Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1389: , 2 female hairpins

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The consciousness gradually disappeared.

The line of sight is slowly blurred.

At last glance, Luo Tian saw the cold smile of the Prince. "I said that yours are not vulnerable to me!"


Luo Tian was fainted in the past.


The prince looked at Luo Tian and slowly slid down from the wall, his eyes glanced like he saw the soul of Luo Tian. He was slightly shocked and said: "There is no death!"


Turned out of the special recruitment hall.

Did not shoot against Luo Tian, ​​because in his opinion, Luo Tian has been abolished, and is no longer qualified to let him shot.

The entire special recruitment hall was shocked.

"Prince is a prince, strong and outrageous, Luo Tian can kill twenty-eight enchanting geniuses, but even the prince's one can not resist."

"It's too strong, and it looks like he really got the inheritance of heaven."

"Don't you feel it? You are all the power of the day. I can't breathe."

"This Luo Tian is too arrogant. I also want to challenge the Hai family and challenge the Prince. He does not sneak in the urine. What kind of virtue is he and he is qualified to compare with the Prince of the Sea?"

"I rely on you, you still have the mind to argue here, you look at the house above your head, it will soon collapse, and hurry!"


The special hall is in chaos.

At this time, Dean Tianlong did not think much, and immediately said: "Huangfu, the special recruitment hall will soon become a ruin, to protect the safety of these students."

"The elders of the college!"

"You have to protect..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

The elders of the elders ran faster than anyone else. No one stopped at all. Not to mention protecting students, they wanted to step on the students’ heads and rush out.

The special recruitment hall is a huge building. Once it collapses, it will be buried alive.

The Tianlong Dean’s eyebrows sank.

Huangfu said: "Do not worry, there is me!"

"Tianzhu enchantment!"



I saw a halo on the palm of my hand, and the halo formed an aperture. The aperture became as fast as a bubble, and then it went up and directly supported the special recruitment hall that was about to collapse.

The chaotic scene is also slightly controlled.



"Luo Tian!"

"Luo Tian!"


Liu war rushed up and ran to Luo Tian's side, seeing Luo Tian, ​​who was bloodless, and his fists were heavy. "Mom got a bazi, Prince, if the boss is going to do something, Laozi will not let him die." Passed you."

Huang Fuya also came in an instant, looking at Luo Tian in a coma, extremely anxious, loud shouting to the emperor: "Hey, Luo Tian is not good, Luo Tian is going to die, you come to save him." ”

The saint is also falling in an instant. After a slight inspection of the injury, a medicinal herb is taken from the space ring and directly poured into Luo Tian’s mouth. The palm is attached to Luo Tian’s chest, and the vitality is urged. The medicinal catalyzed off, let Luo Tian absorb.


The medicinal herb melted, but it overflowed from the corner of his mouth and could not be absorbed completely.

The expression of the saint is also extremely anxious. "No, no, I will take him to the Phoenix Tianshan. I want my mother to save him. I don't want him to die."

The medicinal herbs given to Luo Tian were the gods.

This kind of remedy is only available in the Phoenix Tianshan.


Luo Tian can't absorb it completely.


The saint is about to pick up Luo Tian, ​​his eyes are shining with tears.

Huang Fuya stopped her: "I won't let you take him away."

The saint's eyebrows sank, with a strong sense of war in his eyes, and said coldly: "You better give me away."

Huangfu never felt the warfare released from the saint. She also instantly ran out of time and blood, and did not let it go. "I said, I am not allowed to take him away!"

"Step aside!"

The saint once again sighed.

Huang Yaya’s voice improved a bit and said: “I won’t let it.”

She does not know the identity of the saint, and naturally will not let the saint bring Luo Tian to leave.

Even if you know, you won't let the saint take it away.

The breath of the saint was released, and the white dress on the body creaked, and the eyebrows slammed, and a burst of pressure rushed out, with anger: "Give me away!"


The difference between the emperor’s cultivation and the saint is too great.

A courier shocked, she couldn't bear it, and the body blew up again and again. However, she tried her best and rushed up and said loudly: "I won't let you, I won't let you take Luotian out of here!" ”

The two women are worried.

Liu war can only be on one side, he does not know who to help.

The emperor quickly came up and looked at the posture of the two women. The eyebrows were tight and he said to the saint: "Can you let me see Luo Tian’s injury first?"

The saint simply did not let go and muttered: "It's useless, useless. His body can't absorb the medicinal herbs of the Phoenix Tianshan. He can't stand it. He is going to die, he is going to die."

"It's all you!"

"We all blame you!"

"You are all repaired by the emperor's realm, but you can't stop a person who has just broken through the realm of emperor. What kind of use do you guys have? What are you afraid of?"

"Step aside!"

"I want you to let go!"

In the eyes of the Virgin, there is a burst of screaming.

Seeing Luo Tian like this, her heart hurts, it hurts!

Just like the heart is contracting, the pain makes her suffocate, she has never experienced this feeling, so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, she will not suffer this pain for the rest of her life.

The momentum on her body broke out, broke out, and broke out again.

Even the Emperor of the Emperor's realm can't stand it.

The heart of the emperor is also extremely uncomfortable.

If he can resist, he will definitely resist, but the strength of the Prince is much beyond his expectations. Even if he is prepared, he will not be able to react. It is too fast and too fast. In just a few years, the growth of the Prince is really amazing. In particular, his mastery of the power of the election has reached the realm of super-god.

Said by the saint.

His face is even more ugly, and his heart is awkward, but this time is not self-blame, immediately said: "You can take him back to the Phoenix Tianshan to cure him? Have you ever thought about yourself, you are a saint Your identity is not allowed to be combined with mortals. You bring him back. What about yourself?"


"Phoenix Tianshan?"

At this time, Huangfu Yacai reacted to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two eyes were shocked and stared at the saint. "No wonder she has a distinctive atmosphere."

The saint smiled and said: "I can't manage that much, even if I use my own life to change, I want him to live."


She took a few steps before picking up Luo Tianchao.

Huang Fuya suddenly said: "Hey, you use her magical time and space to help her, when can she reach the Phoenix Tianshan?"

Hear it here.



The saint is directly in front of the emperor! R1148

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