Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 11 Chapter 2056: , forcing me to enlarge the move.

The task that has just been refreshed on the big screen of the task. ? Read a book? 1?k?a?n?s book h?u·cc


The task level is a level, 100,000 points reward.


The mission also added rewards to reward non-mysterious items, as to what was not announced.

"Assassination mission!"

"A level assassination mission, my goodness."

"The task that has just been refreshed, just released, is it the assassination?"

"A level of mission height, is it difficult to kill the level of the sea?"

"It's hard to say."

"Who is this strength?"

"100,000 points, this is not the strength of the general team."


The entire hall is being discussed.


The crowd is also in turmoil.

Several old people sneaked into the secret room, which was dedicated to the assassination mission.

Such a level of assassination mission will definitely be a face-to-face conversation, and the mission has special rewards. What is it?

Luo Tian shook a little, "100,000 points, a skyrocketing."


He thought about it, or forget it.

This kind of strong man is currently unable to touch him. He is only a middle class in Wuhai, and his work is still low-key.


He went to the place where the mercenary battle group was registered, and handed over a Yuanshi, saying: "Registered the battle group.? Read a book??w?ww??1?k?an?sh?u?·cc"

The staff collected the membership fee and took out a form, saying: "Fill it."

"A Yuanshi can only be registered as a f-class battle group, and there are five members. To accept the task, it is necessary to let the battle group above the f-level first, understand?"

The staff reminded me.

Luo Tian took a look at the box below the form is like selling a contract, but also lazy to see.

Anyway, he just wanted to find the task of looking for Niu Niu and Jing Er. As for other things, he didn't think much.

Fill in the form and hand it over.

The staff glanced at the ‘name’ on the form and scanned it on an energy black stone. “The strongest king was registered.”

His voice fell, and many people around him snickered.

"Don't look at your strength. Registering a f-class battle group is also the strongest king? Is the strongest waste almost?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"It’s really a shame in this year."

Luo Tian's eyes sank, glanced at them coldly, and sneered: "If you don't even think about it, what do you mean by living in this world?"


Luo Tian said: "Where the master."

The staff continued: "Registered."


Luo Tian said again: "What about the Diamond King?"


"Gold masters can always be."


Luo Tian: ...

Just like the names of previous games, all registered, and no way to live, I think this is also the case in this chaotic world.壹~www.wuxiaspot.com~See w?·1?·cc

Luo Tian is speechless.

The staff urged: "Come on, there are people waiting for it."

At last.

Luo Tianyi screamed, "Forcing me to enlarge the move?"

"This name is not registered."

"The name of the team has already been given to you. Your ‘Forcing me to enlarge the move’ has been established. This is your battle group badge. The badges of your members are designed by themselves. That’s it.”


The staff is very fast.

People around you have to laugh.

"Forcing me to enlarge the move, hahaha... it’s too funny."

"This group name is so funny."

"We don't understand the world of teasing."

"I still think about it, this is what he wants, hahaha... smiles!"


I laughed loudly.

Luo Tian was surrounded by the whole person and said: "That, I don't want to name this. Can I change it?"

The staff shook his head and said: "No!"

Luo Tian said again: "Then I will re-establish the battle group."

The staff said: "First cancel your battle group, then wait another month to re-register the battle group."

"Don't delay my time, the next hurry."


Luo Tian was pushed out by the latter person. He looked at the badge in his hand and murmured: "Forcing me to enlarge the move?"


Luo Tian’s name is that ‘ 拽 拽 拽 炫 ’ ’ 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 逼 逼 逼 逼 逼 逼 逼 逼 逼 逼 逼 逼


"Well, forcing me to enlarge the move will force me to enlarge it. It's not a battle group name. Anyway, I just want to earn points and then carry out the task." Luo Tian comforted himself.


He returned to the mission hall and looked at the task that was refreshed on the task screen. "F-level mission, looking for a piranha."

"This mission can be."


Waiting for him to go to the task window, then... the task on the big screen disappears.

I was picked up.

"E-level mission, killing a fiery rhinoceros and completing the mission standard fire rhinoceros horn."

"This should work as well."

The task stayed on the screen for only three seconds and then disappeared.

This is the case every time.

Luo Tian was depressed.

"Is it so difficult to pick up a task?" Luo Tian felt a fire in his heart. "I have to see who is so fast, and I will be picked up without waiting for the task to roll."

He went to the task window and was blind again.

"F-level mission, looking for cannibalism, two yuan stone for sale, hurry up, first come first served."

"There are e, d-level tasks here, hurry up."

Just like the yellow cattle at the train station.

And very arrogant, this group of scalpers directly encircle the task window and give no chance to others.

Once they have a low-level task, they are picked up immediately.

Do you want to pick up the task?

It's very simple, just go with them to buy a task, otherwise you will not get half a mission.

"Is there any Wang Fa?"

"Is the ox on the earth coming here?" Luo Tian thought that the last time he bought a train ticket was a depression, and he walked to a ox.

The ox took a look at Luo Tian, ​​the road

"Brother, do you want a mission? I have a cdef-level mission, and the price is cheap."

Luo Tian looked at him with a look of ignorance and asked: "Do you care about the mercenary union?"


The face of the man changed immediately. He said: "Is the tube? Is it the task of the normal channel? Who cares?"

"Brother, you can rest assured that my mission here is the same as his mission, and I can definitely redeem points."

It was at this time.

A middle-aged man was shackled on the ground ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then was beaten by the head.


"So you still want to manage our Buffalo Battle?"

"Looking for death, right?"

The oxen standing next to Luo Tian sneered: "Seeing no, this is the end of the game. We are a buffalo group, but who dares to provoke?"

The oxen looked proud and looked at the middle-aged man on the ground, yelling: "kill him!"

It was at this time.

Luo Tian looked at him and said: "I dare!"

The voice fell.

Luo Tianyi slaps the fan down!



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