Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1416: Good days till the end...

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Yi Hong is counting the Lingbao gifts he sent in the hall.

He is also the ancestor of Yi Jia, Yi Xuan!

Suddenly heard such a loud noise.

When Yi Hong suddenly became angry, "Where did the dog scorpion dare to go to my Yi family?"

"Yi Feng, screw his head down!"

A young man immediately arched his hands and said: "Hey, I will let the kid squat down and admit his mistake!"

Yi Hong said: "You didn't hear me clearly? I want you to screw my head down."

The young man’s body was slightly arched and said: “I will go.”


He has a stomach fire in these days.

He is also the owner of the Yi family. In the face of so many elders, Yi Qiancheng pointed his nose, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable. He made up his mind at the beginning, and waited for the dream to marry into Haijia. Immediately, Yi Qiancheng was secretly killed to vent his heart and hate.

The reason why he has not done so is because he is attracted by the piles of Lingbao.

The father and the son are laughing and laughing.

"God medicinal herbs, hey, you look at the medicinal herbs, but the whole Yijia has only two. I don't think there are three in the banquet of the Hai family. This medicinal medicinal service will continue to improve my score. ”

"What is the sacred drug, you look at this long sword, this is a semi-artifact, can reach a hundred of the gods."

"Let me see!"

"Oh my God, it’s really a semi-artifact. A little girl gave me so many good things. This sale is too cost-effective, hahaha..." Yi Hong laughed loudly.

From the beginning, he used Yi Yu dream as an item.

He never dreamed that this ‘item’ would bring him so many benefits.


There was a loud noise in the yard.

A residual image flew straight in.

Directly hit the gift stacked in the mountains.


The gift blasted, and the magical medicine in Yi Hong’s hand also shook off the ground.

The muscles in the corners of the eyes twitched, the eyes glanced, the anger rose to the sky, and then the people in the gift pile suddenly collapsed. "Front!"

Less than ten seconds.

Yi Feng, the realm of the illusion of the peak, was directly sent to the West by Luo Tianyi.


I am old.

I didn't expect the white-haired man to send the black-haired man, watching the appearance of his son's tragic death. Yi Hong violently came out, and the thunder's wrath came out and roared: "What is the daring to kill my son, Yi Hong, I want Let him live better than death."

Phantom overlap.

A breeze blew.

A figure fell in front of Yi Hong.

Luo Tian!

Luo Tian, ​​with a smile of death on the corner of his mouth, looked at Yi Hong, who was furious, and smiled and said: "I killed it."

Yi Hong’s eyes were shocked. “Dog things, give me life!”

Do not say anything.

When the palm of your hand is up, the strength is heavy, and the Tianshou palm of Yijia is a god-level practice. When a palm strikes, it is like a day crying. The palm print on the front is crushed from nine days. The wind is raging.

The tiles on the roof flew out.

For a time.

Flying sand and stone, the line of sight gradually blurred.

Luo Tian's eyes lifted gently, and his right foot was lifted. "Is it sad?"

"I let you taste the dead feet!"

The right foot is extended and the left foot is independent.

In an instant.

The blood of the four awakened beasts poured into the right foot, and the heart was filled with a deep drink. "God burst, give me a drive!"



A sturdy force spurted out.


Luo Tian kicked out and kicked out.






A strong impact sound, a strong explosion sounded over the entire city of Yunxiao.

Luo Tian stood still and did not move.

Yi Hong went backwards and again, his chest and blood rolled, and he couldn't help but spurt out a blood. His heart was blank and his eyes were stunned. He said: "Who are you, what is the place where Yi Jia offends you? Do you know if this is the place? Do you know what the relationship between Yijia and Haijia?"

In his opinion.

No one in the entire mainland of China has dared to move his family.

Because Yijia is now a marriage relationship with Haijia, the more important point is that Yi Yumeng is the wife of the Prince. Even if this is the Hai family, it will not do anything special for Yi Jia, let alone Killed his son.


Luo Tian smiled coldly and said: "Luo Tian! You are familiar!"

Yi Hong’s eyes shook, “Impossible!”

"You were seriously injured by a prince. Although the prince did not die on the spot, but the prince asserted that you can't live for five days, but now you... it is absolutely impossible to achieve the realm of the Holy Spirit. There is absolutely no mistake in the words of the Prince. ""

"You are not Luo Tian, ​​who are you?"

He does not believe it!

It is that others will not believe it.

How could it be that it hurts like that?

It is even more impossible to break through from the magical realm to the realm of the Holy Spirit in just ten days!

Luo Tian did not argue for his identity. He asked coldly: "I asked you, did you force the nightmare to marry the Prince?"

Yi Hong sneered and laughed: "What is persecution? How can it be married to the Prince is her glory, you see no, if not she married the Prince, we can receive so many Lingbao gifts?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"She is just a tool for me."

He did not hide.

There is nothing to hide.

Luo Tian’s eyes picked up and asked again: “Where are you, where is Yi Qiancheng?”

Yi Hong smiled and said: "The dog is so choppy? Rest assured, there is still no death, but it is not far from death. I still want to try to resist me. I don’t look at him a few pounds, just because his waste is my opponent. ?"

"Hand over him, I can leave you a whole body." Luo Tian said slightly.


Yi Hong's body suddenly moved, and said: "The dog thing, dead to the head is still crazy here, do you think that I am easy to enter the family?"

The voice fell.

A figure rushed again.

Yi Hong double-fisted and directly attacked Luo Tian's eyebrows.

The distance is too short.

The speed is too fast, and Yi Hong is the cultivation of the peak of the Holy Spirit. This short-range explosive power is too strong.

Luo Tian gloomy eyes, "Look for death!"

When he is in the realm of fantasy, he can easily crush the realm of the Holy Spirit. He is now the cultivation of the realm of the Holy Spirit. As long as he is not the strongest of the emperor's realm, he will not look in it. What is Yi Hong in the district?


What Luo Tian didn't think was that Yi Hong's attack turned out to be only attacking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When Luo Tian concentrated all his attention on him, a powerful force in the hall sprang out. The palms were crushed, and Luo Tian’s mind was slightly turbulent, and his eyes were glanced. “The strong man of the emperor’s realm?”

"Ha ha ha..."

"Yijia is the king's family. Naturally, there is a strong person in the realm of emperor. Dogs, you will die for me." Yi Hong laughed proudly.

Just at this time.

A blood sorcerer has fallen...


The first chapter is delivered!

Get up at 6 o'clock, the update is starting today, and the old bull is in the desperate codeword.

The new day begins, brothers, where are your new tickets? Let me see them, okay? ! R1148

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