"Let's have some boiled shrimp and a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. "

Wang Kaizhi spoke.

Su Bai nodded.

Turning his head to look at the others.


"What about you?".

"Want to eat something?".

Zeng Chaohao thought about it and said:

"Brother Su Bai, let's have another omelette later. "

"Good omelette. "

Su Bai bowed slightly: "Okay." "

Fan Yilan looked at the boiled shrimp that was placed beside her.


"I don't have anything special to eat. "

"Sisters are a little bored. "

"Let me do something too. "

Fan Yilan picked it up and felt cold boiled shrimp when he touched it.

asked Su Bai:

"Is this bag going to be thawed?"

Su Bai nodded.

Wang Kaizhi answered: "Let's use hot water." "

Zeng Chaohao also added, "Put it in the pot and boil it." "

Hear the words of the two.

Fan Yilan nodded, "Okay." "

As he spoke, he picked up the bag of boiled shrimp and prepared to get a pot to boil water.

Su Bai stopped her.


"It's better to thaw with cold water. "

Fan Yilan glanced at Su Bai and nodded

"Okay, you look professional. "

"Then listen to you. "

Su Bai nodded, and added:

Fan Yilan went to fetch a basin of cold water.

Put the boiled shrimp that have been frozen into it.

Not for a while.

The boiled shrimp that had been frozen into a ball were quickly melted.

Fan Yilan gave Su Bai a thumbs up, and her eyes were full of affirmation.

"Wow. "

"You're amazing. "

"Do as you say. "

"The boiled shrimp quickly melted away. "

Su Bai smiled.

Enjoying the praise from the girls.

For a while, I felt a certain sense of accomplishment in my heart.


In the live broadcast room, the barrage continued.

There is a lot of discussion about whether it is better to thaw with cold water or hot water.

——[If you don't understand, just ask, is there any difference between thawing with cold water and thawing with hot water?].

Although both hot and cold water can be thawed, cold water thaws relatively quickly. 】

——[From the perspective of heat, the temperature of frozen meat is generally below 0 °C. 】

- [Thaw with cold water, because the frozen meat absorbs heat, the temperature of the cold water will soon drop to 0°C, and some of the water will freeze.] 】

- [Because 1 gram of water can release 80 calories from freezing, so much heat is absorbed by the frozen meat, so that the temperature of the outer layer of the meat rises quickly. 】

- [The inner layer easily absorbs heat, so the temperature of the whole piece of meat will quickly rise back to 0°C.] 】

- [Repeat this several times, and the frozen meat will thaw.] 】

- [And if you thaw it with hot water, the frozen meat will absorb heat from the hot water.] 】

- [The outer layer thaws rapidly, and the temperature will soon rise to more than 0°C.] 】

- [In this case, there will be a gap between the layers of flesh, and naturally, the ability to transfer heat will also decrease.] 】

——[It makes it difficult for the frozen meat inside to absorb heat and thaw and form a hard core.] 】

- [So, it's better to thaw with cold water!].

- [Praise, praise, praise, upstairs is professional!].

- [Knowledge!!].

- [No, no, no, I'm just giving you a brief introduction to the principle. 】

——[It should be said that Su Bai understands knowledge!].

——[From his completely different thawing answers from others, we can see that Su Bai understands the common sense of life better than the other guests. 】

- [Uh-huh, Su Bai is so good! My male god likes it so much!!



"Is there a place to wash your hands?".

After pounding the boiled shrimp.

Fan Yilan asked.

Zeng Chaohao took the initiative to answer and said with a smile

"Go dig it out. "

Wang Kaizhi also looked at Fan Yilan.

Pointing to the sink in front of her, he said

"Just wash here. "

Fan Yilan looked at the boiled shrimp underneath.

and tomatoes set aside to be washed.

"But don't you need to wash things?"

Su Bai came to Fan Yilan's face.

Help her remove the boiled shrimp from the bottom of it.


"It's ready to be washed now. "

Fan Elan smiled kindly.

"Thank you. "

Fan Elan turned on the faucet and rinsed it.

Once you've washed your hands, step aside.

Suddenly, I saw tomatoes that had not been washed.


"By the way, I'll wash the tomatoes for you. "

Zeng Chaohao smiled, "Didn't you just finish washing your hands?"

Su Bai quipped, "This is estimated to be the memory of the fish, only seven seconds." "

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

Wang Kaizhi also echoed, "Don't get wet after washing your hands." "

"I'll do the work. "

Wang Kaizhi took the initiative to take the job.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you, Mr. Wang. "

Zeng Chaohao made a joke to Wang Kaizhi.

"Don't don't, why did I wash a tomato?"

Wang Kaizhi waved his hand again and again.

Su Bai also joked and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang." "

Fan Yilan commented and said with a smile: "Don't say it, Mr. Wang's name is quite good." "

Wang Kaizhi was a little helpless.

I can't see these people.

I silently accepted this title in my heart.


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