The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.


Just as the 100 skeleton soldiers raised their bone knives and prepared to chop down, two balls of green soul fire suddenly appeared in the empty eyes of the corpse.

"Lowly inferior!"

"Go to hell!"

As the old voice sounded again, a thick green poisonous mist emanated from the corpse!

And the 100 skeleton soldiers closest to them were corroded in the blink of an eye after touching the poisonous mist!


"This poisonous fog is quite strong!"

Su Ye was also shocked to see that a hundred skeleton soldiers were corroded in the blink of an eye. Then he ran towards the stairs and shouted to the half-crippled martial god-level skeleton soldier: "Go and blow up that bastard!"


When Su Ye escaped from the third floor of the tower, a deafening explosion sounded from the third floor of the tower.

One minute!

Two minutes!

Three minutes!

After waiting for three minutes, Su Ye, who had been hiding on the stairs, finally returned to the third floor of the tower!


The martial god-level skeleton soldier exploded, but it didn't cause any damage to the corpse?

This is nonsense!

This is too outrageous!

When Su Ye came to the third floor of the tower and saw that the corpse was unharmed, he was stunned!

Wait a minute!

Although the corpse was unscathed, the poisonous fog that had filled most of the space before had mostly disappeared, and the green soul fire in the corpse's eyes seemed to be much weaker than before!

At this moment, Su Ye noticed these situations.

"It seems!"

"This guy is not invincible!"

"In that case!"

"Then I will fight him and see who can outlast the other!"

Thinking of this, Su Ye directly summoned two thousand skeleton soldiers, and then said: "Teleport to the side of the corpse, and explode directly if it is not corroded!"

Swish! Swish! Swish!

As Su Ye gave the order, the two thousand skeleton soldiers disappeared instantly.


The two thousand skeleton soldiers who had just appeared around the corpse were instantly corroded by the terrifying poisonous fog before they had time to explode!

"Keep going!"

"I can summon skeleton soldiers infinitely, but I don't believe you can keep releasing that terrifying poisonous fog!"

Seeing that the two thousand skeleton soldiers were completely corroded, Su Ye summoned another two thousand skeleton soldiers and issued the order to teleport and self-destruct again.


Ten times!

Hundred times!

In the end, Su Ye didn't know how many waves of skeleton soldiers he had summoned, nor how long it had passed. Anyway, he had only one belief, that is, he must kill the corpse!

As time passed, the corpse began to panic, because he never thought that a lowly inferior person could summon skeleton soldiers continuously!

And he didn't dare to let it go, because he had already noticed that those weak skeleton soldiers could cause a little damage to him. Although that little damage was nothing, if it continued to accumulate, he would not be able to withstand it!

"My friend!"

"You can't hurt me, and I can't hurt you!"

"How about we stop and have a good chat?"

Realizing that his remaining strength had been depleted by more than half, the corpse could only suppress his anger and started to discuss.

"Chat your sister!"

"I'm going to take your bones!"

"No one can help, I said!"

After hearing what the corpse said, Su Ye smiled coldly, then waved his hand, letting the two thousand newly summoned skeletons continue to teleport and self-destruct!

"Lowly inferior!"

"You are looking for death!"

Seeing that Su Ye had no intention of stopping the war, the green soul fire in the corpse's eyes suddenly jumped violently, and then a huge poisonous fog burst out from his body.


The speed of the poisonous fog spreading was too fast, many times faster than before!

And when Su Ye reacted, the poisonous fog had already enveloped him.

"Ding! The host has suffered fatal damage, and the damage has been borne by the skeleton soldiers outside!"

"Ding! The host has suffered fatal damage, and the damage has been borne by the skeleton soldiers outside!"

"Ding! The host has suffered fatal damage, and the damage has been borne by the skeleton soldiers outside!"


Then, the system's prompt sound rang wildly in his mind.


"This bastard dared to trick me!"

Hearing the prompt sound ringing wildly in his mind, Su Ye

He also got angry and directly stood in the poisonous fog and cast the Great Summoning Spell, and the base number was 2,000. If the base number was 3,000, then 30,000 skeleton soldiers would be summoned here, and the 10,000 skeleton soldiers left outside the tower would disappear.

? ? ?

Critical hit?

Casting the Great Summoning Spell, there is actually a chance to trigger a lucky critical hit?

Seeing the dense white light circles begin to appear on the ground of the entire third floor of the tower, Su Ye was stunned at first, and then he was ecstatic!

"Although 200,000 skeleton soldiers can't kill the opponent!"

"But the momentum is rising!"

Looking at the endless skeleton soldiers emerging from the white light circle, Su Ye grinned and then left the third floor of the tower. After all, standing in the poisonous fog, several skeleton soldiers will die every second!

The other side!


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"How could a lowly inferior person possess such a terrifying innate power!"

Looking at the skeleton soldiers that kept appearing, Shigu was really scared, and now he had a vague premonition that he might really fall into the hands of this lowly inferior person.

A few minutes later!

"Sure enough!"

"Although those poisonous fogs can corrode the skeleton soldiers, they will also suffer losses!"

When Su Ye returned to the third floor of the tower and saw that the poisonous fog only covered half of the space, he laughed directly, and then without any nonsense, he started a new summoning!

After a long time!

"My friend!"


"Your strength has been recognized by me, I can let you accept the inheritance!"

At this time, realizing that his remaining strength had been exhausted, Shigu compromised!


You are almost dead, and you are still pretending to be a human being?

Seeing that the soul fire in the corpse's eyes had become very weak, Su Ye sneered directly: "Sorry, my strength does not need your recognition, and I don't care about your shitty inheritance at all, so you just wait here to die, and I will take all your bones out to feed the dogs later!"

After that, Su Ye ignored the other party and continued to summon the skeleton soldiers!

At this time!

The corpse could no longer release poisonous mist, and could only watch these weak skeleton soldiers slashing at him one by one.

Five hours later!


With a crisp sound, the head of the corpse was completely chopped in half by the skeleton soldiers, and at the same time, the two balls of green soul fire gradually dimmed.

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