowly.


In this period of time.

There are only eleven people left in the enchantment.

One leaf kills one person.

Sharp and messy.


Luo Tian ghost charm of the body moves, once again palms out.




"Congratulations to the player 'Rosie' to kill..."


"Sin value +1,."


The ancient tree absorbed the power of a super-natural talent, and she became stronger again. The ancient tree on the mind became more and more sharp, and Luo Tian’s heart surged into a strong feeling, the ancient tree. To break through!

This feeling is extremely strong.

For now, the ancient tree is not fully formed.

Fantasy fairy said the same, still a little bit, how to break through this point? She doesn't know either.


Now, Luo Tian feels it.

It is about to break through.

He is also looking at the turmoil outside the enchantment. It is impossible to stop him at this time, and he also knows that Huangfu is delaying time for him, so he must kill, kill, kill!

If you miss this opportunity, the ancient tree may miss a breakthrough opportunity.

"God burst!"

The property is doubled.

Luo Tian speed, the power is even more terrifying.

The speed of killing is also faster!

"Ten leaves are falling!"

When Luo Tianxin was in the middle of drinking, the ten leaves floating in the midair of the mind fell together. Facing the last ten people in the enchantment, Luo Tian wanted a shot to destroy them. The enormous power of the ancients was fried in the body. open.

"Jiuyang magical!"

"burning the sky!"

The palms are like flames, urging them out with the power of the ancients, and violently releasing them.

Two fire dragons raged out.

Directly devour the remaining ten people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~叮! ”




All spikes.

at the same time.

Luo Tian is not in the mood to pay attention to what these enchanting geniuses have exploded. All the attention is on the ancient tree of the mind. "He wants to change, he wants to break through, he has to break through..."


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In addition, I recommend the old book of the old cow "Invincible Upgrade", like you can go to the QQ reading search to read. R1148

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