Lie Down and Win In Horror Games

Chapter 57: Bubble Paradise (7)

"Crumbling—" The sour voice came out from time to time, looking for a sense of presence.

In mid-air, the broken copper roller coaster that wandered into the eye sockets of the chaotic skeleton was moving with its feet in the sky.

passers-by smashed into the ground.

After another tourist was smashed into the pit, the dislocated skeleton that served as the track moved!

Get a fresh skeleton.

The dislocated skeleton threw the new bone directly into the hollow mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it whole. From the outside, it can be clearly seen that the bone was crushed and fell, and after stumbled, it turned into powder, sprinkled on the foot bone, and became one body.

The roller coaster swayed with the chewing action of the skeleton, and the trajectory was more elusive, but the tourists were all fixed and no one was thrown out.

Yan Zhengyan looked up at the dilapidated roller coaster and found that the anti-tripping was perfect enough to make people completely immobile, preventing the possibility of being thrown out like a "rotating doll".

Stuck to death.

"That elusive bone spur is very strange. It seems to have the property of being indestructible. So far, no one can stop it." C rubbed his chin.

He continued: "By the way, there are three warnings here. Tsk, the number is increasing. If it is a simple number sequence reasoning, the next amusement facility may still be three warnings."

"But this number doesn't seem to be useful. I'll take a look at the three warnings. They are, um, it is strictly forbidden to parabola in the sky, it is strictly forbidden to sit in front and back, and every second counts."

C suddenly raised her voice: "Hey, every second counts for fun, can we control the action time of the roller coaster? Well, it's going from fast to slow, or maybe it ends quickly? "

B was recording quickly.

"Are we following the warning this time or the other way around? If we follow the instructions, the action is simple, and the danger is obvious. The opposite is a bit difficult, and the danger is unknown." Because of her experience, she tends to go the other way, and she can't make up her mind, so she threw the question out.

C wants to come straight, purely because of peace of mind, just need to be prepared for the bone spur crisis.

But he didn't say it explicitly, but asked B's conclusion.

The old **** B is here: "No hurry, no hurry. It's all good, all good."

"Then let's act separately. I decided to do the opposite. If we can survive, we can continue to form a team for the next project." Yan Zhengyan has no strong desire to form a team, she is still watching With misplaced skeletons and roller coasters, trying to analyze the law of bone spurs.

B and C agreed in unison. At this point, the short three-person team ended the process and dispersed.

This roller coaster has no sense of time. Some shows are over in one minute, while others endure for 20 minutes.

Yan Zhengyan was resting on the rest seat. She communicated with the golden bell of the time bound to the soul and asked for help.

"Xiao Jinjin, only you can help me this time. If I successfully clear the customs, then I will warm the Jasper Whip every day and cultivate spiritual knowledge to accompany you. How?"

Little Jinzhong raised his hand imposingly: "Well, Tu Yan, you forgot about us after having a new love all these years. Huh. Xiao Yuyu already has spiritual consciousness, but she is too shy, Didn't speak."


Yan Fuxinhan said let me think twice.

She made in-depth reviews and in-depth exchanges, and finally got the temporary use permission of Little Golden Bell.

In this world, she can use its functions as she wants, such as short acceleration for 1 second, delay for 1 second, stagnation for 1 second, etc.

For a master, forcibly one more second is enough to determine the winner or loser, ahem, enough to avoid.

Yan Zhengyan once again went through the three criteria that need to be done in the bottom of his heart: high-altitude parabola, front and rear tandem, and not fighting for time. In addition, it is necessary to guard against sudden risks.

C stretched his neck before getting in the car, shook his head and asked: "Da Yan, why do you have to do the opposite and try unknown risks? This ride looks very simple, doesn't it? Don't be too stubborn..."

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