Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1456: Let you be today...

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There are artifacts in every grave.

What is the biggest grave?


Great surprise!

Luo Tian stared at the giant knife that constantly exudes the arrogance of the gods. The shape of the knife is very similar to that of the Tulongbao. The golden dragon is hovering on the handle, and the body is braving the power and arrogance.

Compared with the original **** knives, the world's first knives must be more domineering.


Luo Tian severely swallowed a bit of saliva, and some excitedly stepped forward, his right hand heavy grip.


For a while!

Luo Tian seems to enter a battlefield venue.

Constantly stifling.

Blood, corpse, screaming, shouting and screaming.

There are no powerful exercises here, some are various melee, cold weapons wars, like the giant battlefield of Gudda, Luo Tian was deeply shocked, his heart is tight, and his right hand is also loose.


The picture is brought back to reality.


"A good shocking battlefield scene." Luo Tianxin had a lingering sigh. The scene shocked him. Then he shook it up. This time he guarded his heart and tried to keep himself from being distracted. People go in.


It’s totally useless.

The picture that appeared this time is different from the battlefield just now.

Many of the dragon warriors are fighting a dragon. One of the warriors took the dragon knife in the hand. When the tribe was destroyed by the dragon, it fell from the sky and smashed the dragon. In two halves.


Luo Tian took a sigh of cold, he felt that he was the dragon, and was killed. "I rely, what is the situation?"

"This knife is too weird!"

"Two different pictures, is this telling its past?" Luo Tian glanced at the time specified by the system, and his heart sank. "There is only a minute left, and I will not kill the **** king outside." If the task fails, then he will really be returned to the original form and become a level. When it is time to say that it is a prince, a low-ranking warrior can easily kill himself."


Luo Tianmei wrinkled, he directly released the blood of Qinglong, and both hands shook up together, "ah..."

Roaring in the sky!

"Give me up!"


A flash of lightning fell directly on the knives, and all the surrounding graves screamed with violent vibrations. Even the weapons in the hands of Liu Zhe were trembled fiercely, as if they were afraid. It is also like cheering.

These artifacts seem to be affected by some kind of power.

Luo Tianfa was scattered, his long hair swayed vertically and swayed in the air, and the whole body robes sizzled, and a burst of powerful force erupted from the bottom of the giant knife, and the madness was like a huge wave.

Luo Tian’s body is shaking.

Holding the handle with both hands, the green dragon and the white tiger are directly wrapped around the arms. Luo Tian’s teeth bite slightly, and once again roared: “Give me up!!!”






The knife moved, two meters long, and the half-meter-wide giant knife moved. With a strong suffocation, the knife saw the unearthed moment, all the graves trembled even more, and the **** king trembled. .

Turn your head and look in the direction of your grave.

I saw...

Luo Tian was struggling to pull out the Dragon Slayer and put it on the ground. He couldn't lift it, but it was enough to swear.

Luo Tian is like a madman in a violent walk.

His face is like a goblin!


"Luo Tian..."


Everyone has a tight heart and sees that Luo Tian is all afraid of this appearance.

Even in the face of the sky, there is no such thing.

"The knife...the knife...is the king of the king. It seems to be very powerful. It absorbs the strength of Luo Tian. In this way, Luo Tian will definitely be absorbed by it." Said anxiously.

Liu Fatzi has not been able to manage so much, and directly rushed up to Luo Tian, ​​"I want to **** and **** me!"


Just like what you said.

The dragon knives in the crazy absorption of Luo Tian’s body, it is like being hungry for hundreds of thousands of years, the mad absorption, the big mouthful of swallowing, the idea that Luo Tian released when he entered the tomb of the **** is also Give the knife away.



Luo Tian snarled wildly, his arms trembled, and the vitality in the vitality tank was also falling wildly. When I saw the fat man rushing up, I immediately shouted, "Don't come over, I can hold on."

"You stop the **** king first!"

Luo Tian’s consciousness is very clear.


The Dragon Slayer is madly absorbing his strength, and he also wants to see how much the Dragon Slayer can suck.

There is one more point.

At the moment when Luo Tian got the dragon knife, the dragon knife released a familiar atmosphere. If the familiar atmosphere is not wrong, it should be left by the Huashan ancestors.

if it is like this……


This knife is the treasure left by Huashan's ancestors.

If this is the case, then you must tame it. Otherwise, how can you use it to kill the enemy?

If you can't even tame your own weapons, how can you mix them?

"Suck, suck, and suck, I want to see how much energy you can absorb." Luo Tian screamed, and the madness of the madness fell like a pumping body, as if there were ants in the bite. same.




Crazy sucking.

The gas trough is falling wildly.


Luo Tian is not worried about the problem of being absorbed. He is only worried about the task time!

It’s only thirty seconds left to complete the task.

If the dragon knives have not been used in the 30 seconds, if the **** king does not die, the system will determine that the mission has failed. In that case, everything will be in vain.

"You are coming soon."

"Do you have this ability?"

"Huashan ancestors will leave you this waste for me?"

"Can you abolish it again?"

Luo Tian’s ridiculous ridicule, “Let you **** so slowly, can you give Laozi a little faster?”

The Dragon Sword also seems to be more crazy by ridicule.

The disappearance of the gas into tons of tons.

Ten million points!

20 million points!


50 million points...

80 million points...


At last!

After 100 million yuan was sucked by the Dragon Slayer, it finally hit a full, Luo Tian screamed and said: "Is it full? If you are full, then give it to me!" ”

The voice fell ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luo Tian stepped out, his arms bulged, his muscles soared, the pure power of the eight-level body was released, and suddenly the dragon knife was lifted over the head, watching the last remaining system In three seconds, Luo Tianfei went to the air.

Just like the dragon warrior in the picture.

Break through the world!

I went down...



Storms, lightning and thunder, there are friends in the robbery, there is no way to continue the code this evening.

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