Life Control Chart

Chapter 1001: Caught in the act

There was no need for Shan Qi to answer. Shi Yu already knew Shan Qi's thoughts through Nu Yin, so he smiled and didn't care.

At that moment, Shi Yu really couldn't swim far out of the chaos, and Shan Qi didn't know how he fell into the chaos, so it was normal to feel a little mocked in his heart.

"Let's go! Go back to Wanjie!" Shi Yu was suddenly in a good mood.

When you return to the Ten Thousand Realms, you can use the teleportation token from the Duan Sheng Land to transfer from the Duan Sheng Land back to the Land of Destiny. It only takes a few breaths! This is much more convenient than going straight from chaos to the place where you control your destiny.

Upon hearing this, Shan Qi turned around and ran wildly, splitting the chaos to both sides like cutting waves, and stepped out of a thoroughfare.

When Shi Yu had some free time, he took out two pieces of divine energy and started practicing. Although it was not as efficient as seclusion, it was always better to make a little progress.

Shan Qi said that when he first entered Chaos and ran back to his own world, Shi Yu had already consumed dozens of divine yuan, and his strength was firmly above a thousand years.

But the divine energy dissipated too quickly in the chaos, and Shi Yu could only absorb less than 10% of it with a piece, which was really painful.

Shan Qi was even more afraid of Shi Yu. Any drop of divine power that fell from Shi Yu's hand would make the energy in his body roll like a violent wave when it hit him. A trace of divine power seemed to turn into infinite power and rush through his body.

But unfortunately, only a very small amount of that mysterious power was transformed into Yuanli in his body, and most of it passed through his body and fell into the chaos, which was so painful that Shan Qi's heart was bleeding.

Shi Yu opened his eyes the moment Shan Qi stepped out of the chaos, slowly looked around, and frowned.

This large world has become a ruin, with broken land masses and floating corpses everywhere. All the corpses are ordinary people in the world, or monks with extremely low cultivation levels.

Countless torrents of chaos are rushing into the world from all directions, and it won't be long before this place will completely disappear.

"Is this your realm? Why are the monks so weak?" Shi Yu asked with a frown.

Shan Qi sighed. He was different from Shi Yu. This was the world he had guarded all his life. If he hadn't encountered a powerful enemy that he couldn't deal with, he would not have abandoned the world and fled. He would have slaughtered the world without hesitation. Completely destroyed.

He said sadly: "All the capable monks have fled. There is only one person who has come in. One person makes me unable to resist the whole world. I can protect most of the monks who are more than a hundred years old and escape. Do your best.”

Shi Yu nodded slightly, feeling that Shan Qi's senses were better. He could still save the people in the world when a crisis came, and Shan Qi was not a cold-blooded person.

"How many great realms have been destroyed in the Duan Sheng Land?"

Hearing Shi Yu's softened tone, Shan Qi, who was worried, quickly put his mind back together and replied obediently:

"Back to the Lord, I don't know how many great realms have been destroyed, but every great realm should know about the arrival of the Duan Sheng Land. They have messengers running around every great realm every day, and any great realm that dares to resist will be destroyed first.

That day... I also scolded the messenger from Duan Sheng, and then faced the strongman's situation. "

"You still dare to scold the person who broke the birthplace? Is the messenger weak?" Shi Yu was surprised.

"Not weak! But that guy is really bullying others! I, Shan Qi, am not someone to be bullied!"

Shan Qi's face was grim, as if he had seen the aggressiveness of the messenger from the Rijuan Sheng Land again.

"Oh? What did he say to make you want to resist?"

Shan Qi's face became even worse, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: "He wants me to destroy the Great Realm myself, and prepare all the essence of the Great Realm for him to pick up. The time limit is ten years! If I achieve what I want within ten years, I can be spared. Fate, allow me to be the slave of Duanshengdi!

If I can't do it, not only will the world be destroyed, but my soul will also be scattered! "

Shi Yu stared at the shattered land. Sure enough, the essence of the great world had been taken away, leaving only useless wasteland, similar to those abandoned worlds where no one could go.

Shan Qi's eyes quickly darkened, and he lamented that he was so unlucky that he could not escape the fate of becoming a slave by escaping into Chaos.

Shi Yu glanced at Shan Qi's gray face and had no time to understand his sadness.

Taking out the token to go to the Duan Sheng Land, Shi Yu planned to go directly to the Duan Sheng Land, and then return to the Land of Destiny. The worlds had their own destiny, and Shi Yu was in no mood and had no ability to interfere.

Suddenly, Shi Yu seemed to have thought of something. He took back the Duan Sheng Land Token, turned around and took out another Realm Gate Token, opened a Realm Gate and stepped in.

Shan Qi turned his head and looked at his own world again, gritted his teeth and followed.

After passing through the boundary gate, Shi Yu's face immediately relaxed.

The Wood Spirit World is as green and lively as ever, but there is still only vegetation and nothing else.

When he left Ten Thousand Realms to go to the Land of Controlling Life, he and Ling Xiao worked together to seal off the Wood Spirit Realm, leaving it alone with a ray of loneliness outside of the chaotic world.

Walking slowly in the air, Shi Yu's eyes swept over the practice path he had walked from time to time, and his heart felt inexplicably calm.

The Red Mountain is still a deep pit thousands of miles deep, but now it is covered with lush grass and plants of various colors; the house where everyone lives temporarily has also fallen into decay, and countless vines are spreading and entangled.

Cao Xinxin did not return to the Wood Spirit Realm, which made Shi Yu a little regretful. He really hoped to see Sister Xinxin and Chunni who left with her in the Wood Spirit Realm.

"Oh! Forget it!"

Shi Yu strolled for a moment, shook his head and took out the Realm Gate Token to the Duan Sheng Land.

But just as he opened the door, before Shi Yu could take a step forward, a long knife came out and struck Shi Yu directly in front of the door.

Shi Yu's eyes narrowed and he could see that it was Qian Jiangzun's simple sword. He punched the side of the sword with his fist and swung it away from his face.


Qianjiangzun, who rushed out of the gate with a long sword, hummed in doubt, and his eyes swept back and forth over Shiyu, "It's you? How come you are here?"

Shiyu retreated carefully, but smiled faintly, "If it's not me, who else can it be? Who else has the teleportation token you offered?"

Qianjiangzun snorted coldly, pointed his long sword at Shiyu, and shouted: "I thought it was that bastard Xuanpan, but you are better. If I kill you, who can stop me from destroying the land of life and killing the land of life!"

"Kill me? Can you do it?" Shiyu still smiled and retreated, and stopped a hundred feet away.

Although this distance is still a short distance, it at least gives Shiyu some time to react.

Qianjiangzun disdains Shiyu's slow distance. Even if he is a thousand miles away, he can cut Shiyu in two with a single knife.

But suddenly, General Qian was shocked and roared: "Shi Yu! How did you do it?"

Shi Yu did not answer General Qian, but stared at the slowly closing boundary gate behind General Qian and asked softly: "Where are the others? You are not the only one in ambush, are you?"

At this moment, Shi Yu wished that the four supremes would surround him, so that Yanlan City would be absolutely safe.

General Qian said disdainfully: "Now I have recovered 80% of my strength, killing you is no problem! Why do I need others here?"

"80%?" Shi Yu smiled, "You really can't recover completely. Did Bai Que beat you too hard? Or were you tricked too badly by Xuan Pan?"

Being poked in the sore spot by Shi Yu's words, General Qian forgot that he had not answered the question he had just asked. He roared and raised his knife to chop.

Shi Yu hurriedly gathered all his divine power on his forehead, but still had no ability to resist General Qian's heavy knife. With a "bang", he was hit and rolled thousands of miles away like a meteorite.

"Hehe! It seems that the knife you stabbed across the door was just a random one, otherwise how could I have blocked it?"

Shi Yu stroked his forehead with his hand, and a long blood line went straight from his forehead to his crotch, splitting Shi Yu into two pieces.

But strangely, Shi Yu did not fall apart because of this, and the two pieces of his body were still tightly connected, which made Qian Jiangzun frown.

Shan Qi on the side was already stunned.

The moment he saw Qian Jiangzun, he knew who this was! This is the boss of the four supreme masters of Duanshengdi! He is also the most powerful and terrifying demon king!

"Ka Ka, Ka Ka!"

A slight collision sounded, and Shan Qi, who was ready to fight against Shi Yu, could only tremble in fear when he saw Qian Jiangzun, and his upper and lower rows of white teeth were about to break each other.

"Noisy!" Qian Jiangzun glanced at him with a sidelong glance, and Shan Qi was cut into countless pieces with just a glance, and flew all over the sky with the breeze of the Wood Spirit Realm.

Shi Yu snorted, raised his hand and swept away all the fragments, and the divine power returned Shan Qi to its original form.

Such a miraculous method made Qian Jiangzun and Shan Qi fall into silence.

One was thinking silently, thinking about how Shi Yu transcended Yu Mingtian;

The other was silent and confused, wondering whether Shi Yu was a man or a god.

Shi Yu saved Shan Qi not out of kindness, but because he didn't want anyone's blood to pollute the Wood Spirit Realm. This was the last piece of pure land left for him, Cao Xinxin, and Ling Xiao, and no filth would be allowed to fall.

Taking out a boundary gate order, Shi Yu waved it at Qian Jiangzun, "Let's fight somewhere else."

Qian Jiangzun raised his mouth corner, revealing a contemptuous smile. He casually slashed a knife and slammed it towards the ground, saying disdainfully: "Where and when to fight is up to you to decide? This is where your soul is buried!"

Shi Yu's face changed and he rushed out with all his strength, forcibly blocking the extremely slow-moving blade with his arms, and said coldly: "Qian Jiangzun, I don't want to fight you here.

I tell you, I don't care if you destroy all the worlds, but if this world is damaged in any way, I, Shi Yu, will kill everyone and leave no one alive!"

Qian Jiangzun was stunned, turned his head and looked around, it was a quiet world with only grass, not even a sound of insects.

"Is this the world you were born in? Doesn't it look like it?"

Shi Yu didn't want to talk to Qian Jiangzun, and said casually: "There are no cultivators here, and it has no meaning to your Duanshengdi. I just lived here alone for a while, and I have feelings for it."

Qian Jiangzun smiled grimly, not taking Shi Yu's threat seriously at all, and swung another knife to the earth, mocking: "Who said it has no meaning? Such a vibrant world must have more essence than other worlds!"

This time the knife light was as fast as thunder, and Shi Yu had no time to block it.

There was a loud bang, and the verdant Wood Spirit Realm Lord Land was instantly split into a deep gully that ran through the earth, and the earth energy rushed straight to the sky, erecting a pale high wall in the Wood Spirit Realm.

Shi Yu was furious in his heart, but he smiled on his face, and nodded slowly to Qian Jiangzun, "Okay, very good! From today on, it is impossible to keep a dog in Duanshengdi!"

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