The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Join the team!"


"After entering the secret realm, I may leave the team at any time!"

Hearing the other party's question, Su Ye thought about it and then expressed his thoughts.


"When we get there, there will be ten teams, you can choose any one!"

After that, Long Yufei closed her eyes and rested.


If you sleep, I will sleep too!

Let's see who can sleep better!

Seeing that Long Yufei closed her eyes and rested, Su Ye also leaned back and fell asleep against the back of the chair.


When Su Ye began to rest, Long Yufei's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened.

"Su Ye!"

"It doesn't look special!"

"But why did the higher-ups let him enter that ancient secret realm?"

Looking at Su Ye, Long Yufei thought in confusion.


Ten hours later!

"Finally here!"

Looking at the entrance to the secret realm in the distance, Su Ye gradually became excited.


He's excited?

Facing an unknown secret realm with a high degree of danger, he is not afraid, but unusually excited?

Noticing Su Ye's situation, Long Yufei's eyes also flashed with surprise.

"Su Ye!"

"I have a few things to tell you!"

"First, this [Sect-level] ancient secret realm is extremely dangerous, so after entering, you must always pay attention to the situation around you to avoid getting yourself into danger."

"Second, in addition to our people, people from other forces will also enter the secret realm, so after entering, you must not trust anyone easily!"

"Third, when you encounter danger, don't fight to the death. Your main task is to explore the secret realm, draw a map, and then mark the dangerous places and specific situations!"

"Do you understand?"

At this time, Long Yufei looked at Su Ye and told him a few things that needed attention.

"I understand!"

Su Ye shouted after listening.

A few minutes later!

The helicopter landed steadily a hundred meters away from the entrance of the secret realm.

At the same time!

The ten teams that were resting and reorganizing here also stood up after seeing the helicopter land.

"Ding! There is a half-alien in the third team!"

Just as Su Ye got off the helicopter, the system's prompt sound suddenly rang in his mind.

Half-alien, Huo Xiaotong!

Then, the identity of the half-alien appeared in Su Ye's mind.


"This alien organization is really omnipresent!"

Looking at the female members of the ten teams, Su Ye also thought secretly in his heart.

"Su Ye!"

"Which of these ten teams do you want to join?"

At this time, Long Yufei, who got off the helicopter, asked directly.


He wants to join our team?

Hearing Long Yufei's words, the captains and members of the ten teams all changed their faces, because they were familiar with each other and cooperated tacitly. If one person was suddenly added, it would not only not improve the overall strength of the team, but would also affect their strength!


"Because I like the number three!"

"So I want to join the third team!"

At this time, Su Ye did not tell Long Yufei about Huo Xiaotong's identity, because he was worried that the other party would pass on the news about him before he died. In that case, he would definitely be targeted by the alien organization, so he planned to get rid of the other party himself after entering the secret realm!


Because I like the number three?

So you want to join the third team?

Are you kidding me?

Looking at the third team, which was composed of all female members, Long Yufei curled her lips in disdain, and then thought to herself: "Men's mouths are deceiving ghosts. If I believe you, I would be a big fool!"

"Huo Xiaotong!"

"From now on, he is the fifth member of your third team!"

Although disdainful, Long Yufei still let Su Ye join the third team.


"All teams immediately check the pills, food and water in their backpacks!"

"If there are no problems!"

"Then enter the secret realm in five minutes!"

At this time, Long Yufei looked at the captains of the ten teams and gave orders directly.


"Three women make a play!"

"Five women make six plays!"

"It's difficult!"

Looking at the five women in the third team, Su Ye was also a little worried.

Five minutes later, outside the secret realm entrance!

"Be careful!"

"Once you encounter danger, don't hesitate, escape immediately!"

Looking at the ten teams about to enter the secret realm, Long Yufei also reminded them again.

After hearing this, everyone nodded and then walked towards the entrance of the secret realm.

In the ancient secret realm!

"Everyone be careful!"

"This is the Poison Moon Valley!"

"Not only are there a large number of poisonous insects, but even the plants contain toxins!"

Looking at the map in his hand with only eight places marked, Huo Xiaotong quickly determined the current location and then reminded them.


"This Huo Xiaotong pretends to be serious!"


"Once she enters the secret realm, she can't pass on the message in any way, so I can get rid of her!"

Thinking of this, Su Ye directly summoned the skeleton soldiers!


"Follow me next..."

Before Huo Xiaotong could finish the last word 'go', she found herself surrounded by countless skeleton soldiers.


Huo Xiaotong was really stunned at this moment, because she had no idea where these skeleton soldiers came from.

"Huo Xiaotong!"

"Do you know why I want to join the third team?"

Just then, Su Ye's voice rang out.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Hearing Su Ye's words, both Huo Xiaotong, who was surrounded by the skeleton soldiers, and the other four team members outside the encirclement, all looked in the direction of Su Ye.


At this time, Huo Xiaotong's voice rang out from the encirclement of the skeleton soldiers.

"Because I know you are half-alien!"


Hearing this, the eyes of the other four members instantly widened, and their eyes were full of disbelief.


"I was discovered!"

"But do you think these skeleton soldiers can kill me?"


As Huo Xiaotong finished speaking, a violent breath burst out from the encirclement of the skeleton soldiers.


Huo Xiaotong, with wings growing from his back, flew into the air and got rid of the encirclement of the skeleton soldiers!


Looking at Huo Xiaotong in the air, Su Ye directly ordered the three thousand skeleton soldiers to teleport.


In the blink of an eye, three thousand skeleton soldiers holding bone knives surrounded Huo Xiaotong again.


When the skeleton soldiers were about to fall, Su Ye directly issued an order to self-destruct.


With a loud bang!

A mushroom cloud bloomed brilliantly in the sky!


At this moment, a miserable scream came from the mushroom cloud.

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