"Then let's go together... Remember to stay calm."


The nine girls nodded again and again. They have been trained in the darkest place for so long, how can they not know how to stay safe?What they know most now is how to be peaceful. In the past, what they learned was not only how to serve and how to please men, but how to use their own experience to learn how to be peaceful.


Tsunayoshi whispered to the three girls beside him, and pulled the three girls out of the room. Akihisa, Hideyoshi and Muttsurini also took their two female companions and walked outside. As for Yuuji, who originally belonged to Yuuji The three girls didn't even glance in the direction of Yuuji, and the three followed the footsteps of Akihisa, Hideyoshi, and Muttsurini respectively.

In just one minute, only Shoko and Yuji were left in the room, but they didn't speak directly, just stared at each other.


"Nothing to say, you didn't feel sorry for me."

She didn't want Yuuji to say anything else, and Shoko blocked Yuuji's mouth with one sentence. Now she really has nothing to say. She just hoped that Yuuji wouldn't say that, so that at least it would be better. It can make her think that Yuuji has not changed anything, it is only her who has changed, and now it seems that this is completely her own wishful thinking.

"That wasn't my intention."

"...But I hope you can show that that is your original intention. What you do is what you do. There is nothing to admit."


"It's better this way, isn't it? Yuuji hates that I keep pestering you? After that, I stopped pestering Yuuji, so wouldn't you be happy?"

"I'm very happy, but I didn't mean it that way!"

When he spoke, he got a lot of excitement all at once. If Yuuji didn't stand up and explain, maybe things would really develop in an irreversible direction.

"I don't need to explain, I don't feel entangled. I still live the same life as before with Yuuji, and I won't make any changes in the next time... Now Yuuji can rest assured."

Chapter [-] Brother-in-law, please save the villain's life!

What the hell am I doing?

Yuuji stared blankly at the door that was still open, he wanted to rush up to explain to Shoko, he didn't have that kind of thought, but when he wanted to pursue it, he found that Shoko had gone far, and he was already gone. I don't know what I'm doing.

"...Not such a Shoko."

Taking a deep breath, Yuuji tried to calm himself down and make his way of thinking more rational. He knew that he and Shoko might not be able to return to the previous state in a short period of time, but the current state was not enough. When he lost his composure, compared to his previous confessions, the attitude of various chains and chains was what made him lose his composure.

What he needs to do now is to make himself more calm. There are some misunderstandings between him and Shoko, but he still has a chance to solve the misunderstanding in the future, but it is estimated that it will take a long time to do so. do it.

And he has always rejected Shoko not because he doesn't like Shoko, relatively speaking, he likes Shoko. Thinking about having such a girl around, let's not talk about it in terms of personality. Other characteristics of a girl are quite excellent. It's not enough to let a boy not pay attention to this girl.

It is also no exception to Yuuji. He also did not ignore the influence of Shoko on him, but being affected does not mean that he will accept Shoko's non-human pursuit method, and he often uses that kind of abnormal person. The way to propose marriage is completely different from what he expected.

He attaches great importance to Shoko. It is because he attaches great importance to him that he does not want any process to pass so casually. It is such a strange experience to return to the capital at the end. Yuuji cannot allow it. He has his own plans. , what he hopes is that Shoko can follow his previous plan, of course, his free things also need to be put on the agenda.

"I'll explain it later."

It’s just that Yuuji doesn’t know, and now he doesn’t have any effect even if he wants to explain. Now all Shoko’s eyes are fixed on another person. In addition to today’s and yesterday’s situation, she has completely forgotten about the past. The figure in her heart was completely eliminated, but now it was another person who entered her heart.

"You guys didn't expect things to be so-so many."

With so many things happening early in the morning, Tsunayoshi was a little speechless to these three people, especially this guy Hideyoshi. This time, Hideyoshi was definitely the only one who picked it up, if Hideyoshi didn't suddenly think of it. Such a thing, his morning should be more harmonious, at least no one will wake him up before nine o'clock.

"Sorry, mate."


Both Mingjiu and Muttsurini are a little embarrassed. Muttsurini's expression is more direct. As for Mingjiu's expression, it's like the attitude that a fool should have, but he's just holding his hair stupidly. I don't know if this is the case. what to say

"Anyway, there will be more troublesome things in the future, you can worry about it yourself, especially the idiot for a long time, I am looking forward to it!"

Tsunayoshi was quite interested in the life of the fool Akihisa in the past. In addition to the two girls entering Akihisa's life, it is estimated that the fool Akihisa will not be able to continue to live like a fool in the future.

"Hey? Why especially me?"

Idiot Akihisa still hasn't fully reacted, but the other two have already reacted, and they know what Tsunayoshi is thinking now.

"You idiot, even if you are living alone at home now, your family will still come to that place after all. Could it be that after two... three European and American girls live in your home, you will be able to maintain your previous life. Are you living the same life?"

Speaking of this, the cold sweat fell unconsciously, and when it came to family matters, Akihisa suddenly thought of his sister who had made two promises. Thinking about it now still makes him feel horrified, if it was his own My sister knew that she was living with three European and American girls at home, and she had started normal contact. It was estimated that her sister would tear herself to pieces.

"Master Gangji! Please save the villain!"

Very skillfully kneeling on the ground, there is no way this is closely related to his own life. At this time, no matter what it is, nothing is more important than his own life.

"Well~ Your attitude is very sincere. Seeing your sincere attitude, I will try to help you."

At this moment, seeing the idiot Jiu's kneeling and bowing makes Gangji feel very good. This idiot usually does things in the school, and after that, it is mostly troublesome, even for a while. I often cheat on him, so it's better to have a good time now, so that after the plot starts, this idiot will start cheating on him for a long time.

"Guangji, don't bully Akihisa."

"Hideyoshi, do you think you're in the position to say this now? Have you ever thought about what Yuko thought about the three girls you brought home?"

"...Brother-in-law, please save the villain's life!"

Yuko, who was standing beside her, blushed a little, and only now she didn't want to beat her brother. This sentence [Brother-in-law] is still very good, at least she usually looks stupid. Brother, you are a little bit smarter at this time.

"I will talk about your affairs after I return to China, but it should be unrealistic to want to live at home. After returning to China, prepare to move out."

It's not realistic to bring a woman to live at home, even an ordinary girlfriend is a big problem, unless it's like Gangji who has been living alone all the time, of course, even if that's the case, Gangji He also didn't let Yuko stay in his house, after all, it was a bad place.

"But I think it's better for you to call home and report to your parents first. Don't implicate others when your parents ask you to settle accounts."

It's also quite necessary to call home to report for the record. If such a big event happened here, if there is no mental preparation at home, it's probably going to be a big event, so it's better to let it know.

Chapter [-] You Didn't Make It Up

"It's all your trouble."

After returning to the hotel, Yuko directly dragged Tsunade to a quiet place. All the troubles this time were all Tsunayoshi's fault. If it wasn't for Tsunayoshi who sent those idiots to that place yesterday There won't be so many things going on with it.

"Say, do you have that kind of thought for the representatives and others, that's why you designed it so deliberately?"

Yuko couldn't help but think more about what happened yesterday. Thinking about the representative, she unconsciously thought more in that direction. Who knows if Tsunayoshi wants the design representative to completely lose his mind about Sakamoto.

"...Well, I'm not going to design Yuuji to jump into that kind of place, and I didn't swipe the target in Yuuji's direction from the beginning."

To say that yesterday's actions were purposeful, Tsunayoshi can admit that he definitely has a purpose, but his purpose is not on Yuuji. He is actually trying to cheat this idiot, Akihisa. This idiot is one of the idiots. The first male protagonist, all kinds of luck have exploded. He also wanted to guard against it, by the way, to see if he could trap this idiot, who knew that Yuuji was actually tricked.

At first, he didn't know that Kirishima had put all his thoughts on himself. If it wasn't for Kirishima telling him on the way there, Tsunayoshi didn't know Kirishima's true thoughts at this moment. It's unrealistic for Yuuji, but it's true for Akihisa.

"In other words, who did you want to cheat in the first place?"

"Okay, okay, I wanted to cheat one person at first, but I didn't mean to cheat Yuuji. For other people, I really just wanted to call them over to play. Who knew Hideyoshi suddenly came this morning. Have a fantastic idea?"

Tsunayoshi's original intention was just to dig Akihisa. Originally, he had already digged deeper, but this time it was considered to dig deeper. As for Yuuji, Tsunayoshi really didn't think much about it, and he didn't think much about it. It wasn't because of Kirishima that I started this idea, it should be more because of Minami and Yuko.

"Not because of the representative?"

"No, I'm pretty sure of this, if it wasn't for Kirishima staring at me last night and talking to me on the way, I still don't know what Kirishima is thinking, and I didn't know how it was possible before. Will you design Yuuji?"

"Is that one of several idiots?"

"It's something like that."

At this moment, Yuko doesn't quite understand. The person Tsunayoshi originally wanted to pit was not that Sakamoto, but one of the other idiots. Are there still people among those idiots who need to be remembered by Tsunayoshi?

"Do you want to keep thinking about it?"

She hugged Yuko who was still thinking. This action also stopped Yuko's thinking, and then she did not continue her thinking. How can she continue to think about it in this situation?

"In this case, what do you want to do?"

Even as a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, Yuko is embarrassed to openly kiss me and me with Tsunayoshi in this situation. This kind of being hugged by Tsunayoshi in public makes her unable to go there at all. Continue thinking in this direction.

"We've been dating for a semester, it's okay to be a little closer, right?"

"Even so, you can't be so casual... Speaking of which, did you do it with the representative yesterday?"

"...Well, I just kissed Kirishima twice, and I didn't do anything else."

"Isn't kissing twice enough!?"

As a girlfriend, even just one time is absolutely unacceptable. Yuko looks angry. She can't accept such a thing now. The speed of action represented by now is much faster than she imagined, but when she thinks about it On behalf of her previous initiative, she was still a little worried about Gangji's side.

A Shimada Minami was never in her heart, because Yuko knew exactly where her strengths were. How could Shimada Minami take Tsunayoshi away from her hands so easily?But now the feeling of being a representative is different, and even she has a big disadvantage in the face of a representative.

The biggest disadvantage now is that the first time the representative is in the hands of Tsunayoshi, Yuko does not believe that Tsunayoshi will not care about the representative.

"Come with me!"

Knowing that she can't keep silent anymore, she should also enter the following stage with Tsunayoshi. Originally, Yuko hoped to find a more romantic time, just like in this foreign trip, the middle must be There is also time to be alone, find a good time to promote the relationship between the two.

Originally, Yuko planned it like this, but this time, it completely broke the previously planned plan because of the representative thing. At this moment, Yuko can't bear it anymore. As a girlfriend, she is still only at second base. It's just a standard, but my boyfriend and the representative have developed to third base. Can this be tolerated as a girl?

Can't stand it!

I was pulled by Yuko to a garden that was quite a hotel. There were not many people here in the morning. It is still a little cold in this place in winter mornings. No one will come out to see the snow scene at this time, and it is only the snow scene. In other words, it looks more beautiful at night, especially when the people around you are enjoying it together. Looking at the snow scene at night alone will only remind people of the vocabulary of a single dog.

"Hey~ it's really cold outside."

There is still heating inside the hotel, but when you come to the outside of the hotel, you have to withstand the cold wind in winter. A thick coat will do.

"You don't have to fight with Kirishima, do you?"

Although there is no thick coat, but there is still a boyfriend with a high temperature. When he heard his girlfriend say something cold, Tsunaji directly pulled Yuko into his arms. In fact, he felt that Yuko didn't need to be with him at all. Kirishima was arguing for it. He was not very good at explaining this issue, because Tsunayoshi understood that as long as he dared to say such a thing, Yuko would directly let himself understand the word pain. Write.

Chapter [-] Yuko, do you want to go out on a date with me today?

"I am your girlfriend, but you are so close to other girls, do you think I can bear it?"

Maybe the reason for dating at the beginning was that there was a little bit of innocence, but during the semester of dating with Gangji, she had such a boyfriend by her side, and she also enjoyed the time she usually spends with Gangji, but since she has After falling in love with her rival, Yuko felt that she was not in a good mood.

Now that I know that Gangji and the representative have also intersected, her jealousy can't be suppressed. As an official girlfriend, she has not started to develop more with Gangji, and all of them are preempted by the representative. , even if it was just an accidental situation at first, but now it is caused by self-awareness.

Yuko knew that the representative's will from the past was "love is uncompromising". She didn't feel that there was a big problem with this attitude before, but now she feels a big problem. Ji's affairs are also done in a no-compromise way, and her girlfriend's status is really problematic.

"Okay, do you want me to go straight to Kirishima and make it clear?"

This is a very simple method, and there will be no problems like trouble if it is made clear, but Tsunayoshi's proposal was instantly opposed by Yuko.

"Absolutely not!"

This is something that is absolutely not allowed by the self-esteem of a girl. Yuko wants to make Tsunayoshi just focus on herself, but she also does not allow Tsunayoshi to go directly to the representative and make it clear to the representative. Going to tell the representative, doesn't that mean that she just admits defeat as a girl?This is absolutely not allowed by Yuko.

"It's not just that the representative is not allowed to say it, even the woman Shimada Minami is absolutely not allowed to say it, how could I lose to the woman Shimada Minami in such a place, if I admit defeat like this, the woman doesn't know what to do. How long do you laugh at me?"

To put it simply, now it is not just a simple war of robbing men, but more of a struggle between girls. This war is absolutely not allowed to surrender in advance. This is a bet on being a girl. of glory.

"...Do you always feel that you are a little off topic?"

In the beginning, it seemed that something he was more popular caused this situation, so how did it end up being a war of betting on the glory of girls?As far as this point is concerned, Gangji still feels a little inexplicable joy.

"You didn't make a fuss about it. Say, is there anyone else besides the representative and Shimada Minami?"

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