Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1422: , 8th body!

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challenge the limit?


Luo Tian just wants to know his strength.

He Xiuluo, who killed the first-order emperor, although he has his own power to integrate into it, still relies on the **** of war.

just now.

Red-browed ancestor, the emperor respects the seventh-order peak of the strong!

There is also a magical power!

Yuan gas bomb!

Very excited.

Luo Tian’s mouth is lightly ticked and said: “The heaven and earth Xuan Huang shield!”



Heaven and Earth Yuan pressure root is ... no change in a little bit!

Was it sucked by the red-browed ancestors?


But because Luo Tian's Dantian... is in a state of damage, this kind of dantian can't absorb the vitality, even if it doesn't absorb the body, it can't absorb it. Luo Tian is also dumbfounded, "what,!?"

The old ancestors of the red-browed ancestors were shocked, and then they looked around and thought about it. They found that the vitality within the radius of the square was not a slight fluctuation!

Not absorbed by Luo Tian at all.


A crow ‘呱, 呱, 呱’ flies past Luo Tian’s side.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Laughing and dying, I thought that I really used the heavenly and mysterious yellow shield, who scared me?"

"Luo Tian, ​​I admit that you have made me laugh. You are a teasing, heaven and earth. I think it is a mouthful of nonsense. Do you think that the magical practice of the Hai family is so good to understand cultivation?"

"Oh, I was almost scared by you."


Tiandi Xuan Huangdun, the sea family passed the tens of thousands of years of magical powers, containing a strong defense force.

It is extremely difficult to cultivate the heaven and earth Xuan Huangdun. If this kind of practice is not the strongest of the emperor, you don’t want to cultivate, and the absorbed energy will crush the flesh. Hai Shuluo only showed it in front of Luo Tian. How could he possibly?

Haitong Tian sneer and laughed: "Luo Tian, ​​you still want to cultivate my sea home's heaven and earth Xuan Huang Shield? You don't scatter your urine and take care of your own shit, you waste like this..."


The world is changing.

Not waiting for Haitongtian to finish, Luo Tian’s body began to run out of great energy.

The vitality forms a vortex.

The power of heaven and earth poured into it.

It is exactly the same as the Xuan Huang Shield released by Hai Xiuluo, and it is also the kind of powerful defensive power.

Haitongtian’s words came to an abrupt end, and his face was red, just like a slap in the face of a slap in the face, hot, his words have not finished, invisible to Luo Tian slap.

Those who just laughed at Luo Tian were all stupid.

Everyone's face is very ugly.

Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang Shield!

"Really is the heaven and earth Xuan Huang shield, the kind of anti-paradox with the power of heaven and earth defense, how can it? How can Luo Tian's magical practice of the sea family? What is going on?"

"The power of the heavens and the earth is so strong, do you feel that there is no? The power of the heaven and earth Xuan Huang shield released from Luo Tian's body is more powerful and powerful than that released by Hai Xiu Luo. This... How can this be?"



The heaven and earth Xuan Huang Shield exhibited by Luo Tian is even stronger than that exhibited by Hai Xiu Luo, because... because... he used 50 million points of vital value!

There is also a bit of hardship in my heart.

Hai Xiu Luo released the heaven and earth Xuan Huang Shield just absorbed the heavens and the earth within ten miles, what about him?

Dantian crush can't absorb it.


The system immediately deducted the value of 50 million points from his vitality tank when he released the heaven and earth Xuan Huang shield. You must know that this is more than half of his vital value. Luo Tian has a painful form.


At the same time of his pain, his heart was also shocked. The power of the heaven and earth Xuan Huangdun was really strong.

Luo Tian stared at the ugly Haitong Heavenly Road: "Is the Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang Dun awesome? Just now I said it was wrong. In fact, what I showed is the rotten **** shield. What kind of magical power is this kind of garbage? How much for me? how many!"

It’s worth noting that the heaven and earth Xuan Huangdun is directly said.

Haitong Tianmei’s heart wrinkled and he said: “Red ancestor, kill me, kill, kill...”

In the end, it almost roared.

Haitongtian was completely irritated.

He now wants to immediately screw down Luo Tian’s head and kick it.

The red-browed ancestor moved and his eyes locked Luo Tian’s body. He sneered: "Do you think that the heaven and earth Xuan Huang shield can withstand me? Then you are too small to see me, I said, I will let you know what It is the power of the emperor's realm, letting you know what is the gap!"

As soon as the voice fell, the red-browed ancestors disappeared instantly.

The emperor's breath was rolled over to the sky and rolled into the sky.


In the turbulent sea of ​​knowledge, Suzaku flew directly out of Luo Tian's body, forming a barrier, directly resisting the emperor's esteem of the red-browed ancestors.

Also at this time.

The heaven and earth Xuan Huang shield is condensed, an egg-shaped light shield, the shape is like the magic shield of the magician in the game, but this shield defense is much more powerful.


The emptiness made a loud explosion.

The figure fell.

In the hands of the red-browed ancestors, there was a sword in the hand, and a sword stabbed it up. The arrogant emperor's breath was swept away. "Give me a sigh!"



Suzaku was broken out by the earthquake.

The red-browed ancestor also stabbed a sword and directly stabbed it on the top of the heaven and earth. The body of Luo Tian was faint and sinking. The heaven and earth Xuan Huangdun took him as the center, and everything he could bear on the shield could be clearly sensed.

The body is shaking.

Start to sink slowly.

"The power of mad!"

"Give me a drive!"

A roar, a sword did not puncture Luo Tian's heaven and earth Xuan Huang shield, this is already an insult to the red-browed ancestors, the left hand turned over, the arrogant fierce power is like an ancient monster, the pressure of the sea Go on.

A palm is attached to the top of the heaven and earth.


"Hey, hey..."

The heaven and earth mysterious yellow shield is cracked.

Cracks are getting bigger and bigger, more and more.

It can't take much longer.

Luo Tian felt that the defensive power was rapidly weakening, and his heart was tight. "This is the power of the seventh level of the emperor. Even the power of the rebellion of the heaven and earth Xuan Huangdun can be forced back. It is really powerful."


Two eyes shocked!

Luo Tian slammed out, "Give me open!"



The Tiandi Xuan Huang Shield, which has lost most of its defense, blew up with Luo Tian’s order.

Just like the egg shell cracked open quickly.

The red-browed ancestors showed their contemptuous eyes, the long sword, the right hand, and the cold cold smile: "Luo Tian, ​​give me hell!"



A palm is instantly attached to Luo Tian's head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The red-browed ancestor was a little surprised, because Luo Tian did not hide, and there was a sneer in his eyes, as if he was deliberately hit by himself. The same as in the middle?

a few seconds ago.

Luo Tiansheng gave the blood demon king: "Help me protect the law, I want to raise the level of the body to eight!"

Eight levels of flesh!

Just look at this blow of the red-browed ancestors!


The seventh chapter is delivered!

The old bull is so tired, I am here today.

The brothers support a lot, the old bull will continue to break out tomorrow! R1148

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