Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1438: Fat man swallows God...

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Holy Light BOSS?

This is the first time I saw it.



This BOSS wants to kill, it is not a general difficulty, it is absolutely super difficult.

at least.

Luo Tian still can't think of any way to defeat Tianlingzi.


The voice of the Tianlingzi fell slightly, and the eyebrows suddenly moved. "Is the blood of the time and space dare to dare in front of me?"

The index finger moves.

A divine force is sent out, directly forming a network of forces, directly rushing into the cracks in the space, and then the index finger of the Tianlingzi is lightly hooked.

"Oh la la..."

"Oh la la..."

"Oh la la..."


The space is torn like a big cloth.

The law of space on the ancient continent in front of him is as if there is no use at all.

In an instant.

Yi Yumeng was pulled out.

Huang Fuya was also pulled out.

Liu Zhan was also pulled out.

The last thing that came out was the imperial concubine. He tried his best, but in front of the powerful realm of the gods, he seemed so vulnerable, and trying his best was not as powerful as the one of the spirits. This is the gap.



A few bursts of noise, the three fell from the sky.

The Tianlingzi moved slightly, and the index finger once again hooked up the Yimeng dream on the ground to the air.

Luo Tianmei is a tight heart.

I can no longer let the Yi Yu dream fall into the hands of the Hai family, and the pace is moving, "Taiwan!"


Don't wait for him to jump.

A Shenwei instantly took a picture, "You will give me the truth."


Luo Tian was directly crushed and kneeled on the ground.

The speed is too fast, too fierce, Luo Tian has no time to react, his face is gloomy. "This power is too fierce. My current cultivation is not an opponent at all. The Hai family has such a pervert."

"The power of the gods can directly sweep the entire continent."

Tianlingzi’s right hand was smashed, and Yi’s dream in midair was taken to the platform. He said to Haitongtian: “He is a woman of the Prince. If you dare to do anything to her, don’t blame me!”

"Even if you are his father, I will kill you."

The sound is cold and killing.

Haitong Tian shook his body and shivered. He immediately said, "I will rest assured that I will move her again."

Is a woman so important?

Face problem?

Is there any other reason?

Haitongtian does not know, but Tianlingzi knows!

Luo Tian climbed up from the ground...

"I let you get up?"

"Give me a squat!" Tianlingzi's eyebrows moved, and a super-strong crushing pressure fell again. Tiandao was under pressure, strong as the sky, and as thick as the earth. Luo Tian is not a rival, but...

Luo Tian is upset!

Very unhappy!

He was upset, Haitongtian laughed proudly. "Luo Tian, ​​now it is a dead dog? In front of the god-level powerhouse, you are a cockroach ant, hahaha... Waiting to be crushed, hahaha ......"

Tian Lingzi said slightly: "You should live a good life to cherish your life. Prince is a life that you can't shake in your life. Your life is reserved for the Prince, but... in order to let him have more time to practice, I also It’s done.”

Understate it.

Luo Tian was not taken seriously.


The movement of the Tianlingzi's palm, the right hand immediately turned, a thick power of Shenwei straight into the sky, the sky formed a huge vortex, the center of the vortex fell a huge incomparable palm print.


"Hula la la..."

"Hula la la..."

The wind is whistling, and the sky is dull.

Luo Tian was crushed on the ground, and his eyes were slightly lifted. Facing the palm prints falling in the sky, the teeth bite, "Qinglong, out!"

"White Tiger, out!"

"Suzaku, Xuanwu, out!"


"Hey, hey..."

The four beasts broke out. Around the heavens, the powerful four-beasted beast roared and immediately merged together to form a four-beast beast in a combined form. Shocked up.

The warrior of the four-beast family was shocked.

Four beasts!

Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu, Xuanwu, merge into one, the reincarnation of the ancestors, must be the reincarnation of the ancestors.

Also at this moment.

The Gorefiend King rushed up, "Move my master, kill innocent!"

Silly column, "protecting the ancestors!"


All the people rushed up, all to protect Luo Tian.

"God burst!"


With a roar, Luo Tian climbed up from the ground, his body trembled, and the powerful heavenly pressure was like the power of peerlessness crushing on his heart, the abnormal discomfort, the knees constantly bending, and constantly straightening up, two Looking at the high-pitched sky spirit, a deep roar, said: "I must kill you!"

Crazy in my mind.

Crazy thinking!

At this time, the appearance of the god-level powerhouse must have a way to kill him.

Must have!

There is definitely a way, what is it?

What exactly is it?

Luo Tian crazy thinking, crazy to view the system, to see his own Lingbao, there is always the same can kill the Tianlingzi, he must not fall here, he will also uproot the Haijia, he still wants Look for revenge for the Prince!

Never fall here.

What is it?

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Under the 'Tianzhang'.

The soldiers of the four-beast family fell one after another, one after another falling from the sky, but one after another, they went up, in order to protect Luo Tian, ​​in order to resist the power of a hand.



The huge body of the Gorefiend also fell down.

The wound on the body broke again, the blood poured out like a pillar, and his face was pale, and he said: "Ah..."

One foot and one support.

Top it up again.

It won't last too long!

The cultivation of the Tianlingzi is too strong, they can't shake it. The strong man of the emperor's peak realm can't support it for a second. What power can kill him?


Luo Tian saw that there was a **** in the space ring. He took it out and his heart tightened.

As long as he swallows the godhead, he can immediately become a first-order god, gain the power of the gods, but ... his life's cultivation can only be in the position of the first-order god, and can never be broken.

Want to devour the godhead?

Huangfu’s eyebrows suddenly said: “God?”

Liu Zhan took a look at Luo Tian and said heavily: "Boss, let me come!"


Regardless of Luo Tiantong’s disagreement, he directly robbed the godhead’s 咕咚 , and swallowed it.


The sky slammed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A Thunder force fell directly and exploded on the head of Liu Zhan.

The spirit of the sky was slightly shocked. "I actually swallowed the godhead?!"

Also at this moment.

In the ruins of the mountain in the southeast of Yunxiao City, there was a loud noise. "I am the head of your grandmother, I don’t believe you can't kill you..."


The third chapter is sent!

It will continue to be updated in the afternoon.

I don't know if I can see it, but I still want to thank and read the rewards and monthly tickets of the rich man, who is willful, and also thank you for reading QQ, the readers of the starting point and the monthly ticket. The oldest thing in the old cows, why are you not bursting with chrysanthemums?

It’s a bit more violent! R1148

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