Under the expectant gaze of the women.

Su Bai walked to the door and opened it completely.

opened the door, only to see Zeng Chaohao and Wang Kaizhi walking in one after the other.

He also carried a bag of garbage in his hand.

Seeing is not a new guest coming.

The women were a little lost.

Ever since I just looked at the photo wall,

Zhang Jing and Hou Siyi are both looking forward to the arrival of new guests.

Especially the arrival of the great penguins.

"I wonder if the big penguin will be our house?".

Hou Siyi thought in his heart.


At the gate.

Su Bai saw Zeng Chaohao and Wang Kaizhi each carrying a bag of garbage in their hands.

Su Bai was stunned for a moment, and asked with some puzzlement

"What are you?".

"Went out to pick up trash?".

"......" Hearing this, Wang Kaizhi and Zeng Chaohao were also stunned.

After being stunned for a long time, Zeng Chaohao opened his mouth to explain.

Coughed tactically.

And then said:

"Ahem, that, it's not picking up trash. "

"It's not like the two of us were a little bored just now, thinking about going out to get some air. "

Then I wanted to throw away the garbage in the kitchen. "

"But here's the point. "

"The problem was that we looked left and right, and we just didn't see a trash can outside. "

"Isn't this embarrassing?".

Zeng Chaohao spread his hands helplessly.

"I see. "

Su Bai smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you just now." "

"Looks like we're going to have to buy a trash can. "

Wang Kaizhi nodded, "I want to buy one." "

In the live broadcast room.

The audience heard a huge program group.

There wasn't a trash can outside the hut.

They were all shocked.

- [Uh-huh???].

——[It's just a trash can, doesn't the program team even want to pay this money?].

- [It's a bit outrageous!].

- [Isn't it normal to get a garbage bin and put it outside?].

- [How else to throw away the garbage?].

——[In other words, is there a possibility that this is an obstacle set by the program team for the guests to solve by themselves?].

- [It seems to make some sense.] 】

- [But I still think that the pasta should be mixed with No. 42 concrete.] 】

- [Hahahahaha laughs to death!].

- [Is upstairs here to be funny?].

- [This disagrees with what you say is really beautiful!].

- [Xiu'er!].


"What are you discussing?".

Zhang Jing, Fan Yilan, and Hou Siyi walked over and asked.

Su Bai explained:

"Mr. Wang, they are going out to take out the garbage. "

"But there are no bins outside. "

"We thought, we should buy a dumpster. "

Fan Yilan nodded and said, "Since that's the case, then buy it." "

"I'm okay with that. "

"I don't have a problem with that. "

Zhang Jing and Hou Siyi spoke one after another.

Su Bai nodded, "Okay, then I'll buy one." "

"Yes, when the time comes, you can pull a group, pull us in, and then make a group to collect money. "


Su Bai nodded, "Okay, then I'll set up a group, and you can scan the code and add it." "

Just when Su Bai was about to build a group.

The program team suddenly sent a text message on everyone's mobile phone.

[The problem of the trash can, the program team knows. ] 】

We'll take care of it for you. 】

[You don't need to buy it.] 】

[In addition, guests are requested to abide by the rules of the program group.] 】

[During participating in the show, you are not allowed to create a group without permission, and you are not allowed to add other people's friends.] 】

[The warming of feelings is not reflected through the cold chat interface.] 】

[Rather, it should be the heart in reality that touches the heart to produce sparks and achieve resonance.] 】

Seeing the text message on his mobile phone, Su Bai was a little surprised.

I didn't expect to violate the rules of the program group by pulling a group.

However, it is true that what the program team said makes sense.

The heating up of feelings, compared to the cold chat interface, uses the medium to convey feelings.

It is indeed not as real as the communication and contact between people and hearts in reality.

Only by communicating in reality can we better understand what a person really looks like.

to determine whether you and the other party are compatible.

In a virtual network, the cold chat interface can be deceiving.

But in reality, people's eyes can't be faked.

Whether a person has feelings for another person.

You can see it by looking at it.

"What, since the program team sent a text message. "

"Then we don't have to buy the trash can. "

Su Bai said to everyone.

"Hmm. "

"Understood. "

"Okay. "

"Good. "

The crowd nodded.

"Okay, let's all pestle at the door. "

"Shall we go to the living room?"

Su Bai proposed.

"Good. "

After closing the door.

Everyone followed Su Bai back to the living room and sat on the sofa.

Wang Kaizhi and Zeng Chaohao went to the kitchen to put down the garbage first.

I washed my hands again before returning to the living room.

Then, a few people in the living room chatted with each other.

The living room was filled with laughter.


One wears a blue athleisure attire.

Wearing a pendant around his neck.

A male guest with a fair complexion and a little younger.

Appeared outside the hut.


PS: If you like this book, please vote for flowers and votes haha.

Your support is the motivation of the author!

Thank you for the flowers and tickets. The author will try to update!

Thank you for the reward from the book friend [17610***]. And then there's the single heroine.

Well, everyone else is acting as buddies, and that's what I think too haha.

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