Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1453: Big manipulation

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At least tens of thousands of graves are trembled in the mountains.

A thick scent of breath wants to break through, the dirt on the graves trembles, shakes off, and the grave is cracking, and a white claw-like bone sticks out of the grave.

A cockroach is okay, if it is tens of thousands...

Liu fat man has some scalp numb.

Huang Fuya is more afraid of shaking.





In a moment, a cockroach jumped out of the soil, shook his neck, and the joints exploded, and then all came up to Luotian as robots.

"What is the situation?!"

"Don't just dig up your things, can you use this?" Liu Fatzi said awkwardly, looked at the artifact that he couldn't put down, and said: "It's not a big deal."

Said and threw it into the grave.


These tricks are not bought at all.

Luo Tian's face changed slightly, his eyes swept away, he wanted to find a more favorable terrain, but there was no terrain that could be stuck in the belt. Immediately, "Hey, you protect them!"


"You come with me!"

No matter how.

Let's try it first.


What is certain is that the fat man who had just stepped on his head was not dead. Now at least kill the ‘dead’ and see what it is.

Liu Fatzi immediately got up and spirited, "Understood!"

Luo Tian moves, the pace is like flying, and the blink of an eye falls in front of the front of the rushing, "God burst!"


The power in the body is moving, and the rushing out.

"Qinglong, give it to me!"


A cyan dragon rushed out from the head of Luo Tian, ​​roaring in the sky of nothingness, the powerful dragon screaming a powerful deterrent, and then directly wrapped around Luo Tian's left arm.

Black Dragon Sword moves!



The green dragon wrapped around the arm directly rushed into the Black Dragon Excalibur, and the Black Dragon Excalibur also broke out with a harsh sword, and the sword went down.


I am covering the heavenly spirit.

A burst of cracked sound broke out.


The black dragon sword is drawn down from the head to the root of the thigh, and the head is split into two.

If it is a person, this time is absolutely dead.


Luo Tian did not hear the system prompt tone.

That is to say, this aunt is still not dead!


"It’s not dead, how can it be dead?" Luo Tian glanced at the cockroaches on the ground and moved them back together. "There must be weaknesses, there must be weaknesses, and it is impossible to kill."

"Try another sword..."

The power is moving.

It’s another sword.

The cockroach, which was originally divided into two, broke directly into countless fast bones, and the bones flew.


Still no sound.

These swept bones are madly gathered together in one place, crazy combination.


Luo Tian burst into a thick mouth and his eyebrows moved. "Try it with a fire!"

"Three levels of fire!"


When the palm of the hand moved, a flame shot out and blasted directly on the body of the cockroach. The flames swelled and wrapped all the cockroaches. Luo Tianxin was happy and said: "The characteristics of being hit by the fire."

As long as it is hit by the fire, if it is caused by spikes, this is the characteristic. The whole body catches fire. In a few seconds, the body will crack, and then the whole body will burn out!

Luo Tian thought.

The same is true of 骷髅.


The system still didn't remember the tone, and there was still no death.

Live and jump, and still more fierce.

"I rely!"

Luo Tian is speechless. "Is the fire ineffective?"

"What is the situation?"

Shenhuo ignores all defenses, as long as the chance of triggering a spike is absolutely dead, but this is completely ignoring the fire, just like 100% immunity, it is too difficult to understand, even the fat man on one side is blind.

"Boss, what is the situation?"

"What exactly are these cockroaches coming to? Don't die completely." Liu Zhan is playing more and more around him. Compared with Luo Tian, ​​he has more shackles around him. Going to him,

I have been paying attention to these flaws.

They have been rushing up, the speed is not fast, and there is also a feature, they did not attack Luo Tian and Liu Zhan!


As they approached Luo Tian, ​​the bones on the body began to open their mouths slowly, like a huge mouth. Obviously, they only wanted to swallow the body of Luo Tian, ​​if that was the case...

I seem to think of something.


She shouted loudly, saying: "Luo Tian, ​​it’s useless to try and test the sky."

"Liu war, you don't use divine power, keep distance, you can do it without you."

Luo Tian immediately thought that turning over the gods and gods is to crush the existence of all evil creatures. It is certainly not difficult to deal with this. The right hand is a palm, and the gods are directly printed to the sacrifice. The mind and spirit of the gods are released.

"Ready to die!"


There is absolutely no use at all.

The powerful force of the evil spirits did not cause any harm to the cockroaches, and directly ignored them!

"I took it!"

"Is there a lot of metamorphosis?" Luo Tian really did not understand, he felt that every scorpion here is more powerful, magical damage, 100% immunity, physical damage 100% immunity, this also How to play?

Invincible existence!

Really have to be played bad.

Luo Tian tried again and again with the God of God, completely useless.



Liu Zhan listened to what he said, but it saved a lot of burdens. After chasing him, he lost nearly half of it, but this half rushed to the four girls.

Luo Tian’s heart is tight, “Fat!”

Liu Zhan also noticed the dangers of the four girls, and he did not take care of the blasphemy, and immediately released his power.

The eyebrows of the eyebrows were wrinkled, and the white sword in the hand swung out and the power exploded. At the same time, her body also released a reincarnation force, which is also the power that the phoenix true fairy passed to her in the reincarnation cage. .

A sword hits!

The white light flashed.

Directly penetrates the head.

"Oh la la..."

"Oh la la..."

"Oh la la..."


That is a distraction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and no re-combination, completely dead.

"Sure enough!"

When I was happy, I immediately said, "Luo Tian, ​​they have a small gas hidden in their heads. These gases control them. Just kill them and kill them."


"You have to be careful."

"These gases may be the power of the gods..."


The fifth chapter is delivered!

The brother who has the ticket is up, the old cow is please! R1148

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