"Well, I thought that even if we allow the body to store more flames of death, it's not just about compressing flames of death, we should start from our own body capacity."

Bad feeling!Don't say it, my heart can't take it anymore!

Even if he didn't have a super-intuitive feeling, Bai Lan felt that his body was sending out a strong alarm, and he felt that this guy was going to say something incredible.

"So, let's use the flame of death to temper our body!"

Chapter [*] It seems that the time to travel is coming

True six hanging flowers still vaguely remember that when Mr. Bailan came back at first, his whole body turned into a piece of black charcoal. At that time, Mr. Bailan seemed to be completely broken. They can understand it completely. After all, Sawada Tsunayoshi It's just a pervert, and Mr. Bai Lan's initiative to send it up like this will definitely be the end.

Then, they felt that Mr. Bailan could not turn back on the path of perversion, because in the following days, they felt that Mr. Bailan had gone a little far on the road of perversion, especially when he finally returned to his former lightness. The smile made them feel that Lord Bai Lan seemed to be led into another path.

"Tsk~ This time it finally has some effect."

"Yes, for such a long time, the flame of death can really do such a thing, but it is still too difficult for newbies and those who don't have strong control over the flame of death, and it is easy to become coke if one is not good. ."

...Nima's, then you just pushed me into the fire pit?

Thinking about the first time he ignited the flame of death to temper himself, Bai Lan can still remember the experience of the smell of meat floating on his body. It was definitely the darkest moment in his life. After that, his life didn't have the meaning of ease. Every time he thought about it, he felt that his life had gone wrong?And the big mistake should be Sawada Tsunayoshi who knew this world.

Because this Sawada Tsunayoshi is not only a pervert, but also a pervert who likes to be M, and now even he is inexplicably infected with the characteristics of M... Thinking of Bai Lan, he wants to spit blood.

"Physical fitness has also improved significantly, at least now it has exceeded the level of normal people."

"It took so long to get to this level, isn't the speed a bit too slow?"

"...Big brother, do you know that we are just average physical fitness? After removing the flame of death, we are only slightly stronger than the average person. It is not bad to be able to reach this level now, and this is the only way It only took two months, which is already fast."

He doesn't know what kind of situation Sawada Tsunayoshi is in the original book, but he can still know his own physical condition. It can be said that his physical condition is quite bad. The education of Lan and Sonoko before is completely dead. Zhiyan, if he is really beaten like this, it is estimated that a group of gangsters can bring him down directly.

Having the flame of death energy and not having the flame of death energy are two completely different things.

Now he and Bai Lan have used the flame of death energy to increase their physical fitness several times in such a short period of time. This is already a very fast speed. Is the general exercise method faster than their self-abuse-style exercise method?Obviously unrealistic.

"Your physical fitness has become stronger now. Maybe it doesn't have much impact on your strength, but isn't it possible to store the flame of death energy twice as much as before?"

"Well~ that's just a little credit."

The flame of death qi is indeed more than twice as large as before. It really doesn’t matter how good your physical fitness is before. They are more concerned about the flame of death qi. As long as the flame of death qi is strong enough and your physical fitness It's perfectly fine just to be in general.

This was also discovered recently. At first, Gangji thought it was just his physical fitness. He didn't expect that even a mid-term boss like Bai Lan's physical fitness was not much better. It seems that the people in the tutors are still too dependent. The flame of death qi caused obviously no strength to physical fitness.

"The old man Talbo has already made things, and Pengele has also found people. Now only the Avengers are left. As long as the Avengers are found, this time can be considered to be over. "

"Well~ it seems that those people are not from this world."

"Actually, I'm not a person in this world. Anyway, when we get things done on our side, you can try your best to see if you can become a god or something. If you are favored by a god, Maybe you can come to me directly in the future...but I feel that it is more suitable for you to become a god yourself than to be favored by gods."

"Aha~ It seems that you know me better. If you have trouble that day, just teach me to help."

Bai Lan said these words very lightly. For these days, he also regarded Gangji as a friend, and this friend was much better than Xiaozheng's friend. If Xiaozheng really became his friend , Maybe Xiaozheng will exist under ten thousand people in the future, and even say that he can dominate half of the world, but Xiaozheng is not such a person, and he is not simply a friend of him.

On the contrary, this alternative Sawada Tsunayoshi has no other thoughts to become friends with him, just this friend, he prefers to do some very perverted things, even Bai Lan himself feels that this guy is probably a big pervert. But as a friend it's pretty good.

If it weren't for the sincerity, he wouldn't let his real six hanging flowers be a little more respectful to Gangji. Even Xiaozheng didn't have this kind of treatment.

It's just that this time is lucky and doesn't need any kind of battle. Gangji is not the kind of person who will fight with others when he has nothing to do. Now he can completely avoid the need for such battles. To do such a thing, the key checkers face is not the kind of person who is not easy to speak. It is better to maintain the deadly flame of the pacifier in a more stable way than to maintain the form of a human column all the time. are all lit.

"Lan, Sonoko, it seems that our trip in this world is coming to an end."

"Huh? Is it over so soon?"

"Hmm~ time flies really fast."

For nearly half a year, they have been living in Kirionero's base. In addition to exercising the flame of death, the girls' favorite thing to do is to play games with little Yuni, because they know that Gangji has recently During this period of time, there are things to be busy, and the two of them can only spend time with Gangji at night, like playing a couple's game or the like.

It was a little uncomfortable to say that I was going to leave.

Chapter [*] Sometimes people just need to be interested

"A Gang, the research you said came out?"

"Even if you have been busy for such a long period of time, there is only an outline. It is estimated that it will take a long time to perfect that method."

The compression of the flame of death and physical exercise are quite effective in increasing the capacity of flame of death. Both the body and flame of death can get enough exercise, but the exercise takes quite a lot of time, and In the process of exercising, the need for the body is also quite large. Ran and Sonoko and the others are probably going to faint from the pain when they go to exercise now.

In this regard, the order of exercise can be slightly changed. First, it is necessary to increase the strength of the body, and then start to compress the flame of death. Otherwise, if the physical fitness is not good, it will be compressed when the flame of death is compressed. If the pain passes out directly, then exercising will become a stage that hate must pass through.

The physical training method still needs to be carried out by the flame of death, but it is still more gentle for girls.

Moreover, in the stage of compressing the flame of death, it may be necessary to prepare again. Lan, Sonoko and Belmod all have no reconciling attributes of the air, and they have no ability to fight against the flame of death with other attributes of 627. Passing through other flames of death is a pretty bad situation for them.

"And the methods that have been researched are not suitable for you to use. Now your physical condition is unable to compress the flame of death qi, and your flame attribute of death qi is not the sky, so there is no way to carry out other death qi. Adjustment of the flame properties."

"That kind of pain makes Bai Lan almost unbearable. You can imagine that kind of pain, but you still have some advantages, and exercising should be your advantage. Increase the strength."

"Don't underestimate me, Sonoko and I have become very strong."

Raising his fist, Lan still cherishes the rare time he spends with A Gang, but it will soon become routine, and he will soon be able to return to the civilized world of the past.

Now she and Sonoko have become very strong. She has verified her fists before, Sonoko has become very powerful, and the two of them are often together now to exercise.

"I don't mean to look down on anyone. I know that Lan is very strong. Following Bai Lan's real six hanging flowers to learn art, Lan will become very strong just from this point."

underestimate?Don't joke around, okay?Lan's current strength is not something that can be underestimated casually. The training of the real six hanging flowers is real, and compared to Peng Lie's strength, it is not only improved by three or four grades. In this case, Lan and Yuanzi must be become very powerful.

Daisy, one of the true six hanging flowers, is quite powerful. The whole body is filled with the flame of death energy, and it can also regenerate at a high speed. It is simply Ulquiorra among the tutors. Activating the body, strengthening one's physical fitness, and allowing one's basic attributes to be boosted in an explosive manner.

Lei Shou in the real six hanging flowers should be regarded as Bailan in another world, so there is no suitable real six hanging flowers in Yuanzi for direct education, but the good thing is that the garden itself also has a good comprehension, plus There are other real six hanging flowers next to him to help with training, and his strength is still in a state of parallel with Lan.

"Lan and Yuanzi can definitely be on their own in terms of pure strength."

"Hmm~ Ah Gang, your subtext says that Sonoko and I are not qualified enough in some places?"

Such a line is really thought-provoking. Lan is not an idiot who has easily thought of this sentence, but she also knows what A Gang's hidden lines are, and she also knows that she and Sonoko have never been in contact with them. , the same is also always A Gang did not let them contact.

Even Miss Chrissy talks about these things vaguely. Of course she knows that it's not a good thing, but she doesn't want to be just A Gang's guardian vase, but she herself knows these things. You need to take it slow, and what you need to do now is to improve your strength as much as possible.

"It's just that some things are not suitable. If you really want to get in touch, Sister Bei and I can take you to see it, as long as you can bear it and don't vomit."

Gangji thinks that Lan and Yuanzi should not touch those things, and Sister Bei and his thoughts are very similar. She also feels that Lan is better not to touch those things. As for whether Yuanzi should touch those things, that is another matter. One thing.

"Hmph~ You really underestimate me and Yuanzi."

Of course, I can only talk about this kind of stubbornness now. I really think that the scene in the horror movie will appear in front of my eyes. Lan thinks that my scalp is a little numb, but I still want to go there. , Now that the words have been released directly, of course she can't be cowardly.

Still too stubborn, this is definitely a fault inherited from that concubine Yingri.

As someone who has never been blind, Gang Ji naturally saw that Lan was just trying to be brave. He vomited to death when he saw those hell-like scenes at that time, and was laughed at by Bai Lan at that time, but The second time I saw it, I had already begun to accept it. The third time I could feel it was just the sadness of death.

After the sweet time with Lan was over, Gang Ji walked out of Lan's room. Yuan Zi was already asleep. That's all he needed to talk to Sister Bei for today.

"Sister Bei, there are some things to do... you keep busy!"

Usually entering this room is very casual. After all, he has a good relationship with Sister Bei, but as soon as he entered the door, he saw the two Miyano sisters exercising very strangely, and they were not ordinary sports. Not wearing any clothes... that picture makes people not think too much.

After looking at the door for three seconds, Gangji re-closes the door very intelligently, no matter what the situation in the room is, he still doesn't know.

Chapter [*] I still have self-knowledge

"Little man, what are you doing here to find me so late?"

It took about three minutes for Belmod to open the door, but she was very generous and walked out in a V-neck dress that showed her breasts, instantly attracting Gangji's attention, he knew Sister Bei is quite bold, and he usually asks for comfort, but it's just talking about it. Who knew that Sister Bei would be so cruel today.

Discovering that Gangji's eyes were always on her body, Belmod was not angry, but Yingying smiled and let that gaze focus on her. The beauty of a woman needs to be appreciated by men, and if she doesn't have that ability The man will be permanently hated by the woman.

After staring at something white and big for a long time, Gang Ji resentfully took his eyes back. Thinking of what Lan had just said, he just threw away all the distracting thoughts just now.

"This is a very important matter. Lan just told me that she and Sonoko actually wanted to see blood."

"What? Angel wants to see blood?"

This time she had to concentrate, Angel actually wanted to see blood, which was something she didn't expect, and this time she even mentioned it directly to the little man, which sounded a lot more serious.

Belmod actually disapproved of Angel going to see blood. After all, those things were quite inconsistent with Angel, and it was not a good thing for Angel to face those things.

"Lan just said to me, maybe the content is not so direct, but that's what she said... She is very stubborn in this regard, you should know."

"Well...I don't agree with Angel going to see blood."

"I don't agree either. To be honest, I don't think Lan and Yuanzi are the ones who can touch those things. The last time I went to see them, I vomited half to death, but this is a matter of time. Even if we stop us now, in the end You should see it, you will see it.”

"...Let me think about it."

Angel's going to see the blood is a bit big, Belmod needs to sort out the matter clearly, the little man is right, even if they keep blocking it, there is no way to stop it all the time. Building a family is definitely inevitable. Fighting openly and secretly, even if she didn't want Angel to face those things, but if she didn't face them, she would kill Angel if they encountered them in the future.

"Cough, the next topic has nothing to do with Lan's affairs... Sister Bei, I just want to ask if the Miyano sisters have any special interest?"

Because the door he opened in a hurry seemed to let him enter another world. At least Tsunaji had never seen the Miyano sisters before and had the habit of exercising without wearing clothes. Dian should be more aloof, how could he and his sister play so much in Sister Bei's room?

"The two of them? Special interests? The little man is just thinking too much about you, that's just educating them."


He glanced into the room and saw the Miyano sisters sitting there with their red faces. I guess it was quite embarrassing to see the scene just now, but in the next second, Sister Bei was hugged in. In the arms, big and white, it was a direct face-to-face, which simply made the whole brain stop.

"Are they good-looking? Sister, don't I look better than them?"

"Good-looking, very good-looking."

It should be said that she is indeed Sister Yu. The charm of Sister Yu is really not something that ordinary people can resist. Gangji is also a little sad for himself as a man, but men are such creatures, and it is inevitable to encounter such a thing. dizzy.

She is still very happy with her own charm. Men are still men after all. Even a little man will not change in any way. Thinking about how she jumped out of the organization and joined the little man's family.

She is also not young anymore, and practices like this happen occasionally, but it's good to play such exciting games occasionally. As for the organization... It's not time to tear your face, anyway, in name she It was still Belmod, the Witch with a Thousand Faces.

"Do you want the little man to come and taste my sister?"

"...I really want to, but Sister Bei's body has thorns, and she has barbed thorns, which is more troublesome than that pair of sisters."

Wife and sister Yu have always been the love of all kinds of otaku. After all, wife and sister Yu have a lot of vocabulary that can be included. Even if many people say it is loli controlism, in the end, holding a loli and holding a wife Feel the difference?

Unless it's a pure natural top-quality loli like the Temple of Apocalypse, the others are definitely only at the level of Zhengtai.

Gangji doesn't know what Sister Bei's taste is. At least now he doesn't have the guts to try it directly. He trusts Sister Bei quite a lot, because her character has already determined that she can be trusted. Development to the above relationship... Sister Bei is not so easy to get along with. After all, she is not a girl with a hot head. She is a witch with thousands of faces, who can completely cover up even her own mood. A witch develops more relationships unless he has enough confidence in himself.

It's a pity that Gangji has no confidence at all about whether he can win Sister Bei directly.

"Barb Thorn, so that's what the little man thinks of me... That's right~ Big sister is Barb Thorn, but her older sister is a very attractive Barb Thorn."

"...Sister Bei, forget it. I haven't even dealt with Lan and Yuanzi's affairs. Besides, you are not a child, so you are really tempted. At most, you are just playing with me."

"Well~ the little man can see this very clearly. Peng Lie's super-intuition is really not a good thing, and it's really a lot less interesting."

"That's bad taste... God knows how many people Sister Bei has captured with charm in that organization. I don't want to become Sister Bei's toy for no reason."

If it's just a simple strategy, it's totally fine, but if it's a toy or something, forget it.

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