The next day, the two sides of the river were in chaos.

Six hours later!

Tianling City, the rooftop of the Spiritual Warrior Association!

"Su Ye!"

"With your strength, you don't need to go back to Tianling No. 1 Middle School!"

"Do you want me to tell the principal for you?"

After getting off the helicopter, Wei Tianyun looked at Su Ye and asked.

"President Wei!"

"Then please tell our principal!"

"It happens that I have other plans for the remaining two months!"

After hearing Wei Tianyun's words, Su Ye nodded and said.


"Then you come with me to get the talent source stone first!"

"Then I'll call your principal to tell him about this!"

After speaking, Wei Tianyun took Su Ye into the building of the Spiritual Warrior Association.

"Leng Jian!"

"Do you think President Wei has forgotten the four of us?"

Looking at the two people who left, Lin Mang asked.

"I don't know!"

Looking at Lin Mang, Leng Jian said in a daze.


"You four go back to your own school!"

Just then, Wei Tianyun, who had left, suddenly came back, and then shouted to the four people, and then walked into the Spirit Warrior Association building again.


"I see!"

"Brother Ye is his biological son, and the four of us were picked up. There is no comparison, no comparison at all!"

Looking at Wei Tianyun who left again, Leng Jian smiled helplessly, and then walked towards the passage door on the roof.

"Leng Jian!"

"Wait for us, let's go together!"

Seeing Leng Jian leave, Lin Mang also shouted, and then took Qian Hao and Zhu Shiyu to chase him.


Ten minutes later!

Outside the Spirit Warrior Association building!

"Five Talent Source Stones are already in hand!"

"Then next, we have to find out where there are [Sect-level] Ancient Secret Realms!"

Thinking of this, Su Ye took a taxi, and then followed the address given by Wei Tianyun to an antique shop selling antiques!

"Little brother!"

"What do you want to buy?"

When Su Ye walked into the antique shop, a middle-aged man walked up and asked with a smile.


Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Su Ye directly explained his purpose.


Hearing this, the middle-aged man also looked at Su Ye carefully, and then smiled and said: "Come with me!"


Su Ye followed the middle-aged man to a box on the second floor.

"Little brother!"

"Who introduced you here?"

"What news do you want to buy?"

After sitting down, the middle-aged man looked at Su Ye with a little curiosity and asked.

"President Wei introduced me here!"

"I want to buy information about the locations of ancient secret realms in various places!"

Looking at the middle-aged man, Su Ye said directly.


It was actually introduced by Wei Tianyun!

This is quite interesting!

After learning about this situation, the middle-aged man became interested in Su Ye's identity.

"My name is Liang Feng!"

"You can call me Boss Liang!"

"As for the information you want to buy, I still need some specific requirements, such as the number of secret realm addresses, the range of secret realm addresses, the existence time of the secret realm, etc. You have to tell me all these clearly!"

Looking at Su Ye, Liang Feng reminded with a smile.


What is professional?

This is called professional!

Hearing Liang Feng's reminder, Su Ye also realized that this Wanzhi Building is indeed something, even if it is just a small branch.

"Little brother!"

"Have you thought about the specific requirements?"

Seeing that Su Ye didn't speak for a long time, Liang Feng asked out loud.


"Let me think about it first!"

After saying that, Su Ye began to think.

"If I want to sweep an ancient secret realm with my current strength, it will take at least 20 days!"

"So, I can only sweep three ancient secret realms at most!"

Thinking of this, Su Ye looked at Liang Feng and then said, "There are three secret realm addresses. It is best if the secret realm address range is within Nanling Province. At the same time, the three secret realms should not be too far apart. As for the existence time of the secret realm, the shorter the better!"

"I know!"

"Wait for me here for a while!"

After knowing Su Ye's request, Liang Feng got up and left the box.

"Nine thousand three hundred and sixty-seven thousand God Alliance coins!"

"Use them all to buy the information you need in the future!"

When Liang

After Liang Feng left, Su Ye checked the Shenmeng coins he currently had, and these Shenmeng coins were accumulated by him from the money rewards he received by killing creatures.

On the other side!

In the underground room!

At this time, Liang Feng sat in front of a computer and began to input the request made by Su Ye. Soon, a prompt window of 9,000 points appeared on the computer screen.

"One point for one Shenmeng coin!"

"And this message needs to consume my 9,000 points, so I will take 20,000 Shenmeng coins from him!"

Thinking of this, Liang Feng controlled the mouse and clicked the payment button.


As Liang Feng paid successfully, a text message prompt sounded from his mobile phone.


"I will check his identity!"

Thinking of this, Liang Feng uploaded Su Ye's photo to the computer with his mobile phone, and this photo was just taken by him secretly.

Ten seconds later!

A red warning suddenly appeared on the computer. At the same time, a line of small words was marked under the word "warning", indicating insufficient authority and prohibited from querying!


Looking at the red warning on the computer screen, Liang Feng was completely stunned, because he never thought that Su Ye's identity information level was beyond his authority!

"Who is this kid?"

After closing the warning, Liang Feng said to himself curiously.


Five minutes later!

"Little brother!"

"This is the news you want!"

"Twenty thousand God Alliance coins!"

After returning to the box, Liang Feng handed a piece of paper to Su Ye and told him the price of the news.


"Twenty thousand God Alliance coins!"

Hearing the price Liang Feng said, Su Ye couldn't help but exclaimed, and he exclaimed, not because the price was expensive, but because he felt it was too cheap!

? ? ?

Two thousand God Alliance coins are still a shock?

Is this kid so poor!

Seeing Su Ye's reaction, Liang Feng was also confused, because he didn't expect that the other party would feel that the mere 20,000 Shenmeng coins were expensive!

"I was careless!"

"According to the process, I should have told him the price first, and then clicked the purchase message after getting his consent and receiving the money!"

"But I didn't expect that he couldn't afford such a cheap message!"

Looking at Su Ye, Liang Feng also smiled helplessly, and then said: "Little brother, if you feel the price is expensive, then don't buy it. You can also check it online when you go back, but it will take some time and effort!"

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