"He can cut the line, why can't I?"

"It's also here to test, if you don't queue well, I'll cut the line." For

a moment, the

whole team became chaotic.

The surrounding security guards couldn't stop it.

"If it's noisy, don't even think about going to the academy!" Suddenly

, a middle-aged man walked over.

There are also several folders in hand.

"You people, I have a record here.

He flipped through the folders.

Show it to the people around you.

"If the test doesn't pass, it's not me who will be disgraced. The

implication is that.

Even if this person is cutting in line.

If the test does not pass.

It's not interesting to cut in line.

And it will be humiliating.

When he said this, the other people's faces were not right.

No one cut the queue anymore.

Some of them retreated to the back.

No matter how it compares.

Once the qualification is not good.

They may not even have the face to go out on the street.

"This ......" "

Who are you?"

the man was still unconvinced.

Put on an attitude that Lao Tzu is the best in the world.

The middle-aged man smiled.

"I'm the vice-rector of the monastery, do you know?"

"You said you were the vice principal, you are?"

the middle-aged man said for the next second.

He pulled out a piece of paper from the folder.

It is written on the power of attorney.

Black and white.

There is also an official seal printed on it.

and Bai Xuan's autograph.

"I, the vice principal, have no other meaning, but to supervise you. Bai

Xuan had expected it a long time ago.

There will be such a situation.

Since the last time that man and woman happened.

He's been on the lookout.

And this middle-aged man was found from the mysterious bureau.

It was Zhang Qingfeng who recommended it.

This man's own awakened power system.

So qualified to be a teacher for those students.

Bai Xuan felt that he was always outside.

So you have to find someone.

Alternate your place.

This vice-chancellor took office.

The crowd is not after the noise.

Everyone was in order and started to line up.

There are still a lot of people who come to test today.

The final qualification can be cleared.

There aren't a few.

A lot of people are disappointed.

And the last students who remained.

You will be able to enroll on the 1st of the following month.

"Just because you're left behind doesn't mean they're the best.

"Because there are some people who he won't come to school, but he will still learn Xi on his own. "

Those people are hidden in the city.

There are also people who take advantage of their own awakening.

To do a lot of bad things.

"We have grade divisions. Then

the vice principal led the students.

According to their qualifications.

Went to the class where it should be.

to the end.

There was no one in the third grade.

This inevitably gave him a bit of a headache.

Because Bai Xuan said it before.

The number of students enrolled in the college.

It doesn't take much.

But there must be.

And that kind of awesome must not be let go.

But in the end, there was not half of it.

"It stands to reason that the enrollment of our college is not low. The

vice-principal complained to himself.

I just happened to run into light snow coming this way.

Her most recent position is the Dean of Students at the College.

And Xiaowan is the director of the administration department.

Neither of them had ever done anything about it.

But Bai Xuan said they could.

It also belongs to chasing ducks to the shelves.

It's not okay.

There are so many students who are about to start classes.

And the teacher for the next class is not yet in place.

So the two girls can only do one part-time job.

Bai Xuan is also a teacher at the academy.

In a corner of the city center of Jiangcheng.

There's a bunch of people coming together.

They are also awakened people.

Through the Tieba conversation in the forum.

Secret plots come together.

"We're just going to come here, can this organization be made?"

they were going to start an organization.

It is also a monastic organization.

It's not like those ordinary people.

"Now there are seven of us, of course.

"How do we decide

the boss of the organization?"

"Come on the convener, whoever summoned will be the boss." "

A beautiful silver-haired woman standing behind the crowd.

Finally spoke.

"We are all awakened people.

"And your strength is not weak, so it is appropriate for you to be the boss of the organization. "

This beauty appeared from the beginning.

He rarely speaks.

But everyone knows that her ability is not weak.

And the one she approves of.

It's definitely not weaker.

A red-haired man smiled.

"Thank you for supporting me, but I think you're also a good fit. "

Ouch, you two don't shirk it.

"If you want me to say simply, you are both the boss.

"I also think so, anyway, we people don't have the right to fight with the two of you. "

About the post they said.

It's a spiritual forum on the Internet.

It was not long ago that it became popular.

And someone communicates privately through this.

That's why they have the small organization they are now.

And there is no shortage of people in the middle who deceive them.

Pretend to be an awakened person.

I just want to cheat some cultivation materials.

As a result, it was discovered by the one-haired beauty.

"Let's introduce ourselves. "

My name is Dong Li. The

red-haired man was the first to introduce.

A girl dressed in a Jk stood up.

"My name is Yun Baisha. The

other two lads introduced their names.

Finally, when it was the turn of the silver-haired beauty.

"Xuanyue. "

Sure enough, it's a beautiful woman with a nice name. "

I think I've heard the name Xuanyue somewhere. "

It's a celebrity who sticks it, and the specific reason for the popularity seems to be because of the air control earlier?"

Yun Baisha thought carefully.

Then he turned his head to look at Xuan Yue.

Hopefully she can give a definite answer.

"Aircontrol is just a gimmick.

She explained lightly.

In fact, this is also her ability.

But she didn't know if she should be exposed.

Although he is considered to be capable.

I don't know if this organization can be worn permanently.

"Okay, okay, now that the organization is complete, should we do something next?"

"Of course, we have to get the secrets of the cultivation and the exercises, and we need everyone to work together. "

As for cheats, my family has taken two low-level cheats before.

Yun Bai Sha spoke.

Several of the other boys looked at her.

"Auction, why are you so rich?"

"It's my family that has money, not me, and it's because my dad can wake up." "

Rich people will get some things that ordinary people don't have for the first time.

Cloud white yarn is like this.

I thought I wouldn't be able to wake up.

As a result, I relied on those two low-level cheats.

Woke up unexpectedly.

But I don't know what my current abilities are.

"Xuanyue, they all said that after awakening, you can divide the elements, what kind of system are you?"


It's kind of like your name, too. "

Then can you show me?"

Xuan Yue shook her head.

"I'm too weak to show my spiritual power right now. "

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