Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1433: The army killed!

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"Luo Tian!"

"This is what I specially prepared for you."

"How? I am good to you, I even brought my daughter-in-law, hahaha..." Haitong laughed, this was his ace, and he didn't want to come out in the end. .

However, he was said to be ruined by the sea, and he did not have to hide it anymore.

The three were forced to kneel on the ground.

Liu war saw Luo Tian immediately shouted, "Ha ha ha ... I said that the boss will be fine."

Huang Yaya is also crying excitedly. "Smelly, rogue, where did you go? Do you want to be the vice captain of my beautiful girl team? Hey, hey, hey!"

Yi Xiaomeng looked at Luo Tian and did not speak.

As long as she saw that Luo Tian was fine, she was satisfied.

That's how she is.

After Luo Tianlai Yunxiao College, she has been watching Luo Tian silently in the distance, not coming forward, not meeting, looking far away, this is enough for her, watching Luo Tian day by day Stronger, her own cultivation is stopped, she gradually feels that she is not worthy of Luo Tian.


She really fell in love.

And still can't extricate themselves.

If she is not forced to suppress today, she will not meet Luo Tian.

Luo Tian’s eyes fell on Yi’s dream, and she was still covered with dark spots on her face. Looking at her eyes, Luo Tian’s heart was in a colic, and suppressed the anger in her heart. She asked softly, saying: "Silly Queen, I miss you."

Missing one sentence.

Yi Yu Meng collapsed instantly, resisted, but could not help but cry, tears kept coming out, covering his mouth with one hand, not letting himself cry.

"A good pair of dogs and gentlemen."

Haitongtian came up and saw the fierce light. He slapped it down. "Fortunately, my son doesn't really want to marry you. Otherwise, I don't know how many green hats you brought him. You are a woman with a bad style. Today I will I have repaired you for my son."


A slap fell.

Yi Yu Meng’s body swayed and was spurted out of a blood.


She didn't feel the pain, she still had a smile on her face and looked at Luo Tianxiao.

Haitongtian is even more angry.

Luo Tian stepped out step by step.


The earth shook.

Haitong Tianyuan also wanted to give Yi Yi dream a few slaps, heard the footsteps of Luo Tian behind him, immediately turned to a cold and cold smile, "Luo Tian, ​​to persuade you to stand where you are, otherwise I want these three people They are all dead in front of you."

The voice fell.

A cold sword is placed on the neck of Yi Yumeng.

Luo Tian's face sank, and the teeth bite slightly.

distance is too far!

His speed can't be done before the sword falls.

After the upgrade.

All his exercises were cooled down, including the fire, but... this distance is not enough to kill him before he kills Yi Meng.




Not enough!

Luo Tianxin hated it more and more, and said deeply: "Haitongtian, I will let you regret everything I just did, I will pay you back thousands of times."


"Ha ha ha..."

"is it?"

Haitongtian laughed, and then the backhand was a slap in the face of Huangya Ya, proudly said: "Then you come to hit me, come, come hit me thousands of times, hahaha... …You dare?"


Huang Fuya was almost fainted.

Liu Zhan screamed: "Hai Tongtian, you have a dog thing, there is a kind of rushing me to come, hit a woman, you are a hang."


One kicked in the belly of Liu Zhan, Haitong Tianyi slammed, said: "As for your waste, if it is not because of the relationship with Luo Tian, ​​you will die in the mountains of Yunxiao."

The kick of the Liu Qi can't speak.

Even the gasping stopped.

His face was red, and the internal organs were shifted.

Luo Tian was angry, very angry, and the anger of his heart almost let him go, but... he was desperately engraved, and once he lost control, he did not know what he would do.


Yi Yimeng may be killed by himself.

Up to now, Haijia has only died as a strong man of the first level of Emperor, and there is also a sea martial art in the realm of the emperor's peak. There are more than a dozen strong people in the realm of the emperor. The most crucial point is that There is a mysterious powerhouse that does not appear.

This strong person should be the strongest person in the sea.

Luo Tian did not know how to rescue the three of them!


This feeling is very difficult!

The more he had no way, the more happy Haitongtian was, and the three people should have been brought out so long, so there would be not so many things. Haitongtian is somewhat annoyed why he didn’t do it earlier.

"Luo Tian!"

"I don't want your brother and woman to die, let me kneel down now!" Haitongtian said with a full of playfulness, "I still sing a song for me to conquer. I especially want to hear what is called conquest."

"Ha ha ha..."

Haitong Tianxiao!

Loudly laughing, smirking.

Looking at Luo Tianyi's painful look, he didn't mention how excited he was.

Looking at Luo Tian is still hesitating, Haitongtian is kicking in the nearest Liu war, "Give me, oh, down!!!"


Luo Tian double fists clenched, the key explosion, step by step to the front.

Haitong Tianmei’s heart trembled and said: “Who made you go forward? I let you kneel down, just kneel down and give you ten seconds to consider!”

"If you still don't leave."

"The head of this fat man is going to move."

"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone is watching Luo Tian.

It’s like watching a monkey at the zoo, with a playful and disdainful look.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, did the Haijia master let you kneel down?"

"Kid, you have it today, wasn't it arrogant? Just look at it again, hahaha..."


Luo Tian did not stop.

Still step by step, walking forward.

Because of anger, because of the painful expression, Haitong Tian ha ha ha laughed, laughed at the unparalleled triumph, and also counted the number, said: "Ten, Nine, Eight..."

"There are three more seconds!"

"Little fat man, it seems that your boss has not taken you seriously."

"This is no stranger to me."


"three two……"

At the moment when the 'one' word has not yet fallen, Luo Tian’s pace suddenly accelerates, and the distance of more than 300 meters is directly reduced to 50 meters, but even the distance of 50 meters is still not enough, you must know that Haitongtian is The cultivation of the realm of the Holy Spirit.

Killing a person does not require a tenth of a second for him.


Luo Tian still rushed up at full speed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He want to give up Liu war?


At this moment, just in the moment of his sudden force, the space on the ring was distorted, and a figure rushed out of the void...

The emperor is coming!

The four-beast family, the Wuliangcheng, the white, all came, and even the blood-devil king buried in the ruins stood up.

All are coming!


The fourth chapter is sent! Continue to update in the afternoon!

A ticket at the front of the ticket, found a chrysanthemum, brothers, another vote, gave me a burst!

I recommend the support of the sister's book "Wearing Peace and Joy"! R1148

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