He just won't turn you to that page.

Bai Xuan could only watch dryly.

Fortunately, there is still a bit of humanity in this system.

By the time Bai Xuan didn't want to order again.

Suddenly, he was given two high-level cheats.

And he gave 10 more of that fruit.

There are also some fairy waters.

The rest are medium and low cheats.

There are a lot of exercises and so on.

So far, I haven't pulled out any weapons.

On second thought, he already had a green steel sword.

It's better to use the green steel sword flexibly first.

There are too many weapons, and there will be difficulty in choosing when the time comes.

And it's not as coordinated to use.

The days that followed.

Bai Xuan helped the soldiers train during the day.

At night, he entered the space to cultivate.

Edgeworth has mastered flying.

A Qinggang sword shot.

It's fascinating.

Just in the middle of the exercise.

There is a book of swords.

The text above is older.

He didn't understand it, and he asked someone to translate it for him.

This sword technique is divided into 9 layers.

He's just on the first floor.

The state of one's own spiritual power.

There was a breakthrough during this time.

directly broke through the distraction realm in one fell swoop.

To reach the final level directly.

It may take some time.

Because the spiritual power of the earth is too scarce.

This has just been revived.

Yes and no.

So in addition to cultivating in the space.

There is nowhere else to go.

A place with a lot of people like a military district.

Reiki is even rarer.

It is also because of the use of space.

So he moved up several ranks in a row.

Compared to ordinary people.

He is a genius among the best.

He didn't reveal his rank, though.

These things are not very well exposed.

Don't get killed by the time.

And after the revival of the earth's aura.

All sorts of things are happening all over the country.

A lot of people have done a lot of bad things with this.

The people in the various bureaus are too busy.

The Mystic Bureau has also lent out a lot of people.

There is also a direct dispatch of troops from the military region.

In this way, Dongying's people didn't make trouble.

They themselves were in disarray.

So Bai Xuan plans to leave the military region next month.

Do what you have to do.

Putting the monastery really in action.

Let's go to Dongying again.

Those people have been plotting behind the scenes for so long.

All kinds of killer moves.

This time it was up to him to take the initiative.

Give those people a little bit of color.

Even if the entire Dongying is destroyed.

He was willing, too.

After all, the benefits are not just for one's own country.

And himself.

According to what the system says.

He's going to go out and brush up his level.

Elevate yourself.

Wait until someday.

If several major powers begin to fight.

People like him are to stand at the front.

At the same time, other countries.

There are also many people who are awakened.

The cultivation system adopted by each kingdom is different.

But most of the country's goals.

All point to Great Xia.

Because Great Xia is for them.

is a very strong enemy.

Now it is developing.

If you don't target the crackdown in advance.

After standing up, they will no longer be able to match.

"Bai Dao Chief, thank you very much.

"Where, just bother the chief to send me personally.

"Well, here's what we have to do. "

Yes, you have helped us so much, and it doesn't cost us, we are very grateful.

"To help you is to help Great Xia, to help myself. "

The relationship between this.

As everyone here knows.

They also knew that Bai Xuan was not being polite.

Just telling the truth.

As long as everybody is strong.

Only then can they have the strength to protect their homeland.

"In that case, I'll go first, and everyone stays.

Bai Xuan waved his hand.

Leave cleanly.

Now it's time for him to prepare.

Take the phantom snake to make a big show.

Haven't the shogunate been clamoring a lot lately?

Indicate their intentions directly on the website.

to provoke other ordinary people.

to achieve their ends.

These are in Bai Xuan's opinion.

It's the stupidest news.

Because they didn't touch Bai Xuan's minefield.

So this group of clowns jumps no matter how they do.

Bai Xuan didn't look at it.

Instead, he secretly planned a big play.

After a system upgrade.

In addition to bringing a lottery system as well as other small benefits.

And the most important one.

It is that you can use fairy water to change your appearance.

Bai Xuan's immortal water is inexhaustible.

He had already figured out who he was going to be.

Those little shrimps didn't know what he was thinking.

If you want to do it, you have to be the biggest one.

Of course, he didn't tell anyone else about the time of his departure.

Even what he went to do.

It's also a different excuse.

"Brother Bai really went on a trip?"

"Then there can be a holiday, and I made a travel plan before leaving." "

Also, he's been busy for a long time, and he hasn't had a good rest. And

Bai Xuan wants to hide his identity on the Internet.

The best way to do this is to go live at the monuments.

People on the outside know it.

The monument is somewhere in the south.

I just don't know the exact location.

They also want to know what's inside.

The people on the shogunate's side also knew.

There are monuments.

It's really cool to have space.

The next time is to rush directly in batches.

Half the time in space.

Half the time in heaven.

And he can shield his body.

So radar on the ground as well as radar in the air.

I can't find him.

In short, this is the life of Kaihang.

Bai Xuan also really realized it.

"Friends, the live broadcast continues today, and I will lead you to continue to explore the monuments!"

You don't need to put on any words to attract people.

Every night at 8:00, netizens will wait for him on time.

If you are a little late, you will be dissed.

It is precisely because of this group of netizens.

So the shogunate was much less wary of him.

"Anchor anchor, is the stone statue you live in?"

: "No, don't be scary, why didn't I see it!"

: "I'm not scary, you can see it yourself!" Netizens

were very excited.

Follow the barrage sent by that person.

Take a closer look at the stone statue behind Bai Xuan.

There is indeed a slight change.

Of course, Bai Xuan knew that he was moving.

But he just doesn't look.

That group of netizens was very uncomfortable.

"Bai Dao Chief, take a look!"

"Yes, don't be dirty. "

Look at how eager they are.

Bai Xuan looked back.

The stone statue crouched quietly on the ground.

He had moved 5 centimeters from his original position.

It seems that this group of netizens has very sharp eyes.

Such a tiny distance.

It's all seen.

I saw Bai Xuan step forward.

A slap on the head of the stone statue.

"Look at you, you were seen by a group of netizens, can you do it?"

The next second, the live broadcast room was quiet.

Everyone seemed to see three black lines on the head of the stone statue.

"Poof, Bai Dao Chang is too bold!"

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