On the dinner table.

Su Bai said to everyone:

"I was ugly just now. "

Hear this.

The chopsticks that had been picking up vegetables suddenly fell to the ground.

"Ahem, don't get excited. "

Su Bai smiled embarrassedly.

Zeng Chaohao picked up the chopsticks and said:

"Su Bai, you are too modest. "

Fan Yilan chimed in, "I think too." "

Wang Kaizhi also nodded.

For the two elbow throws and single elbow throws that Su Baishi exhibited just now.

Everyone saw it and agreed.

Zhang Jing also looked at Su Bai seriously and said:

"As far as I know, Su Bai, whether it's an elbow throw or a single elbow throw. "

"These are extremely dangerous moves. "

"And at the same time, it needs a lot of explosive power. "

"Su Bai, don't be modest. "

Hear Zhang Jing's words.

Su Bai didn't answer her words, but instead snorted and said, "Come, eat, eat." "

Everyone feasted.

Fan Yilan nodded affirmatively

"Su Bai, your meal is really good. "

"The food was delicious and very much in line with the taste of the sisters. "

Su Bai smiled and said, "That's good, that's good." "

Zeng Chaohao also commented:

"Not to mention, Su Bai's cooking is more fragrant than what I make at home. "

Zeng Chaohao can cook a little, but not much.

Therefore, he is still quite satisfied with the food cooked by Su Bai.

Wang Kaizhi nodded with Zeng Chaohao and Fan Yilan, but did not agree.

After eating, Zhang Jing praised:

"Su Bai, for the sake of your good cooking. "

"I'll forgive you for fighting me. "

Su Bai smiled and arched his hand: "Sister Good Luck is magnanimous, and the younger brother will also compensate you here." "

Looking at the leftovers on the table and the dishes and chopsticks that were finished.

Fan Yilan suddenly spoke

"You're all done, aren't you? "

"I'll help you clean up the dishes. "

Fan Yilan felt that since Su Bai had helped them cook a meal.

Then I should and should do something.

Su Bai nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll leave it to Sister Yiyi." "

Fan Yilan responded with a smile: "Okay, no problem, wrap it up on me." "

With that, she began to clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

At this time, Wang Kaizhi walked to her side and took the initiative to speak:

"You can't just clean up by yourself, I'll help you. "

Hear Wang Kaizhi's words.

Fan Elan glanced up at him.

It seems to be thinking about something.

Then he nodded and said:

"Yes. "

"Then you can help me clean up the leftovers on the table. "

"As for the dishes and chopsticks, I'll just clean them up. "

Wang Kaizhi looked at Fan Yilan and said with a smile

"Okay. "

"I listen to you. "

After speaking, Wang Kaizhi also took action.

Start picking up leftovers.

And Fan Yilan is cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks.

The two have a clear division of labor.

The things on the table were quickly cleaned up.

Wang Kaizhi also wiped the table with him.

Fan Yilan praised Wang Kaizhi and said

"Not bad, not bad. "

"Well done. "

Hear Fan Ilan's compliments.

Wang Kaizhi smiled shyly and said, "Thank you." "


Zeng Chaohao, who had nothing to do, looked at Fan Yilan and Wang Kaizhi talking and laughing.

I feel like I've been left out in the cold.

I couldn't interject all the time.

So he also found himself some work.

"Sister Yiyi, Brother Wang, you clean up the table, then leave the rest of the work to me. "

Zeng opened his mouth to the horse.

Fan Yilan and Wang Kaizhi chatted quite well.

The two didn't pay attention to Zeng Chaohao's words for a while.

But Zhang Jing took the initiative to take over the conversation and said:

"I'll go wash the dishes with you. "

Hearing this, Zeng waved his hand at Hao again and again:

"No, no, I'll just do it alone. "

"You can rest for now. "

Zeng Chaohao spoke.

Zhang Jing had already walked to the sink.

smiled: "Chef Su cooked a meal for us today, and I haven't made any effort yet." "

"Come on, I'll take care of the dishes and chopsticks with you. "

"I'm in charge of making the foam, and you're in charge of flushing, how about it?"

Zeng Chaohao glanced at Zhang Jing, shook his head, and said with a smile:

"Having said that, do I still have room to refuse?".

With the cooperation of Zeng Chaohao and Zhang Jing.

Soon, all the dishes and chopsticks were washed and placed on the table.

Look at the few people who have finished "laboring".

Su Bai smiled, "You guys are quite capable. "

Everyone laughed in unison: "Learn from Chef Su." "

Just a few people were talking and laughing.

Outside the forest hut.

There was a knock on the door.

"Looks like it's another guest. "

"Let's go over and greet you. "

Su Bai spoke.

The crowd nodded.

Follow him.

Came to the door of the hut.

Open the door.

I saw a female guest dressed in blue appear at the door.

I met Su Bai and others.

Hou Siyi took the initiative to speak and asked with a bright smile

"You're already in, aren't you?".

Su Bai nodded, "Yes." "

Zeng Chaohao also answered: "Yes, if you come two days late, we will go back." "

Heard Zeng Chaohao's words.

Hou Siyi smiled a little from ear to ear.

Apparently, she was amused by the other party's words.

At this time, Zeng Chaohao walked in front of Hou Siyi.

He said, "I'll help you with your luggage." "

"Okay, thank you. "

Hou Siyi smiled and nodded.

Zeng Chaohao took the luggage and followed everyone into the house.


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In other words, can you let Zeng Chaohao and Zhang Jing get together? I want to ask this question.

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