Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 7 Chapter 864: Longing for the future

The voice of Huashan's ancestors came.

Very mad, very happy laughter came out of the ring.

Not waiting for Luo Tian to enter the Sui ring, the figure of Huashan ancestors flew directly from the ring.

This time.

The look of Huashan's ancestors is a hundred times more spiritual. Luo Tian can feel the fascination that he released from his body, and his heart is secretly surprised.

"Good boy!"

"Yes, yes, I really didn't misread you."

"You really did it."

"You haven't seen the face of the old thief in the Tibetan Monster. I almost vomited blood by your anger. Hahaha... I laughed at me, it was so cool. It was the coolest thing to live for tens of thousands of years, hahaha... ..." Huashan ancestors laughed again, and the expression was very excited.

Luo Tianxin knew that he was cheated.

Was cheated by Huashan ancestors.

Huashan ancestors want to save the Tian Xuan mainland, in fact, is saving himself.

The Tibetan Monster has already said it.

The ancestors of Huashan were trapped by him. Luo Tian killed a gang of the demon lord. His power was loose. The looseness of this silk was very deadly for the strong. The ancestors of Huashan must be out of trouble. It is.

Otherwise he would not be as happy as he is now.

Luo Tian smiled lightly and complimented: "It should be, but my ancestors, I killed the Earth Tower and killed the Flame Monster. Now I have killed the Tibetan Monsters. You also know that they are all The other strong planes, as well as the shadows of the strongest of the ancient continent, the Tibetan monarch said before the death that there will be endless pursuit of me. Now what should I do, I do not want to die, ancestors. You have to help me."

Luo Tian said deliberately.

He is tempting.

Exploring the ancestors of Huashan, is also trying to find out whether the Tibetan Monarchs really have such powerful energy.

The Tibetan Monarch was born in the highest position. The other planes are not people who have him. No one can say it well. This kind of thing can only be found by the strongest in the high plane. Huashan ancestors are one of them.

Huashan ancestors smiled a little and said: "Luo Tian. You will put a hundred hearts. The hidden monsters have no time to take care of you. He is now difficult to protect himself. After I understand the earth's righteousness, I will be crushed by me. Kill, how can he find your troubles?"


"The strong planes of the geocentric towers should pay attention to you when you arrive. With your talent potential, there is no problem with them. Don't worry, your future is infinitely bright, hahaha..."

"As for the ancient continent."

"As long as you find the two caves that I cultivate, and the stick, I believe that even the strongest of the ancient hegemony will not hurt you, but can you enter the cave to find the things I left? It’s up to you.”

"That stick doesn't know that it is still there. I have told you about its characteristics last time. As for whether you can find everything and see your creation." Huashan ancestors said slowly.

It all depends on Luo Tian himself.

He can only help with this.

Luo Tianxin faintly sinks, secretly said: "It seems that the demon lord is right. Someone in the 18 planes will want my life, his mother, for the ancestors of Huashan, I suddenly offended twenty. The strong man of the plane, is this not my life?"


"I will not enter the ancient world."

"Just be a land emperor in Tian Xuan mainland, who is coming to die. Who dares to provoke me?"

Not Luo Tian is afraid.

But he feels that it is better to enjoy life and be a land emperor. The whole Tian Xuan mainland is his, how cool is this?

Life expectancy is also tens of thousands of years.

How much do you have to enjoy this?


So many sisters are waiting to give him a doll, and then fight for what?

In order to become a high-powered person?

These are too illusory, Luo Tian is the highest in the Tian Xuan mainland, is the invincible existence.

Huashan ancestors seemed to see through Luo Tian’s thoughts. “How can you not be young when you are young? Tian Xuan’s continent is too small. The ancient world is the beginning of your stage, and it’s a wonderful The world, where the thousands of low-ranking planes gather, is also a transit point to the high plane. The ancient world hides too many secrets and spiritual treasures, even if I have not entered many places. I don't even know, your kid must take a good look."

Luo Tianhe smiled and said: "Hey, your sister, you have been killed by the pit. If you just entered the ancient world, you will be killed. What about the ancient world, I have already provoked several strong fighters." The undead emperor, the seven gods, these two bosses will certainly not let go of themselves once they know that they have entered the ancient world."

Huashan ancestors smiled a little and said: "Don't worry, the ancient world is the tens of times more than the area of ​​Tian Xuan mainland. Even if the overlord wants to find someone, it will take a lot of time. It will not be found at one time and a half. They will not spend time on finding people, they are desperately practicing, comprehending, and want to enter a stronger plane."

"Kid, you have to remember one sentence."

"This is the world of the strong. Only by standing at the peak of the world can you protect the world. This is what the military has pursued for a lifetime. It is stronger, stronger, stronger, and becomes the master of everything!! !"

This is also his lifelong dream.

He has now stepped into the high position and has taken another step from his dream.

It was said by him that Luo Tian’s blood was boiling.

He is a militant.

His past life has longed for the kind of world in the game, the constant struggle, the constant killing of evil, the constant for the brothers, for the woman to take care of the whole world, this is life.

A **** life.

Luo Tian’s double fists secretly gripped and smiled and said: “Thank you, my ancestors, I will remember.”

Huashan ancestors looked at Luo Tian and said: "If we meet again, I am afraid I don't know how many years later, boy, I am waiting for you at the highest position. I believe that you will be able to enter the high position. Goddess, all the gods, hahaha..."


The eyes of Huashan's ancestors are a little moist.

It seems to be sad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luo Tianyi, the heart secretly said: "Do you want this? It seems that it is the same as the friends."


Luo Tian smiled and said: "There will be one day."

Huashan ancestors haha ​​laughed and said: "I am waiting, kid, must be able to stir up the world, Tian Xuan mainland has been blown up by you, the ancient world you must go, only into the ancient world, you will Know what is called the strong!"


The illusion of Huashan's ancestors slowly disappeared.

Luo Tian waved his hand. Suddenly, his brow was tight and he immediately said loudly: "Old ancestors, you haven't told me what the antidote to the soul poison is?"

A voice is like coming from a distance, saying: "You will naturally know when you enter the ancient world!"

"I rely on!!!!" is not yet to be continued

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