Life Control Chart

Chapter 10: Being tortured to death

On the second day, King Wenshen brought Shi Yu into a quiet room, motioned Shi Yu to sit on the couch, took out a jade bottle from the cupboard against the wall, poured out a pill, and handed it to Shi Yu. Yu.

Shi Yu took it, a big yellow pill. He looked at it repeatedly and smelled it. It seemed nothing special.

Looking at King Wen Shen, the King said: "You can take the Marrow Cleansing Pill to remove dirt and cleanse your body. Then the master will shape your muscles and bones a few times. From now on, you can develop martial arts and formally practice."

Shi Yu looked at the pill pill in his hand, feeling really uneasy and just wanted to put it off for a while. With a sudden thought, he asked: "Master, I have something unclear, please ask Master to clarify my confusion."

King Wenshen thought that Shi Yu had questions about the properties of the medicine, so he said with a smile: "Huh? Let's talk about it."

"As far as my disciple knows, there are very few people in this Yu Shen Palace, and outsiders are not allowed to enter here. Are the two sisters Qingxi and Qingchi the disciples of the master of the God King's Palace? Aren't they coming too? Why do they accompany you every day? ? Moreover, the apprentice is not working hard and has not done any laundry or cooking. The two sisters are not here. What should I do? "

Shi Yu asked a bunch of questions at once, but if the God King hadn't frowned, he still wouldn't have stopped.

"You are anxious. You want to eat, drink and enjoy yourself before you practice. We cultivators don't need to eat or drink. It is not necessary to cleanse yourself and change clothes. You will know it when you practice.

As for Qingxi Qingchi, I want to tell you that although these two women are called my maids, they are not the same as you and me. "

"Ah? Not the same kind? What do you mean?" Shi Yu was surprised.

King Wen Shen twirled his beard and said eloquently: "There are three divine formations in our Shenyu Realm, and the two of them are transformed from the formation spirits of the two major divine formations of the Imperial Capital and the Imperial City.

When Master Shenyu formed a spirit formation, she and she were born together, so they became sisters. For various reasons, you will gradually know. No one outside the palace knew about this matter, so they stayed with me as maids. "

"Sixth Senior Brother doesn't know either? And why isn't it more convenient for a man to transform into a woman?" Shi Yu continued to ask.

"Before I became a disciple, Wu Bing didn't know more than you. It doesn't matter whether the formation spirit is male or female. When the two of them can transform, it was determined by Shen Yu based on the appearance of a woman, so that's why you saw Like this.”

"Well, who do you two sisters look like?"

"You ask too many questions. Let's talk about these later. Let's do the important things first. I can see that you are deliberately delaying. Although you don't like martial arts, it is useless to delay practicing like this." Wen Shen Wang feigned angrily. .

"Wait! Wait! And more! I also heard that the leader of the empire's generals, Yu Wushang, assassinated the prince. Master, you were the one who stared him to death. Is it true?"

"You brat, stop talking nonsense and eat quickly. I'm going to show off my strength!" King Wen Shen finally realized that this boy was asking endless questions without any end, just to delay time.

He immediately stopped talking, spread his palms and five fingers, and used invisible energy to open Shi Yu's lips, and then controlled his limbs to forcefully stuff the pill inside.

At this moment, Shi Yu except that his brain could still think and his mouth and nose could still breathe, everything else was no different from a clay sculpture. He watched as he swallowed the pills and lay straight on the couch again.

The pill enters the body, falls straight to the chest and abdomen, and stops in the middle of the body. First it stood still, and then it spun rapidly on its own. Shi Yu only felt that his limbs

Hundreds of bones, hair ends and hair tips, everywhere seemed to have water flow being pulled by the pill, converging towards where the pill was, and there was a gurgling sound in the body.

As the water flowed slowly, numbness, pain and itching lingered all over the body. It was like someone holding a fine-bristled brush and gently brushing the itchy spot, or like someone holding a hard steel brush and brushing the sore spot vigorously. Thin feathers swept across the armpits and soles, and the iron awl pierced the spine and fingertips. The strong stimulation of life and death repeatedly scratched Shi Yu's soul.

If it weren't for the fact that his body didn't belong to him at this moment, Shi Yu would have felt more comfortable if he hit his head against the wall. He could only widen his eyes and burst into tears.

King Wen Shen sat aside with his eyes closed, as if in trance, completely ignoring everything on Shi Yu's side.

It lasted for about an hour, and the pain all over my body slowly stopped.

The pill seemed to be alive, rolling upwards on its own, rolled out of Shiyu's mouth, and fell to the ground with a "plop". The original golden color now became colorful and very gaudy.

Shi Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief. He now fully understood the true meaning of surviving the disaster.

"Master, let me go quickly!" Shi Yu screamed in his heart. The pain searing into his body needed to be relieved by yelling at the top of his voice and running high with his arms swinging.

King Wen Shen opened his eyes and glanced at the waste pill, was slightly startled, and then shook his head. Before Shi Yu could react, he took out another marrow-cleansing pill and threw it into Shi Yu's mouth.

What happened just now happened again, and Shi Yu cried again. This time it was even worse, tears streaming down my face, and the pills I spat out were still colorful.

King Wenshen shook his head again and took out another pill. Shi Yu's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw it. He even wished that the shrine would collapse quickly at this time, and would rather be smashed to death than do it again. Naturally, King Wen Shen would not let him get his wish. He just observed the color of the pills and stuffed them into Shi Yu's mouth one by one.

After repeating this process for an unknown amount of time, Shi Yu's tears were all gone, and the initial desire to survive had long since disappeared. He allowed the heart-piercing pain to travel throughout his body, staring at the roof with distracted eyes, and the only thing he murmured in his heart was These few words: "I'm so stupid, really. I didn't know that practicing in Yu Shen Palace is so painful. I know it's hard to practice, but I don't know that taking a small pill can hurt so much. Just take it as it comes. At this point, Master told me to take medicine, so I took it. I am an obedient child, and I listened to every word.

One pill, no, two pills, two pills, three pills..., Master sat on the edge like a normal person, just feeding the medicine. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I wanted to run, but I couldn't move my toes. I emptied several medicine bottles and threw them all over the floor...

It’s over, it’s over, I’m afraid I can’t bear it anymore, my internal organs have melted from the pills, if I continue like this, before I can practice, I will have become an evil ghost and go to see my ancestors. I pity my parents, they are still waiting for me to go back and get a wife... "

"Okay, okay, we're finally done!" King Wen Shen clapped his hands and stood up, taking control of Shi Yu.

Shi Yu slowly turned his head, looking blankly at the various pills on the ground, colorful, black, red, yellow... until he gradually focused on it and found a completely transparent crystal-like bead with hanging on it. A few white lines stopped quietly closest to his mouth.

"Awesome, awesome, thirty-seven pills. You are the one who took the most medicine for the foundation of Yu Shen Palace. Seven pills in one bottle. You have taken more than five bottles. The most before was

Your third senior brother, four. He is worthy of being a pure scholar, but his body is weak and he has the potential of being a medicine pot. "King Wen Shen sighed on the side like an old naughty boy.

Shi Yu was completely unaware of this drastic change in his master's temperament, let alone being surprised. He just wanted to take back control of his body and escape far away from this place that was no different from a devil's cave in his heart.

Shi Yu slowly got up, turning a deaf ear to his master's words. He just stood up straight and walked slowly toward the door, dragging his steps as if he was wearing a pair of heavy shackles.

"Huh? Come back, come back! Where are you going??" King Wen Shen shouted from behind.

Shi Yu still moved forward slowly. He was about to touch the threshold of the small quiet room.

The door finally opened, but it was not Shi Yu who opened the door, but someone outside who pushed it open.

Qingxi and Qingchi were standing at the door, ready to walk in, but they were blocked by Shi Yu.

"What's going on? Shi Yu, what are you going to do?" Qing Xi asked with two pretty eyes.

"Go home... I want to go home. This is not the life I want... I am dying. I want to go home to see my mother for the last time..." Shi Yu finally calmed down and saw the clear stream in front of him.

The submissive look he used to face Qingxi was completely gone. Shi Yu actually dared to reach out and push her, "Get out of the way, I'm dying, let me go..."

"Huh?!" Qingxi's eyes bypassed the half-dead Shi Yu and looked indoors. King Wen Shen was twirling his beard in the back and smiling bitterly. The jade bottles of waste pills scattered on the ground were so dazzling.

Qingxi can naturally imagine what happened.

"Ah~!!!, Shi Yu, how much did you eat?" Qing Xi asked loudly, pointing to the mess on the ground.

The God King stretched out three fingers on his left hand and made a seven with his right hand.

Qingxi suddenly threw herself on the door frame, laughing non-stop, while Qingchi's eyes widened, he covered his mouth, and his face turned red.

Qingxi stepped into the house, dragged Shi Yu back to the couch, held him down, and scolded him with a straight face, "You want to leave? Where are you going? Can you go back by yourself? Without the permission of the God King, you can't even access this door." Can’t get out!”

Qingchi looked at the pill pills on the ground carefully, with a look of surprise on his face, "God King, even a person with the lowest qualifications would not be like this. Yu Shen Palace, no, the entire Shen Yu, who can use it?" Dropped so many Marrow Cleansing Pills?

The God King smiled bitterly and said, "I can't figure it out. This is the first time I've seen him after living for so long. I thought three or four would be the most, but I didn't know I couldn't stop. I think this disciple has good endurance and didn't faint. Just keep pushing it down to see how much it can be used. People are like seeds, they have to be watered slowly to grow. If they are fertilized vigorously, they will die young, but time is like the bottomless abyss. No matter how much you pour it, it will not grow and fill up. , Thirty-seven, if you tell me, who will believe it?”

Shi Yu looked and listened like a wooden man. Suddenly stood up again and murmured: "Go home, I want to go home... I don't care about the Yu Shen Palace, you brought me here. I don't care about the Marrow Cleansing Pill or the peerless martial arts, I just like it. Study, I want to go home.”

Saying that, Shi Yu walked out again.

Qingxi hurriedly pulled him away, but Shi Yu stubbornly struggled outward. Seeing that Shi Yu was unable to get in, Qing Xi couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, and frowned, "Stop! Where do you think this is? You are free to come and go? You can go back, I will send you away, you first take these thirty-seven pills If you can afford the medicine, I will send you away!"

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