Life Control Chart

Chapter 1010 Hostages

Shi Yu didn't know that the Supreme of Duanshengdi had fought with Lan Feng and Bai Que. He hurried to the first few realms on the list of realms to be destroyed by Duanshengdi. They were either destroyed or in a mess and were fleeing. He didn't encounter the army of Duanshengdi.

He knew that Duanshengdi must have gathered the army together to eliminate the powerful enemy.

Shi Yu knew very well who this so-called powerful enemy was.

Mo Lu also thought of this and smiled at Shi Yu, "It seems that Bai Que and Lan Feng must have been blocked. Should we also get involved?"

"No, I'd better not join in the fun with my ability, otherwise I can't run away. Just stay here, they will come soon, and stealing is what I should do now."

Mo Lu laughed, "How did you become so steady? What big fish can you catch by stealing? It's better to catch a Supreme while those two guys are fighting with the Supreme."

Shi Yu's mind moved, and he asked anxiously, "Do you know the life gate of the Supremes? After all, you were..."

"Shut up!" Mo Lu shouted in Shi Yu's soul. He didn't want to think about the disgusting old things of the past anymore.

"Haha!" Shi Yu laughed a few times and stopped talking. His eyes looked at the slowly cracking sky.

In the crack, the War Lord took the lead in entering the Daosheng Realm, which is now the realm where Shi Yu is waiting.

Hanging in the middle of the entire world, the eyes of the War Lord slowly swept around the four directions, and there were open and closed world gates everywhere, and people everywhere were crowded and fleeing.

The masters had already run away, and the rest were ordinary cultivators who were reluctant to leave their relatives and children and hoped to take more people with them. The highest cultivation level was only seven or eight hundred generations.

The War Lord didn't care about these, what he wanted was the foundation of the world, not useless cultivators.

With a cold snort, the War Lord raised one arm and swung it down heavily, and the cultivators of the Broken Life Land who had been standing behind him for a long time, whistled down at the command, and the crazy massacre began again.

Since entering the Ten Thousand Worlds, all the cultivators raised by the Broken Life Land have never stopped killing, and everyone's hands are stained with blood.

In an instant, nearly half of the creatures in this world were wiped out, and the War Lord nodded with satisfaction. His divine consciousness had already spread throughout the entire world. Although he didn't know everything, he could still clearly see where there was a more intense resistance.

He only needed to be on guard against the appearance of Shi Yu and others, and kill them at the first moment. He could no longer put on airs and sit in the rear, letting his subordinates die in vain.

Just as the Great War Lord was carefully looking for a strong enemy, a scream that shook the void sounded, attracting the Great War Lord's attention.

He glanced sideways and saw that a thousand-year-old cultivator in Duanshengdi was being besieged by several people, and half of his arm was cut off.

This was not worth his action. The Great War Lord also had no mercy on the cultivators he raised, and he looked away after a few glances.

Suddenly, the Great War Lord frowned more tightly and moved his eyes back. He felt a sense of familiarity among the crowd besieging the cultivators in Duanshengdi.

The breeze blew, and the Great War Lord rushed into the battlefield, grabbed a cultivator and lifted him in front of him, and looked him up and down carefully.

The cultivator who was tightly held by the Great War Lord was surprisingly calm, without struggling or shouting, just looking at the Great War Lord calmly with a pair of indifferent eyes.

"Who are you?" The Great War Master thought over and over in his mind, but he still couldn't find the source of that familiar feeling.

"Hmph!" The cultivator who was caught by the Great War Master and whose cultivation was only more than 800 centuries raised his mouth corners, and threw a disdainful sneer at the Great War Master.

The Great War Master was not angry. He had 10,000 ways to find out the background of this kind of cultivator. He stopped asking and directly searched the cultivator's soul.

Shi Yu hid in the dark and saw the Great War Master flying to capture the enemy. He also cheered up and wanted to see which of the two unlucky guys, Bai Que and Lan Feng, was discovered by the Great War Master.

As a result, when he saw the cultivator caught by the Great War Master, he couldn't help but exclaimed loudly in his heart:

"Big Fish?"

Shi Yu never thought that he would meet an old friend here. The once simple boy now has a good cultivation.

But, why did this guy, Big Fish, run to the Daosheng Realm instead of staying in the Zhenwu Divine Realm?

Shi Yu began to get anxious and uneasy. There was no doubt that the Great War Master would kill Big Fish. No matter what Da Yu can get from the War Lord, he will die.

"So you are the remnant of the Zhenwu God Realm. No wonder I feel familiar with you. Tell me! Where is Shi Yu?"

The War Lord's divine thoughts just invaded Da Yu's soul and found out everything about Da Yu.

Shi Yu felt bad when he heard the word remnant. The Zhenwu God Realm might be in danger.

But... Gu Yun is still in the Zhenwu God Realm. How could Gu Yun, who refused to take the path of cultivation again, escape the catastrophe of extinction!

At this moment, Shi Yu thought that all the great realms related to him might have become ruins. He deliberately did not go to those great realms to disturb his old friends, just to prevent Duan Shengdi from noticing them. How could he still be found and killed by Duan Shengdi!

Just as Shi Yu was about to show his head, Mo Lu shouted in Shi Yu's soul, shaking Shi Yu's whole body.

"Don't go out! Just when you said you were steady, you are going out to die?"

Shi Yu's body was also suppressed by Mo Lu in the gully of Xinglu and could not move.


Shi Yu's eyes were red. He knew that what Mo Lu said was undoubtedly the right choice. If he dared to show his true colors now, he would be killed by the War Lord.

"Don't worry! This little guy won't die! I know the War Lord!" Mo Lu's words calmed Shi Yu down a little, and he retracted his head back into the ravine.

"How do you know that the big fish won't die? His soul is almost completely destroyed by the War Lord!" Shi Yu asked anxiously.

"Big Fish doesn't know where you are. This is the only way he can save his life! How could Zhan Zhan not make good use of it to lure you out?"

Shi Yu calmed down and lowered his body lower. In the distance, Zhan Zhanzun stopped torturing the big fish and looked around with the big fish, obviously wanting to see if Shi Yu would show up.

After waiting for a while but no movement, Zhan Zhanzun split the space and drew out a large amount of chaos, and instantly formed a high boom to throw the big fish up.

The helpless big fish was nailed to the top of the boom, and his dying body was exposed in front of everyone.

"Shi Yu! I know you can see it! If you don't come out every day, your little brother will be nailed to this long pole!"

Zhan Zhanzun shouted loudly, and thousands of thunderbolts appeared out of thin air with his shout, all striking the big fish's body.

Big Fish's clothes immediately burst into pieces, his skin shattered, and he hung bloody in the sky.

But Zhan Zhanzun was very measured in his actions. Big Yu seemed to be seriously injured and dying, but in fact it was just the foreign minister who was miserable and his life was not worried.

A dead big fish will definitely not be able to attract Shi Yu to show up.

"Zhan Zhanzun! I will treat you like this in the future!" Shi Yu shouted angrily in his heart, clenching his fists tightly.

Seeing that Shi Yu did not show up because of the tragic situation of the big fish, Zhan Zhanzun was not sure whether Shi Yu was really here, so he shouted to his monks: "Stop it!"

The monks from the Duansheng Land immediately stopped their movements and stood on the ground and in the air like javelins, looking coldly at all the people of the Daosheng Realm.

"Open the gate! Send them to other great realms and let them take the news about this person out!"

Zhan Zhanzun waved one arm, and the tragic situation of the big fish hanging on the high pole was condensed into floating images and captured in everyone's soul.

How could these low-level mortals and monks withstand the invasion of Zhan Zhan's soul? They would never forget the cruel memories forced upon them by Zhan Zhan throughout their lives.

Tens of thousands of realm gates have been opened, and the people of the Daosheng Realm can be found in all the realms that Duansheng Land can currently go to.

As soon as they entered the unfamiliar world, the memories left by Zhan Zhanzhan spread out in the void of the world, accompanied by Zhan Zhanzun's cold and stern cry: "Shi Yu, the big fish is in my hand! Anyone who knows Shi Yu's location will report it." , to avoid the destruction of the world!”

Shi Yu also left the Daosheng Realm among the fleeing crowd. Before leaving, he took a deep look at the big fish hanging on the top of the pole.

"What are you looking at? Do you want to be hung up too?"

The Duanshengdi monk who urged the natives to leave raised his foot and kicked Shi Yu's thigh. He was not strong enough to recognize Shi Yu's changed appearance.

Shi Yu didn't resist at all and entered the gate. On the other side of the gate was the Night Mark Realm, a world full of weird beast cultivators.

This world is not on the list of massacres in Duan Sheng Land. The people in this world are relatively calm. They only whisper when they see the memories floating in the sky.

After the gate was closed, a huge beast claw struck hard at all the people of the Daosheng Realm who crossed over.

Obviously, the master of this world does not welcome the arrival of these people.

Mo Lu didn't need Shi Yu's urging, he pierced the beast's claws and shot away along the long and thick arms, and a painful roar immediately sounded.

Shi Yu snorted and stood up to follow.

A beast cultivator holding a broken arm looked at Shi Yu who had escaped in shock and anger, and Mo Lu was pressing his forehead firmly.

Shi Yu silently walked to the world lord, pushed him away, and sat on the honorable seat. His cold eyes could freeze everything.

Yehen Realm Master shouted bad luck in his heart, and the person in front of him didn't need to think that it was Shi Yu. The person he desperately wanted to catch finally arrived in his realm.

"Shi Yu, do you want to kill this Beast Cultivator Realm Master? He actually wants to transmit his spiritual thoughts to the outside world!" Mo Lu withstood the spirit of the Black Mark Realm Master and asked Shi Yu quietly.

Shi Yu thought for a long time but couldn't think of a way to save the big fish. Hearing the word beast cultivator, his mind suddenly moved. He reached into his arms and took out Xiao Hei, who was still sleeping and healing. He lifted it up with his divine power and gently placed it on the Yehen Realm Master. on the body.

Xiao Hei, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to be attracted by the natural temptation. He closed his eyes and crawled to the heart of Yehen Realm Master, bared his white teeth and bit it.

The Yehen Realm Master's strong body shrank rapidly, as if an air sac had been drained by Xiao Hei. In the blink of an eye, only a piece of withered skin was left, and then the withered skin also swished into Xiao Hei's mouth, completely disappearing in front of everyone.

After Xiao Hei swallowed the Yehen Realm Lord, his dull eyes slowly opened and he slowly scanned around the World Lord's Temple.

Finally, Xiao Hei's eyes fell on Shi Yu, staring at Shi Yu silently crying.

Shi Yu sighed in his heart, picked up Xiao Hei, and stretched out his fingers to wipe away the tears hanging from the corners of his eyes.

"Brother Shi Yu, you will kill Yu Luyao, right?" Xiao Hei raised his head and looked into Shi Yu's eyes, tears still flowing down uncontrollably.

"Not only Yu Luyao, but also Xuanpan! Everyone who attacked Yanlan City that day must die!" Shi Yu assured Xiao Hei.

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