The woman didn't speak again this time.

Because she couldn't tell.

"When the Angry Serpent was born, there were also many betrayers in Great Xia, and I sent them to court. "

At first, Bai Xuan was going to kill him.

But Zhang Qingfeng said.

Let the courts try them.

Let the people hate and sanction them.

Bai Xuan stopped at this time.

"If you have a problem, you can tell me and see if I can help you.

"Instead of choosing to kill. The

woman looked up in resignation.

"Can you really help me

?" "Are you different from those people?"

she asked in quick succession.

Bai Xuan found a stool next to him and sat down.

"If I had been like them, I would have broken you up without saying anything when you appeared.

"Instead of asking you so much and explaining to you. The

female ghost knelt down on the bed.

"Then can you please help me!"

General Directorate of Mysteries.

Suddenly, a large number of people gathered at the door.

People who come to work can only enter through the back door.

They didn't take it too seriously.

When Bai Xuan eliminated the demon before.

These people have also gathered here.

However, Zheng Tao always felt that this scene was familiar.

"What are those people gathering at the door to make trouble?"

"I don't know, some people are just standing at the door and watching.

Zheng Tao opened the

curtain and looked down.

A lot of people looked at him directly.

Frightened, he subconsciously closed the curtains.

"What's going on??" "

The eyes are so terrifying, they feel like they're going to kill me." "

Leave them alone and let the guards fence them up. "

Zhang Qingfeng happened to be in the bureau recently.

Zhang Zhidong and the others were on the plane that came in a hurry.

With them.

There are also seven Taoist priests from last time.

They received the news one step in advance.

Said that something would happen to the Mystic Bureau today.

There are a lot of C4 bombs in ambush around the Mysteries.

It is not known who revealed the news to them.

But if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of what if.

So I went straight to a few people.

I'm going to go and see what's going on.

"Get in touch with the people of the Southeast Military Region. "

Prevent big incidents from happening here.

There are people from the military district.

They will be able to breathe a sigh of relief then.

Zhang Qingfeng sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere today.

So I sent a message to Bai Xuan early in the morning.

Hopefully he will receive it.

Of course, they are by satellite phone.

After all, there will be interceptions on the side of Dongying Kingdom.

"Radar detected something flying fast towards us. "

A team member came to report.

The radar is on the southeast, northwest, 4 directions.

There are countless red dots converging here.

"There is an attack! Quickly dodge the blow!" Zheng

Tao ordered.

All of them were on alert.

The door to the gate never opened.

But the men stood quietly in front of the door.

They were all dressed in the clothes of the people of Great Xia.

He was also not armed.

That's what caused those players to let their guard down.

But they forget the most fundamental truth.

That is, these people may be suicide bombers.

Bombs in their bodies.

Can evade radar detection.

But these are all speculations.

Because these people haven't touched so far.

All of them are ready.

Silently waiting for the red dot on the radar detector to arrive.

It turned out that they were still 100 meters away.

The red dots suddenly disappeared.

"What's going on!"

"I don't know, I've searched again.

"I can't detect anything about them on my side.

"Neither on my side. "

For a while, the team members didn't have any detectors on it.

Zheng Tao clenched his fists.

At the same time, there was a roar outside.

The crowd looked up and out the window.

A flying creature swooped down on them.

And it's blazing fast.

The projectile is not shown on the radar detector.

"Attack! Hit back!" Instantly

all the guns were aimed at the monster.

Shoot in unison.

The monster circled over them.

A bullet can hit this monster by a fraction of a second.

But the monster was too fast.

The speed at which their muzzles move has reached the limit.

"Prepare anti-aircraft guns. "

Anti-aircraft guns can strike at a wide range.

And the shot missile can be range-captured.

Something 20 meters around it.

All of them will be attracted by electromagnetism.


three anti-aircraft guns were fired.

The monster was hit directly and screamed.

Crash to the ground.

Fortunately, there were no civilians on the ground.

The transfer has long been carried out.

The monster slammed to the ground.

The floor tiles were all smashed and shattered.

Not far away, there are some people watching the excitement.

Quickly hold up your phone.

There are also cameras to shoot.

There are also many media outlets that are rapidly approaching this side.

Their idea is to cut down all the hot spots of the day.

That way, tomorrow what they send out will be at the top of the hot list.

But I didn't think about this consequence at all.

The previous 500 meters of the Mystic Bureau were all surrounded.

But no one knew.

The special clothes they wear.

All of them were able to evade the radar detectors.

They were in close proximity to each other in various streets.

And there are also people who specifically solve the camera.

Now the mystery bureau.

It's like a blind person, stumbling around the streets.

And if you are not careful, you will hit the enemy's knife edge.

"What about the general team

?" "What else can I do?"

Direct hand-to-hand combat, those people must be down there.

"But don't rule out that they're human bombers, that's a possibility.

Zhang Qingfeng pushed the door and walked in.

A thought of the last time something like that happened in the square.

At that time, there was Bai Xuan.

So take care of it.

But now Bai Xuan is not there.

All they can do is keep civilians safe.

and the traumatic reduction of the Mystery.

"I don't think hand-to-hand combat is very good.

"I've thought about this possibility, but I'm afraid that some people are real civilians and some people aren't. "

This TND must be Dongying's attack!" someone

slapped on the table.

His face was full of anger.

All the things that Dongying did before.

All at once came to them.

"They didn't care about their lives at all!"

"They're moving, Captain!" reported

the man guarding the gate.

"Fight back. "

The doorway was blown to pieces.

The civilians who had stood at the door at the beginning all swarmed in.

But they didn't have any weapons in their hands.

The team members didn't even know if they should shoot or not.

"Shoot. Until

Zheng Tao's voice appeared in their headphones.

But the men had moved to a distance of two meters from them.

After the shot.

An explosion rang out.

And many of the team members were affected by the explosion.

Either no legs or no hands.

Some even suffered eye injuries from shrapnel.

Such damage is too great.

And the other party just got their idea.

Felt that they would not dare to shoot because they were civilians.

"Damn!" "

Actually use us!".

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