Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1445: , Lin Dong, Tang 3...

Yunxiao College, Temporary Chamber of Deputies.

Dean Tianlong did not attend.

The trapped dragon chain on his body opened, but the body was extremely weak and needed a long recovery.

The emperor will be hosted for the time being.


Huangfu said: "The Yunxiao College was hit hard by this, and it was so badly hurt. Now we want to restore the former style of Yunxiao College. That time, the exchange meeting with the Abyss College must be sensational, and we must get this evil. The initiative of the conference!"

Yunxiao College is not a heavy blow, but a devastating blow.

The Yunxiao Academy now has less than 100 people in the entire college, except for those who are still practicing spiritual talents.

This is still because.

There are many disciples in Wuliangcheng to join.

It’s a little hard to get together now.


This exchange meeting is an excellent opportunity. As long as you grasp it, Yunxiao College can resurrect, and... good use can also expand the influence. You must know the evil spirits in this world, if you are under the leadership of Yunxiao College. If these resurrected demons are removed, the influence of Yunxiao College will be extended to the whole continent. After that time, why is it not strong?

Luo Tian could not help but say: "Participation must be attended, but now our staff is not enough."

He must attend.

Even if there is no such meeting, he will also rush to the Abyss College on August 15th. He must find the shadow concentrate and use it to create a super dark weapon. This is also the way to make yourself stronger. .

It is very difficult for Luo Tian to upgrade by experience.

Even if the experience of five billion yuan allows him to kill all the monsters of a mountain range, I am afraid that there is no 5 billion experience.

"Personnel issues..."

Huangfu’s eyebrows wrinkled a bit and looked at Luo Tian. “You, Liu Zhan, Xiao Bai, Yi Yumeng, Huang Yuya, Kailin, there are already six people here. If you add the blood demon king, you will still have seven people. Poor one person."

Counting it is so many people.


Luo Tian Wei Weidao: "Little White is still the body of the beast, he is also a semi-god realm. This time is a test of the Mozong of the Abyss College. He and the Gorefiend are not suitable for the contest. Otherwise, we will also Will be criticized, saying that we are going to fight evil spirits and monsters, so even if we win, it is not good."

Identity issue.


Luo Tian didn't care, but Xiao Bai and Gorefiend King really can't appear on the field, and they can't even participate in the game.

Huangfu suddenly frowned and said faintly: "Yes, the identity of the two of them is indeed special. If they participate, there will be something to say in the Abyss College. If you win, you will be even more dissatisfied. At this time, the exchange will probably be It will cause more trouble."

"The current Yunxiao College can't afford it."

The wind and rain are shaking.

It may fall down at any time, this is the current Yunxiao College.

芊芊 faintly said: "Phoenix Tianshan ancestral training does not allow disciples to participate in everything in the world, can not intervene, but ... I am not a disciple of the Phoenix Tianshan, I can participate."


Luo Tian was shocked and looked at him with horror. He said, "What happened to the goddess?"

I immediately went to the heart. "I went there. It seems that you are not good enough to play with you. I dare to drive out the phoenix Tianshan, you are a little goblin, wait for me to finish the abyss exchange meeting, then see How can I clean you up?"

Suddenly there was some fire in Luo Tian’s heart.

He immediately said: "The goddess is very good to me, and I have not told me how it is, it is me, it is me, it is my own to leave the Phoenix Tianshan."

When she spoke.

His eyes have been stuck on Luo Tian’s body.

Contains love.

You know that if you don't leave the Phoenix Tianshan, you can't follow Luo Tian, ​​you can't hold hands with him, kiss your mouth, and then... these can't happen.

Huang Fuya smiled and said: "It seems that I have one more member in the beautiful girl team."

The easy dream of wearing a black gauze is not a smirk.

Huangfu said: "With you, we are still few people."

Luo Tian said: "The repair of Yaya and nightmares is too low. I am worried about them in this exchange. It is better than..."


Huang Yaya immediately got up and said: "I want to participate, I must attend."

Yi Yumeng also said: "I also participate, I also want to do something for Yunxiao College."


"Our beautiful girl team should do something for Yunxiao College. We are not eating dry food. During this time, my time and space has already reached the fifth floor. I can now shuttle the space like the shackles." Huang Fuya said reluctantly, this time she will not leave Luo Tian anyway.

Yi Yumeng is the same as she thought.

Looking at their expressions, Luo Tian knows that it is impossible to let them not participate.


Even if they are still few people, do you want to choose someone from the Paladin?


Luo Tian immediately vetoed the idea. The Knights now need more time to develop. It is already his bottom line for Kailin to participate in the exchange. If other Paladins are allowed to participate, the development of the Paladin will definitely slow down.


Once you successfully win this exchange, then Luo Tian needs this Paladin!

and so.

The other Paladins can no longer be few.

Not enough people, how to participate in the exchange meeting?

I am afraid I will be jokes by the Abyss College.

If you can, Luo Tian wants to participate alone, but ... this is probably impossible, let alone the Emperor will never agree, even the Abyss College will be insulted and will not agree.

For a time.

The Chamber of Deputies was silent.

Now Yunxiao College has not found a student who can enter.

There are only six people in the patchwork!

Still two people.

Where are these two people looking for?


"Cough and cough..."

A cough sounded, and Dean Tianlong walked into the Chamber with a cane. His face was pale and his body was very weak. He said, "Teacher, do you forget that there is a place in Yunxiao College where there are students?"


When Huangfu’s eyes were bright, he immediately thought of one place and said: “Mystery?!”

"I forgot this place so?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Now no more worry about the problem of fewer people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Huangfu immediately excited, said to Luo Tian: "I forgot the cloud secrets, there are more than 50 super talents. The warrior, just looking for two students to come out, then our staff will be together. ”


The most mysterious place of Yunxiao College.

He said this.

Luo Tian’s mind suddenly flashed the shadow of two people, “Lin, Tang San!”

"It's time to shock you all!"


The third chapter is sent!

The old cow went to cook, brothers, want to eat, hahaha... old cows treat!


I am eating grass, hahaha...1148

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