Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1440: Let you know what...

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Semi-realistic realm.

The first level of the realm of the gods.

Fat man and white, both of them have super powers.

Almost at the same time.

The two attacked the Tianlingzi at the same time.

Tianlingzi did not panic, his face was still calm, there was no wave of waves, the two faces rushed, one hand on the back, the right hand moved, said faintly: "To deal with both of you, both hands and ants A little extra."



Five fingers and one, the power of a heavenly force surged out, instantly condensed into a light shield, the light shield swollen quickly, and the blink of an eye was like a big wall.



The attack of Xiaobai and Liu Fatzi lingered on Tiandun.

Make a deafening sound.


There was no trace of the Tiandun, completely resisting the attack of the two men. The two eyes sank and the heart was secretly shocked. "The power of the Tianlingzi is too strong, and the heavens... Is this the power of heaven?"

Between the flashes.

The five fingers of the Tianlingzi are another move, "Receive!"

The shield disappeared.

The footsteps were lifted slightly, and one thought came and fell directly on the top of the fat man's head.

Liu Fatzi’s heart trembled and looked up slightly.

Waiting for him to talk, Tian Lingzi smiled indifferently. "It's too slow!"


One foot trampled down and stepped directly on the head of Liu Fatzi. The force of Tiandao directly penetrated the body of Liu Zhan, and he immediately slammed into the ground like a cannonball descending from the sky, and a huge deep pit appeared on the ground.

Deep pits can't see the bottom.

Liu war, life and death are unknown!

Xiaobai snorted, and the whole body glowed with amethyst, and opened a big mouth and released a strong suction.


Tianlingzi’s footsteps moved again, “too weak!”

It’s another foot.


Xiaobai’s magical powers have not been released yet, and they have been shot and flew out. This time, the ground scrolls wildly, a straight line, all the buildings on the straight line are crashed, flying tens of thousands of meters away, and finally hitting the sky. On the wall of the city, the wall collapsed and buried him again in the rubble.

Two strokes!

A trick to defeat.

And still a hand, no effort at all.

The cultivation of the Tianlingzi is no longer acceptable to the plane of the ancient continent.

After he flew Xiaobai, his eyes were cold and he stared directly at Luo Tian. He said coldly: "Do you think these forces can resist me? Too much power, in front of God, you only have dust, just Ants."


The sound is like a thunder, and it is crushed in the mind of Luo Tian.

His heart trembled, the ancient trees were greatly affected, and some could not bear shaking.


The power of the heavenly spirit is too strong.

The whole sea family was suddenly quiet, and all of them were shocked by the power of the Tianlingzi.

I heard it for a while.

Haitongtian laughed excitedly. He began to worry that Tianlingzi is not an opponent. Now it seems that he does not have to worry about it. This guy is too perverted, too arrogant, what is the fat man who swallows the godhead, what demon in the realm of demigod The beast is simply waste in front of him.

Tianlingzi looked at Luo Tian with contempt and said: "The Prince is the son of Heaven. What kind of qualification do you have for this mortal to compete with him? What qualifications do you compare with him? Luo Tian, ​​you are too weak."

"If it wasn't for the Prince, I wouldn't even kill you because you didn't even have the qualification to kill me!"


Red, naked contempt!

It is a kind of crushing.

There is no qualification for death in his hands. How much is it to despise Luo Tian?

Luo Tian's fists clenched, clenched, and then clenched, biting his teeth, and his heart was full of anger, but he couldn't say a word. His own cultivation was different from the heavenly spirit, and he could not shake the existence.

Various crushed!

Various bullies!

In his face, he took the easy dream away.

Who can bear this kind of fire?


Luo Tian’s double boxing shocked, “God burst!”


"Qinglong, Xuanwu, Baihu, Suzaku, all out!"


The four-headed beast wraps around his body, making a loud roar, and drinking again in the heart of the heart. "The ancient tree, give all your strength to me!"

"Boom, bang, bang!"

The body is bursting again!

Luo Tian's body is red, just like burning in the flame.

The eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes, and the expression becomes extremely embarrassing. One word and one sentence says: "I am not qualified? Then I will let you know what is qualification!"


The force immediately exploded, and Luo Tian took a step forward and shook the mountain.

Those who are in the realm of the emperor's realm have changed their faces, and even the admiration of the emperor's peak is not secretly shocked: "The strong explosive power, this Luotian is really a rare genius for a thousand years, but unfortunately!"

"Unfortunately he got rid of the Prince."

Tian Lingzi disdainfully snorted and said: "Waste is waste, and this power is weak!"




In the depths of the ground, a thunderous crash suddenly sounded!


"Your ancestors!"

"Say anyone can, just can't say my boss!"

The bottom of the ground cracked, and Liu Fatzi rushed out, with a blue-colored divine power on his body, his right hand, the colorful bow, and his left hand, "Hey God, the bound arrow!"

An arrow shot.

Also at this moment.

Xiaobai broke out at the same time, and instantly fell on the side of Tianlingzi, and opened his mouth, "Infinitely swallowed, give me a suck!"



The bound arrow turned into a divine power to wrap around the heavenly spirit, and the white endless swallowing of the dead and dying will **** the heavenly spirit. For a time, the eyebrows of the Tianlingzi wrinkled and screamed, "I don't know what to do!" ”

Liu war shouted, "Boss!"

Xiaobai also said: "Boss!"

Tianlingzi can't move at any time.


Only a little bit of time.

at this moment.

Without them shouting, Luo Tian also knows what to do, with his hands moving, directly summoning the Black Dragon Excalibur, a sword rushes to the sky, and strokes the power of nine days. The green dragon swells and bursts into a dragon in the air. Among the swords.

Zhuzu soared, weeping blood and humming, flying into the sword.

White tiger!

Xuanwu, the four gods all rushed into the Black Dragon Excalibur.


The ancient tree slammed!

18,000 leaves fell ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all blew up in Luo Tian's mind, and the arrogant power of the ancients, like the tide, is constantly flowing into the Black Dragon Excalibur through Luo Tian's arms. .

Eight levels of flesh.

The power of the Purple Gold Eucharist broke out.

Luo Tian is shaking.

The power is shaking,

The sea is also trembling, the strength of the ocean in the hurricane is endless, and Luo Tian is aiming at the eyebrows of the heavenly spirit, and the sword is smashed. "I let you know what is qualified!!!"


The fifth chapter is delivered!

Before seven o'clock, there is the sixth chapter!

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