Life Control Chart

Chapter 104: Creating a World

Shi Yu's heart trembled slightly as he watched Big Fish's lifeless but extremely determined face step into a gate.

Turning to look at Mo Lu, Shi Yu said seriously: "Tell me, how can I recover as quickly as possible? I know there are a lot of things you haven't told me."

Mo Lu looked at Shi Yu quietly, shook his head and said, "You shouldn't be so aggressive. Wanjie has nothing to do with you for a long time. Being aggressive will cause more violent turmoil."

Shi Yu looked cold and said: "The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain. It is time to take care of the broken land. As the strongest enemy left to me by God, their mission is to kill me."

And if I want to reach the sky smoothly, they are also a mountain that I cannot avoid. "

"Have you really decided not to act conservatively?" Mo Lu asked again.

Shi Yu nodded heavily and said impatiently: "Don't you also want to return to the upper world as soon as possible? Stop being so nagging and get down to business!"

"Create a world! Use divine power to create a world!"

Shi Yu frowned, "I am only a thousand and hundreds of years old in strength, and my realm is not as high as the realm master. How can I create a realm?"

"No! In fact, when you reach the power of a thousand years, you already have the ability to create a world. Monks with divine power are different from slaves in various heavens. You forgot that I once said that the heavenly beings in the upper world are the world. Lord, you are practicing on the basis of World Lord!”

Shi Yu became even more suspicious, "Then shouldn't I just crush the Supreme to death? How come it's so difficult to beat a Realm Lord?"

"Because the power that belongs to the world master at that level has become the vitality that allows you to survive in the upper world, and cannot be released as an attack force at all. Have you forgotten that you were suddenly sent into an inexplicable world and almost escaped from the Mingtian? ?”

Shi Yu's face was full of doubts, and he said in surprise: "How do you know that? I didn't see anything clearly at the time and was bounced back into the chaos."

Mo Lu chuckled lightly, "Although I am asleep, I can still feel the breath of the upper world suddenly rushing through my body! If it weren't for the little black one in you, you would have broken through the barrier and gone to the upper world."

"Ah?" Shi Yu didn't expect the reason why he was bounced back by Mo Ming and Xiao Hei.

"But even if you go up, you are still the weakest ant among the heavenly beings in the upper world. If someone sees your potential, it's okay to take him in. If no one sees you, you can only grit your teeth and persist. The best situation is to beg for a living, and the worst situation is Of course it will be destroyed directly.”

"Then will I be led to the upper world again in the creation world?" Shi Yu asked with some worry.

"No! In the past, this kind of summoning only happened when heavenly beings entered various heavenly realms. As long as you refused once, the upper realm would not issue a second summons. Therefore, if you want to enter the upper realm in the future, you can only enter with your true skills. ”

Mo Lu's words made Shi Yu calm down, but he had new questions, "However, when I became a world master, I never had the understanding of world creation. Otherwise, I would have taken a step further with the help of world creation. Now let me Creating a world, I don’t know how to do it.”

Mo Lu laughed, "Because you were possessed by a life-controlling map at that time! The whole life-controlling world is yours, so what kind of world do you want to create?"

Now that you are a life beyond the destiny-controlling heaven, of course you can create a world. Remember, creating a world is not just about strength, but more importantly, here! "

Mo Lu pointed his hand at Shi Yu's head, and Shi Yu's true soul immediately lit up.

"The realm does not depend on the size, but on the subtlety of the realm's master's conception. Whatever the heart thinks about and what the mind reaches are all realms."

Shi Yu and Xiao Hei both listened to Mo Lu's story quietly, still confused.

Xiao Hei thought for a long time and asked Mo Lu carefully, "Why do you feel like you are making a dream? What kind of world can I create with whatever I think about?"

Mo Lu nodded and said: "Yes, it is a dream, but you must have the ability to turn what you see in the dream into reality, so that everything in the dream will not disappear when the dream ends."

Shi Yu was silent for a moment and asked, "Where should I go to create a world?"

"In the midst of chaos, don't pity those divine essences anymore. Remember, the world is not about size, but about eternity! Even if you only create a grain of sand or a stone, as long as he can force the chaos away to exist forever, that is One world!" Mo Lu said seriously.

Shi Yu nodded slightly, tore open the space, and a large amount of chaos surged in, drowning him instantly.

Shi Yu took a deep breath and asked Mo Lu again, "You said that I am rashly advancing. What are the disadvantages of rashly advancing?"

Mo Lu replied: "You will be fettered by the great world you created, and your entry into the upper world will be postponed indefinitely. Only when this great world begins to feed back strength to you will you have the next chance to enter the upper world.

And your power can only match the created world. It will be stronger than it is now, but it’s hard to say how much stronger it is. "

"In other words, I may only be a little stronger than I am now, or I may reach the realm of God?"

"It's not enough to be stronger. You can at least return to the World Lord Realm, but the possibility of reaching the God Realm does not exist at all. Otherwise, why bother to use this method of binding yourself?"

"Okay! Just tie yourself up! The Realm Master is already very good. I can't waste any more time waiting."

After saying that, Shi Yu slowly closed his eyes, and his limbs were spread out and hung in the chaos.

Xiao Hei turned to look at Mo Lu, who had a solemn expression on his side, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Mo Lu, you are not fooling Brother Shi Yu, are you? A sand is a world, what is the use of such a big world?"

"That's just an extreme situation. I think Shi Yu can at least create a stone." Mo Lu smiled lightly.

"A stone?" Xiao Hei's eyes widened and he almost flapped his wings on Mo Lu's head, "What's the use of a stone? Is it used to shoot people?"

Mo Lu squinted at Xiao Hei and snorted, "What do you think? The Heaven Seal is the first stone created by the Lord of Controlling Life. Shi Yu doesn't even have the ability to use it now!

And what Shi Yu created is not only a big world, but also the prototype of the heavenly domain! In the future, you can all create worlds in his heavenly domain, which will be a different feeling!"

Xiao Hei shut up. He didn't understand what it meant to create a heavenly domain or a big world, but he had seen the power of the Heaven Seal. It could hit all the secret realms of the Lord of Heaven without any damage.

Shi Yu took out all the divine essence and scattered it around him. What was reflected in his mind now was not an ordinary world, nor a grain of sand or a stone, but himself!

A huge and unparalleled self!

The left eye is the sun and the right eye is the moon. The heart is the land and the blood is the river. He sits cross-legged and cross-handed in the air.

Shi Yu originally wanted to try to create a complete world with brilliant stars and the sun and the moon like other world masters, but even with a simple idea, he felt that he was incapable of continuing and might collapse halfway.

But if he only created an ordinary star land with only the sun rising and the moon setting, he would not be satisfied.

Just when he was thinking about it and didn't know where to start, Shi Yu's own appearance suddenly appeared in his mind, so he followed his heart and began to think about how to create an alien world with himself as the model.

Gradually, Shi Yu fell into a state of selflessness, and all the divine essences floating around him began to emit a lot of divine power with a hissing sound. It seemed that he realized that the divine essence was wasting too much divine power. Shi Yu, who seemed to be dreaming, had his soul out of his body, grabbed handfuls of divine essence and stuffed them into his soul, and his body actually slowly drifted into the chaos.

Xiao Hei was shocked and hurriedly rushed out to grab Shi Yu. Without a physical body, Shi Yu's fragile soul could not survive in the chaos at all.

"Don't move!" Mo Lu shouted to Xiao Hei, and dragged Xiao Hei away.

"Why?" Xiao Hei asked anxiously.

"Interrupting the creation of the world will result in serious injuries or even death. Shi Yu suddenly sacrificed his soul, which must be his own idea. We just have to watch."

Xiao Hei was not as calm as Mo Lu. He pointed at Shi Yu's body, which had already been mostly submerged in the chaos and shouted: "What if you are wrong? Brother Shi Yu's body has entered the chaos. If it is lost, it can't be found!"

"It can be recreated!" Mo Lu remained calm.

"Are you crazy? Without divine power, what can you use to recreate it?" Xiao Hei ignored Mo Lu's dissuasion and rushed towards Shi Yu's body.

This time Mo Lu did not dissuade him, but just watched coldly.

But just when Xiao Hei was about to grab Shi Yu's body, the body seemed to still have a soul inside, hiding from Xiao Hei's claws, and drilled into the chaos faster, and disappeared completely in the chaos in the blink of an eye.


Xiao Hei screamed in shock, rushing into the chaos to grab Shi Yu's body, he forgot that Shi Yu's soul was still in a dream and could not stand the slightest disturbance.

Shi Yu's soul was hit by the sound waves, and he couldn't help but frown.

In the chaos that no one could see, Shi Yu's body also frowned in the same way, and even uttered a faint groan.

Mo Lu sighed in his heart. Not to mention the dangerous world creation of Shi Yu, even ordinary world masters would avoid human eyes and take precautions to create worlds, for fear of a slight disturbance.

But now Xiao Hei, in order to save Shi Yu's body, was shouting and flying around, and had already knocked Shi Yu's consciousness out of his full concentration.

In this situation, even if the world creation succeeded, it would be full of flaws and extremely fragile.

This is exactly the case. In the chaos that no one could see, a huge figure was gradually taking shape according to Shi Yu's idea.

At the first moment when the figure appeared, the chaos around him seemed to have received a retreat order, and rolled around at an indescribable speed, and the figure was expanding rapidly.

People in the chaos didn't feel it, but all the creatures in the Yumingtian felt that the world was moving at a rapid speed, as if someone lifted the Ten Thousand Worlds or the Yuming Land high up and threw it out with force.

But this feeling only existed for a moment and then disappeared, as if the giant holding up the whole world died of exhaustion.

This sudden death came from Xiao Hei's scream, which woke Shi Yu from his meditation. The huge figure immediately collapsed and the rolling divine power fled.

At this moment, Shi Yu's fading body had rushed into the unfinished world that began to dissipate.

Xiao Hei also followed the trail and plunged into the human-shaped world created by Shi Yu.


Xiao Hei flapped his wings and tried to control his body, hanging in front of a blood-red main land. The surging red blood river on the land was surging, and it was constantly raising huge waves.

Shi Yu's body fell to the ground like a meteor, crashing into the center of the continent. It was stained with blood before it slowly rose from the red torrent, and hung above the continent in a cross-legged position as if meditating.

The majestic divine power emanated from Shi Yu's bloody body, filling the gradually dim new world with endless energy.

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