While listening to Yuuji, he didn't feel much. As someone who can understand English, he is also considered to be one of the four idiots who can truly understand the entire dialogue. Tsunayoshi doesn't need to explain too much. Explaining too much doesn't do much, and he can hear that they probably won't be able to go back today.

It should be quite a crazy night. I don't know if there will be some problems later. The only hope now is that Xiangzi and Tsunaji can go back quietly. Blushing and heartbeat, the atmosphere of different places is also different.

"Come with me."

There is no need to say more about other things. Since you have come to the entertainment venue to play, this kind of thing is enough now. The people who come here will not be the kind of people who can't afford to pay for a full set for one night. In addition to the above-mentioned matters, after knowing these things, people will have a goal to choose a private room.

Under the leadership of the beautiful manager 620, Gangji and a few people went to a very empty private room. What should I say about this place... It is indeed an entertainment place for adults. Just looking at the atmosphere inside the private room made a few of them have no contact. The Yuuji and others who had passed were a little unable to let go.

Especially the girl who was tuning the music was wearing a Greek costume, but the clothes looked more transparent, and the looming feeling made Muttsulini and Akihisa almost fainted, even Yuuji Feeling that my nose is a little hot, such a picture is quite a shock to the chicks.

As expected of a place recommended by Tsunayoshi, it's really brutal!

As a pseudo-mother with a normal orientation, Hideyoshi also understands the cruelty of this adult place. Even he is a little moved by the current situation, and he has enough interest in girls. Maybe he is not like a muttsteen. Like Mingjiu, he often buys that kind of small book, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't like girls.

"This is a private room for ten people, and it also supports overnight stays."

"is acceptable."

"Okay, call a group of people first, and you can choose by yourself."

Chapter [*]: Having a Girlfriend Has Bad Things


After the beautiful manager walked out, Muttsburgh and Akihisa couldn't bear it any longer, and a red stream flowed directly from their nostrils. They really couldn't bear it anymore. For the two of them, this kind of thing is still a little bit. It's too extreme, not to mention that even more extreme things will happen in the future.

"I said you two should be a little bit calmer, too? For example, when Yuuji and Hideyoshi are like this, there are so many people waiting for you to pick, don't wait until you all bleed to death."

According to the speed at which the two guys, Akihisa and Muttsulini were bleeding noses, Tsunayoshi was calm and a little worried that the two would be anemic before the show started.

"...I try my best to hold on."

He is skilled in the work of blood transfusion, and at the same time, he tries his best to hold back his nosebleeds so that the blood doesn't come out. Muttsulini himself knows that it will be the main event later. It is a very meaningful experience in his life. He doesn't want such an opportunity to be Waste yourself.

"I'll try my best."

Akihisa also tried his best not to let his nose bleed. The next time was when he had to make a choice. For the first time in his life, he still hoped to experience it. As the most unpopular person in Wen Yue, he was still I hope to have this experience once or twice in my life.

Of course, if Akihisa knew that the life he should be living was still very popular, maybe he would be in a bad mood now, and the life that should have been popular was directly divided, and the [protagonist halo] that should have been on his head. ] but was inadvertently nibbled away by Gangji, it can be said that he became an unknown passerby character, which should be regarded as a rather tragic life.

But the good thing is that Tsunayoshi and Akihisa's relationship is still very good, even if this idiot often does things that normal people can't understand, in the end, this idiot is still a very good idiot.

If Akihisa's character is at the same level as that of Kudo Shinichi before, it is estimated that there will be only ashes left at the moment. Fortunately, this idiot does not have such far-reaching ideas, because he has been an idiot from the beginning to the end. .

"Yuji, after Kirishima and I leave later, if you understand English, you can take care of it yourself. I'll keep the car and ask the manager to find someone to bring you back tomorrow."

"no problem."

If this kind of thing is really put on the three of Akihisa, Muttsulini and Hideyoshi, Yuuji will not be relieved. After all, the three people's English attainments are really not very high. It would be better to leave this kind of thing to him. .

"Then are you going back today?"

"Anyway, Kirishima and I have nothing to do. I went back to the hotel to sleep after watching the night view. This time I will definitely be questioned by Yuko and Minami, so it's better to wait a little bit later. It's better to wait for them all to fall asleep. I'll go back again, so that I don't have to see the pictures of those two joining forces to punish me."

"……Thanks for your hard work."

Yuuji didn't doubt that the two would wait for Tsunayoshi to go back, and he was equally sure that the two of them were going to question Tsunayoshi through and through, which was like prolonging his own execution.

Yuuji has a sympathetic attitude towards Tsunayoshi's encounter. As for Shoko, now facing such a situation, he doesn't want Shoko to stay here at all, because just Shoko is here and he feels a lot of pressure. .

It's just that he also has a contradictory mentality. Not being continued as a goal by Shoko for a semester, he himself is a little uncomfortable. He also wants to see if Shoko really doesn't have any reaction to him. This kind of entanglement has Contradictory mood is what makes Yuuji's heart knot during this period of time.

Soon, a group of girls walked in outside, all of them were young and full of youth, and their bodies exuded the breath that only girls can have. There are many European and American beauties, and each of them can be counted in Wen Yue. It is the existence of the school beauty level, such a level is really not ordinary high, even Shoko looks a bit Alexander.

Of course, the eyes of several boys were about to pop out.

"You, don't look at it."

Control his tone without any fluctuations. I still hope that I can help Yuko look at Tsunayoshi. If possible, Shoko really wants to use her scissors to end Tsunayoshi's eyes, at least this way. Ji is unable to see any other pictures, and now there are too many pictures that Tsunaji can't see.

"I didn't look, I didn't look, I turned my back to it, and I couldn't see it if I wanted to."

If possible, Tsunayoshi really wanted to see the girls who walked in, but there was a Kirishima sitting next to him, which made all his thoughts vanish. On the island, the good thing is that Kirishima is quite good-looking today, and it won't make him feel particularly tragic.


Being able to act so consciously also made Shoko's face look a little better, but her face was still quite ugly when she saw the looming figures in front of her, and she didn't want to stay in such a place at all.

As soon as they saw Tsunayoshi who was stared at by Kirishima-san who couldn't see this kind of scenery, the other four showed a sad expression. This beautiful picture, Tsunayoshi, who paid for it, couldn't even see it. This is a kind of Girlfriends are not a good place, and it is not so easy to do something secretly.

"Need something to drink?"

The little princess in the private room understands things like Gangji's situation, but from the surface and temperament, it seems that asking Gangji is the most sensible way. This person is obviously the one who decides some things. There is no difference.

"Get them some of the bars you recommend, and as for the two of us, get a drink and something to eat."

He doesn't drive when he goes back at night, but not driving doesn't mean he needs to drink. He and Kirishima are going back today, and maybe he will be checked by Yuko and Minami. He better not drink. As for Kirishima, girls should not drink casually.

Chapter Sixty-Eighth

"Tsk tsk~ The taste is really unusual."


With a light snort, he motioned for Tsunayoshi to turn his eyes back. What Shoko hates most now is that Tsunaji turns his eyes to the back. The four boys who are following along now have two or three European and American men of the same age beside them. With a woman here, there must be no big problem with her appearance, and they are all sticking to the flesh.

She really can't bear to see this situation at all, but fortunately, she has taken Yuuji's behavior very lightly now. If Yuuji could take into account her feelings a little bit, her guilt would be even greater. , But now Yuuji and three women are drinking and playing there, so that she doesn't even feel the slightest sense of guilt.

Shoko has a considerable obsession with Yuuji, but after this obsession is replaced by another situation, she has no reason to pay attention to Yuuji. It is one thing when she pursues Yuuji. , now not wanting to pursue Yuuji is another matter.

Thinking that Yuuji will have an unspeakable night with three women today, the last trace of feeling in her heart has been completely wiped away, and there will be no possibility of any nostalgia in the future, let alone any more. A bit of fantasy.

"Just take a look. 033 I'll see what kind of taste those guys are."

"Look, use special means."

"...Okay, I don't watch it, it's me who pays, and now I won't even watch it."

"You haven't seen it?"

A sentence instantly made Gangji choked. To say that he did not mean that he had never seen a woman's body, he had seen Kirishima's body from the inside out, and even on Sister Bei, he would often eat it. Eating tofu and the like, even with Ran and Sonoko, he still has not gotten along to the level of third base, and he has seen everything other than home plate that should be seen.

If this kind of meaningful dialogue is heard by other people, anyone with a little emotional intelligence and a little brain can hear the problem. It is a pity that now Yuuji, Muttsulini, Akihisa and Hideyoshi have all been drunk with alcohol. Bringing a rhythm, even if you don't get drunk and you can't tell the situation clearly, it's not a normal state, and it's quite difficult to understand the meaning of these words.

And now there are two or three women around them. These two or three women have received some training. Some not only can speak English, but also several can speak Japanese. After all, no matter what they do in this era All work requires training. With so many women around, the four of them don't know how to focus on other places. Naturally, they won't notice the conversation between Tsunayoshi and Shoko.

"Yuko's, have you seen it too?"

I heard that Yuko said that she and Tsunayoshi are neighbors. Even if they only reached the level of second base in a semester, but the two live so close, who knows if there is such a coincidence. Thinking of this , Shoko's expression became gloomy a lot.

"There's nothing like that at all, okay?"

The relationship between him and Yuko is very good, and even said that they are often in contact with each other, but they have not done that kind of thing. For example, Yuko's body Tsunayoshi has never seen at all. Besides, the current Yuko It's still in a growth stage, and Yuko's figure is really not good-looking now. Maybe there should be some growth in a few years. After all, my aunt's figure is quite good, and Yuko has inherited some of it.

"Even if I'm in a relationship with Yuko, it hasn't developed to that level, and I'm usually in a normal relationship with Yuko. Where can such a thing happen."

"It's the right way to communicate."

This kind of communication is normal, yes, but you don't have to say it directly, and what's the matter with your relieved look?Tsunayoshi didn't know what to say about Kirishima's performance, but one thing is certain now, Kirishima seems to have really paid attention to him.

"What about Yuuji?"

Tsunayoshi is naturally very happy to be given a lot of attention by such a beautiful woman like Kirishima, but he really can't talk about Yuuji's problem. After all, Yuuji can be said to be completely arrogant and will not admit it. Tsunayoshi thinks that Kirishima is a Certainly.

"He wants me to do it even more."

Shoko glanced in the direction of Yuuji, Shoko's eyes did not have any throbbing and change as if looking at ordinary people, the once throbbing had completely turned into an illusion, especially when Yuuji was watching other women there. , the flame that once ignited in her heart has been completely extinguished.

"...It's almost time to go back."


There was a little more blush on her cheeks, but it was a public place after all, and Shoko knew what to do, so she restrained the expression on her face and stood up with Tsunaji, and took out her coat and bag. stand up.

"Yuji, Kirishima and I are going back first, you guys... remember to take it easy at night."

The atmosphere over there was too high, and Gangji, who stood up to go back to the hotel, also had some sweat dripping from his forehead. Under the influence of alcohol, the atmosphere over there and the atmosphere over there were two completely different worlds. .

"Oh! Just go back. We'll be back tomorrow morning."

Yuuji waved his hand directly and didn't care about Tsunayoshi and Shoko's side at all. After all, this was something that had been agreed at the beginning, and the atmosphere was at the best stage, and there was no time to say anything to Tsunayoshi.

After saying this, Yuuji was already kissed by the girl from Europe and the United States. He couldn't continue talking, but Tsunayoshi was a little ashamed when he saw this scene. I heard that the girls here will come especially. I didn't expect it to happen even more than I imagined, but I just don't know if Yuuji can handle it.

"Let's go."

Glancing at Tsunaji, Shoko was the first to walk out of the room, all telling him not to let him stare at him, and even staring at him when he was about to leave, what's so good about that kind of woman?


Silently withdrew his gaze, and he even glanced at it twice, which made Gangji very helpless.

Chapter [*] Short-term proof methods

"Is that kind of woman beautiful?"

After coming out of the adults' entertainment venue, the air-conditioning all over Shoko broke out. She could vent all her dissatisfaction without any scruples. That kind of cold air, even if Xanxus was here All outbursts are less than one-tenth of Shoko's.

"It doesn't look good, it doesn't look good at all!"

At such a time, if those women were really beautiful, they would definitely educate them severely. Even if Tsunayoshi thought he was still very resistant to beatings, he still didn't want to be taught a lesson by Kirishima for such a reason.

"It doesn't look good, where did you put your eyes just now?"

"That's an irresistible force. That kind of picture appears in front of me, and I have to talk to Yuuji. It's unrealistic not to see it."

"... From now on, you are not allowed to go to that kind of place."

"Okay, is it okay if I don't go? I said Kirishima, don't you care a little bit?"

"It's loose."

The eyes shrouded in darkness exuded an astonishing oppressive force, but Shoko was not joking. If it wasn't Yuuji who was sitting in it at the moment, it wouldn't make her feel embarrassed and things wouldn't end badly. Her performance will be more direct, and she will no longer be polite to Tsunaji.

Thinking of Yuuji's bleak life in the original novel, and how narrow the scope of being loved, Tsunayoshi immediately expressed that he wanted to start over. Kirishima is a very beautiful girl, but after being really targeted , unless it is single-minded, there are definitely many problems here.

"Uh, Kirishima, how can I say that I am now Yuko's boyfriend, and I haven't even solved the Minami thing yet."

Now Yuuji and the others have no way to participate in their affairs. It is estimated that Yuuji will not have that time for a long time. Now Tsunayoshi can also come and talk to Kirishima about their affairs.

It can be said that the connection between them was due to the combination caused by many accidents that night in the hotel. Of course, the second time was that as a boy, it continued with the trend. Besides, Kirishima did not have any objection at the beginning. The one who cooperated began to start the second time in his life with him.

"I am certain."

Shoko glanced at Tsunayoshi. She knew all these things very well. As Yuko's friend, she also pays close attention to what happened to her friend recently. Naturally, she knows that Yuko and Tsunayoshi are in a normal relationship, and she also knows that there is another one Shimada Minami joined in.

These things are all old yellow calendars. These three people usually don’t have any cover up at all. As long as they are friends of these three people, they all know that there is such a thing, but the affairs of these three people are not known by outsiders, at least the text Yue still doesn't know there is such a thing, otherwise it would be really lively.

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