But for her mother's resurrection, she should go back to prepare, or at least learn how to take care of herself first.

In addition, if my mother is resurrected, there will definitely be a big change in the inheritance of the Sanqianyuan family. At that time, I will definitely not regard it as a target all the time. After all, my mother is also a legitimate and legitimate heir. If the news comes out I'm afraid it will be a lot of trouble.

'I have a year left now, but I can deal with these issues first. '

Sanqinin Nagi felt that she had grown a little mentally after knowing that her mother could be resurrected. Did she need to worry about these things in the past?

It's a pity that now she also thinks that their family's situation is not very reliable. She can encounter so many kidnappings and assassinations, not to mention her own mother.

"My granddaughter, you've started to be simple lately?"

In fact, the Emperor Sanqianyuan knew about the change in his granddaughter before, but he was a little unclear about the reason for the change in his granddaughter. This kind of change was a bit too sudden, and he couldn't accept it so quickly. Degree.

There must be a reason for this, but what is the reason?

Although he didn't often stare at his granddaughter, he also knew who the granddaughter had been in contact with.The identities of the people he has investigated can be taken out. None of them is very special. To talk about the problems that his granddaughter has encountered recently, the most serious one is the kidnapping case on Christmas Eve, but that incident he He had already let Klaus deal with it, and he didn't think that Klaus could handle even such a little thing well.

The main characters of the kidnapping case were all arrested directly, and even their parents were sent to prison and are still eating prison food.

He also investigated the matter of the parents, and even the identity of the kidnapper.He was a little surprised by the identity of the kidnapper. It seemed that the kid he met on the street on Christmas Eve was the kidnapper, but he didn't expect that after so many years, the kid still took such a path.

But he also knew the reason, most of which was the decision made by the trashy parents.

But apart from the kidnapper, has anyone else had contact with their granddaughter?

He didn't know there was such a thing, and even the investigation couldn't investigate. There was no surveillance around the park. Even the police station went to the police station with his granddaughter and the White Emperor Student Council President. The possibility of contacting other people was almost zero.

...Or maybe my granddaughter hid something after that.

It is very likely that he has been in contact with some people, otherwise how could there be such a big change?

"Old man, didn't you let me save a little before? Is it strange that I save you now?"

Sanqianyuan Nagi directly sent him a cold look.

She is not an idiot, she knew that the old man was just asking who she was in contact with, how could there be such a big change.

But would she say that?If she really said it herself, then this is not her character, so let the old man investigate it himself.

"Speak quickly if you have something to do, I have other things to do today."

Sanqianyuan Nagi didn't come here to listen to this nonsense. The investigation and the like had nothing to do with her. If the old man had the ability, she would really consider whether she should fulfill the agreement, but the old man generally Can't find any news from the investigation.


"My granddaughter, do you want the property of Sanqianyuan?"

"do not want!"

In the past, Sanqinin Nagi didn't care much about the property of the Sanqianyuan family, and now he doesn't care about that kind of thing at all.

This is the answer that people with confidence and ability will have. Unfortunately, Sanqinyuan Nagi is a person with both confidence and ability.

Chapter [*] This is a gamble

"I'm not a bunch of waste wood waiting for the property of Sanqianyuan. I can get that kind of thing anytime I want."

Sanqianyuan Nagi really doesn't have much interest in the Sanqianyuan family's property. She herself has some deposits of her own over the years, some of which do not belong to the Sanqianyuan family at all, but entirely belong to her.

It should be said that that part is the hundreds of millions of dollars that my mother won in Las Vegas. That money is a coin that my mother took from her. After I came back from Las Vegas, my mother took the money. The money is kept for her.

I remember when my mother seemed to say that she would forget where this thing was placed and what the password of her credit card was.

Of course, if the mother's character is indeed to forget where the credit card is placed, she will also inexplicably forget the password of the credit card.

Because no matter where she goes, her mother has never been short of money. Even if she doesn't use the Sanqianyuan family's wealth, the money seems to be actively attracted to her mother.

"You can give the property of Sanqianyuan to whoever you want. Anyway, I don't want 423."

After a few days of revisions and changes, and after having a new goal in life, the characteristics of the house and the salted fish have also undergone great changes in Sanqianyuan Nagi.

After slowly adjusting to the life of ordinary people these days, she has even begun to get used to doing everything by herself, and even a life of more exercise.It's not that she stayed at home and played games all the time. After a few days away from the game, she even felt that even if she didn't need the game, she could still live like the past.

"Maria, Klaus, go back."

She glanced coldly at the stunned old man. Sanqianyuan Nagi didn't have time to listen to the old man continuing to talk about those nonsense words. She herself has something to do now, so she has nothing to do with this old man.

What's more, it's just a matter of the property of Sanqianyuan.

She didn't want that property at all, but didn't some people want it all the time?It's not that the old man has no other choices. It is the old man's own business to give or not, which has nothing to do with her personally.


Maria hesitated a little.

"Let's go, it's his own right for the old man to give his property to anyone, and it's his own money anyway."

After saying this, Sanqianyuan Nagi walked out the door without looking back.

The purpose of coming today has been achieved, the things that should be known have been known, and the rest are not what she is interested in now.

"Hey~ you go back too, Maria 4ü"

The Emperor Sanqianyuan shook his head helplessly. Although he didn't know who caused such an impact on his granddaughter, this change made his actions need to be changed.

He had already thought that his granddaughter was not interested in his family property, but that was what he thought in the past, not what he knew now.

Even if the granddaughter in the past didn't like his family property, but his granddaughter was a child who didn't understand the world, how much did he know about the world of adults?In the end, it's going to fall through.

But now it is different.

The granddaughter now has begun to learn how to understand the world and how to live the life of an ordinary person. Even if he has not yet adapted to that kind of life, his current attitude has determined that his granddaughter will soon adapt to that kind of life.

"Master, then Klaus and I will go back first."

"Go back and help me watch Nagi, that child should be in the most change period now."


Maria bowed slightly and followed Nagi who had left the room.

Emperor Sanqianyuan, who watched Maria leave, was sitting on the sofa, and his mood was a little more complicated now.

"Is that kid's change good or bad?"

"And what is the solution that the child said? Why would the child know about such a secret thing?"

He didn't tell anyone the reason for chasing that power, but his granddaughter knew it, and ran to him to ask himself if that was the case.

I sat down and thought about the relevant people carefully... Emperor Sanqianyuan didn't think Athena would tell his granddaughter, so who else knows about him now?

When Sanqianyuan Emperor thought about who else knew about that, Sanqianyuan Nagi, who was expressionless, had already boarded the private gunship on the return journey.

Maria, who was sitting on the side, lost her other voice, and now she was recalling the central idea of ​​what Nagi and the master said just now.

Miss Zizi is saved, Xiao Nagi has found a way, and the master is also trying his own way.

'No wonder there are rumors that after Miss Zizi disappeared, the master is no longer as immersed in his work as in the past. It turns out that the master has always wanted to fight for the last hope. '

'Then what about the method in Nagi's mouth? '

Maria's eyes on Xiao Nagi became a lot more complicated. She said how could Xiao Nagi seem to be a different person after coming back on Christmas Eve, Xiao Nagi should have been in contact with other people, it is the White Emperor A person other than the student council president.

"Xiao Nagi, is your current change the method you said?"

So here Maria makes a bold guess. The way Nagi wants to revive Miss Zizi is to change herself.

"Someone said there is a way to do it, and it's more effective than the old man's method."

Sanqinin Nagi is not very surprised that Maria knows this, the old man already knows it, but the old man does not know who he is in contact with.

"That's resurrection, Miss Zizi has already..."

"I know. I'm not quite sure if it can be done right now, but it's a chance for me to try."

It's just his own change, and there is still a year of hard work to give a chance. Even if Sanqianyuan Nagi knows that his thoughts are naive, how can something like resurrection be possible.

But what if it did?

It is because of this feeling that she wants to give it a try and see what the result will be.

Chapter [*]: Maria who came to the door in private

"... Temptation. That's why you took the initiative to come to the house, Miss Maid?"

Tsunayoshi looked at the sudden arrival of the maid with interest. This maid claimed to be the only maid in the Sanqianyuan family, but the reason for this maid's arrival was very clear.


Maria's eyes stared directly at the boy who was not very old, but she was unconsciously suppressed by his momentum ~ she took a few steps back.

'This boy is not an ordinary person. '

After staring at her for a while, there was a lot of cold sweat on her forehead, and there was a strong chill behind her. Even the master had never let her experience this feeling. Generally, she brought this feeling to others. Feelings, today can be said to be experienced a few times.


As for her confession of her intentions, Maria found in the exchange of eyes just now that the other party simply knew her intentions, and even if there was any concealment, it would be of no use.

"The eldest has changed a lot after she came home the next day on Christmas Eve. At first I just thought that the eldest had suddenly started to change, but..."

"But I found out that Xiao Nagi changed because she wanted to revive her mother. It was quite quick. It only took so long to find me here. I think she went to Miss Gui?"

It wasn't a big surprise that the Sanqianyuan family came to Gangji, but now he was surprised that the other party took so long to find him.Originally within the scope of his imagination, he should have been able to come to the door in about three days. Who knew that it took so long to find him there.

"If Nagi can say it, maybe it will be faster to find him."

In fact, the matter was originally very simple. At the beginning, Maria also wanted to dig news from Xiao Nagi. Who knew that Xiao Nagi's mouth was so strict this time, she was stunned that she didn't ask a word.

When she had no choice, she could only go to Miss Daisy to ask about the situation. Fortunately, Miss Daisy didn't seem to know about Xiao Nagi, so she was easily misled by her.

"So, you didn't say anything to Nagi today, so you just came here?"

"Not to mention that Xiao Nagi will be angry when she finds out about your behavior, and ask another question, what are you trying to test from me?"

"Naturally it's Miss Zizi's business!"

Maria's voice became a lot more serious, she knew that Miss Zizi's big change was for Miss Zizi.But Miss Zizi is dead, and even the master has confirmed this matter. Can the dead be resurrected under normal circumstances?

This is absolutely impossible to happen.

The dead cannot be brought back to life.

Maria didn't want Xiao Nagi to become more sad and helpless because she couldn't see Miss Zizi coming back. She didn't tell Xiao Nagi any news this time, and rushed over by herself.

"Miss Zizi, that is, Xiao Nagi's mother, she disappeared a few years ago. The master also tried his best to find the whereabouts of Miss Zizi, but there was no trace, and the final conclusion was Zizi. The lady is dead."

"For Nagi, Miss Zizi is her biggest weakness. I don't know why she has such incredible thoughts, but I hope you can stop playing with Nagi, even if her heart changes. A lot, but after seeing the facts, maybe she will be even more depressed than she is now."

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