Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1425: Luo Tian’s life is me...

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Must die.

It is necessary to clear the obstacles for the sea!

The tone of the sea is getting tougher.

Even if you don't hesitate to fight with the blood demon king of the emperor's peak, you must take Luo Tian's life!


His words made the Gorefiend King secretly.

The higher the realm, the more afraid of death, the less likely it is to be shot. Once the shot is absolutely ruined, a trick is made.


There are very few emperors who are in the same ranks.


No one has the absolute grasp to win the other side. If he is injured and dead, then nothing will happen.

However, the tone of the sea martial arts made the blood demon king feel shocked, and said: "Good determination!"


The Gorefiend King screamed with ecstasy and said: "If you have a kind of you, come up and try. I want you to come back!"

In his eyes, the sea is nothing but a junior.

He is a super old monster who has lived for millions of years. What is the area of ​​14,000?

The sea annihilation of the martial art is heavy: "It seems that you are determined to be right against the sea, then don't blame me."

The Gorefiend King smiled and said: "Although you are welcome, you are welcome, you will not be polite, but you have to look at your sea family's ability. A person who is in the peak of the emperor wants to kill my master, then you have to ask me. I don’t want to go to the blood pool!"


A drop of blood condensed from the body of the Gorefiend.

Fly to the air and blast it.

The Gorefiend King screamed, "Blood Pool, Open!"

"Oh la la..."

"Oh la la..."

"Oh la la..."

There was a blood in all directions, and a huge lake surface appeared on the top of his head. The lake made up of blood shrouded the whole sea house. The blood pool was rolling, and it was also roaring. The endless blood sacrifices spread out.

This is the supernatural power of the Gorefiend!

Blood sacrifices the world.

Under the scorching sun, the light could not be transmitted.

Haijia, shrouded in **** sneezing.

The Gorefiend is like bringing the whole **** to the world.


The face changed dramatically.

The crowd riots, those who were low-cultivated were directly crushed on the ground and could not climb, the body kept shaking, watching the huge blood pool in the sky, the pale face, the black lips, as if they were going to die soon. .

Haitong’s face also became difficult to look at. “Who is it?”


When the void moved, a man of a middle-aged man came out and took the fan of Xiaoyao. His face was dignified and fell in front of Haiwuwu. He said slightly: "At the beginning of ancient times, a drop of evil spirits was cultivated!"

"It is also the ancestor of the demon, the master of the king of the ancients!"

The man slowly said that his eyes were also shocked, and then said: "But, suddenly disappeared millions of years ago, it was rumored that the Gorefiend King flew into the domain of God, and there were rumors that he was killed by his apprentice, the king of the ancients. I didn’t expect that it would happen again after a few million years. It’s incredible, and it’s still alive. The life of the emperor’s peak is only 18,000 years, but you have lived for millions of years. How is this possible?”

The man is named Happy Respect.

It is the same younger brother of Haiwuwu.

He studied the ancient continent more than the sea, so he saw the blood pool want to fight the blood demon king who disappeared for millions of years.

The appearance of Haiwuwu is secretly shocked. "It turned out to be the ancient blood demon!"

The limit of Shouyuan, the strong emperor of the ordinary emperor, is about 20,000 years.

The reason why the Gorefiend King can live for so long is not because of how strong his magical power is, but because he is in the reincarnation cage, constantly reincarnation, and constantly restarting, so he can live for millions of years.

The time in the reincarnation was sealed by the phoenix Zhenxian with a special magical power. As long as she got the alien monster or the blood-selling king in the reincarnation cage, it is the infinite existence of Shouyuan, otherwise how can she make these Does the guardian turn back to the cage?


Once the Gorefiend King stepped out of the reincarnation cage, his life Yuan began to work again. Once he had reached the time, he would not be robbed, and if he was confined, he would die!

Hai Huwu said slightly: "If you have lived for millions of years, what should death mean? I advise you not to worry about anything, Luo Tian’s life, I have to fix it today."

The Gorefiend King smirked and said: "I am still the same sentence, there is a kind of you to come!"

Hai Wuwu and Xiaoyao Tianzun looked at each other.


The bodies of the two men turned into a boundless phantom.

The violent emperor's breath ruined the earth, and the blood demon king crushed it up. It was so powerful that the sky above the city was like to be drained. The sky was colorless, the sun was devour, the earth shivered, millions. The monsters in the mountains outside the kilometer are on the ground, and even gasping is not dare.

Got out!

Happy Tianzun and Haijia Taizu Haiwuwu were dispatched at the same time.

Both of them are the realm of the emperor's peak.

The two of them joined forces. In the ancient continent, it was the existence of the destruction of the land, and the horror was extremely extreme.

The blood demon king's eyebrows are tight, and a dignified atmosphere forms a barrier. It directly protects Luo Tian, ​​who is still suffering from severe pain. Then he lifts his eyes and rushes directly into the sky, standing in the huge blood pool and roaring. come on!"





The blood pool is full of blood and blood, and the power released from the blood and water is integrated into the body of the blood demon king, and it is released in an instant. It turns into a million shadows, and the blood shadow is like a flying crow. With the thought of the Gorefiend King, Directly into the illusion of the sky.

"Blood explosion!"


The sky made a deafening explosion.

A blood shadow flutters to a phantom, burst!

The illusion of the sky, the shadow of the sky, the constant collision, and the constant explosion, the blood of the sea directly went down the blood, for a moment, the blood flow into the river, the sea home was stained with a blood red.


Crazy battle.

The battle is invisible to the naked eye.

The battle between the emperor's peaks and the strongest is even invisible to the Emperor's eighth-order powerhouse. The disparity in power is too great.

Can't see who has the upper hand.

They can only feel the death of the mind, and the body trembles involuntarily.

Haitongtian teeth bite, did not think that Luo Tian actually found the ancient blood demon king million years ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at the barrier after the Luo Tian, ​​eyes glanced, said: "Let you look at you How to protect him."

The voice fell.

Haitong Tian palm turned over, a black bead appeared on the palm of his hand, and the idea moved, and the bead hit the barrier.

"Choose Chaos Beads?!"

With the strength of the heavenly election, this bead can easily crush the emperor's realm. This is what the Prince left for him. It is also a talisman of Haitongtian. At this time, he can't shut up so much. It is.

"I will kill you first!"

The day of the election of the beads exploded.

The barrier was broken, and Haitong’s right hand waved, “Give me death!”


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