Life Control Chart

Chapter 1020: Space rift

As soon as Bai Que left, Shi Yu's relaxed expression dropped, he looked at the almost empty world and said in a deep voice: "How many worlds are needed in Duansheng Land to nourish the Dingjun Hall?"

Mo Lu knew what Shi Yu meant and replied: "If only the four supreme beings are restored, a thousand realms will be enough. If all the war masters are restored, one person and a thousand realms will be enough."

"The War Lord God wants more than the Supreme Lord?"

"Yes, the lower the cultivation level, the worse the control of divine power. The supreme divine power can be obtained at 70 or 80%, while the war master can only obtain less than 10%."

Shi Yu understood and said in a deep voice: "Then I will be trapped in the world, accompanying Duanshengdi to destroy the world and save the world for a long time?"

Mo Lu was helpless and sighed: "So I don't understand why you want to save these useless things! Throughout the ages, the largest number are these ordinary creatures who can't even survive, and they are also the most useless. I have never seen anyone save these useless things. They take it seriously.”

Shi Yu smiled lightly, "Maybe it's because I was born into these most useless things, or maybe it's because my whole family is made up of these useless things."

"Okay! Let everything go as you wish! You are now a small heavenly god, and I am no longer qualified to teach you how to do it."

Shi Yu laughed loudly and had to admit that Mo Lu was more flattering than anyone he had ever seen.

The two of them were laughing when a boundary door suddenly opened rapidly, and a strong aura of Duan Sheng came out of it.

Shi Yu hurriedly fled to the edge of the great world. He did not want to engage in a battle with the angry Supreme Being of the land of destruction. They have only been here for a long time, and they must have prepared a treasure weapon to deal with Shi Yu.

When the realm gate expanded to a hundred miles in radius to form a heavenly cave, Zhanzhan Zuncai took the lead in breaking into the great realm with a scowl on his face.

Without thinking, he struck out with his palm and hit the main land not far away.

Tens of thousands of Duansheng Land cultivators poured in behind him. Everyone had treasures in their hands, and they waved towards the Great Realm Lord Continent regardless.

Shi Yu and Mo Lu were greatly surprised and didn't know what Duanshengdi meant by this move.

Before Shi Yu could figure it out, countless light wheels had already landed on the main continent.

To Shi Yu's expectation, except for Zhan Zun's heavy blow that shattered the main continent into pieces, the others' attacks were all extremely subtle. They only destroyed the mud and stone and peeled out all the essence of the broken world.

Then everyone swarmed forward, quickly put away the essence of the great world and returned to Duansheng Land. The return trip only took half a day!

Shi Yu was dumbfounded. If the world was destroyed at this speed, it would not only take a hundred years to destroy a thousand worlds, but also a thousand worlds in a year!

The world where Luo Yun and Bai Que are now going will soon turn into ashes.

Not daring to neglect, Shi Yu hurriedly opened the gate and rushed to the next realm, reminding Luo Yun and Bai Que to hide quickly.

But when he entered the Great Realm, Duansheng Land had completely slaughtered the Great Realm, and the God Lord was organizing all the monks to remove all the essence of the Great Realm as soon as possible.

Everything was in a hurry and chaos. The God Lord did not notice the gate opened at the edge of the great world. In other words, he had already noticed Shi Yu's arrival, but he was just too lazy to pay attention to it.

Luo Yun and Bai Que flew over in a hurry. Both of them looked puzzled. Like Shi Yu, they were puzzled by the hasty plundering of Duanshengdi.

"What's going on? How many people have you two saved?"

"How many people can be saved in this little time? The God Lord came up and beat us randomly, driving us both to the edge of the world.

But after the God Lord drove us away, he just smashed the main continent and snatched the essence of the world. It seemed that he didn't want to kill me to avenge his subordinates. Are they already so anxious? "Bai Que was very puzzled by what Duanshengdi had done.

The God Lord seemed to have heard Bai Que's doubts. With a cold look, he protected his people and returned to Duansheng Land safely, and then walked away through the door without any intention of fighting with Shi Yu and others.

"Mo Lu! Do you understand what is going on?"

Mo Lu had turned into a phantom and stood beside Shi Yu, frowning: "Duanshengdi actually took out the chakra that was used to rob other heavens during the war. It seems that the Earth God Lord can't hold it anymore, otherwise it wouldn't be like this. Overkill!”

"Looking for chakra? Is it very precious?" Shi Yu wondered as he thought of the alien treasure that almost everyone had.

Mo Lu nodded, "In the past, when we were fighting in the Heavenly Territory, we couldn't waste a breath or a moment. When we entered any Heavenly Territory, we had to grab it and run away. I was afraid that the opponent's God would return and suffocate the gourd, so I made these ones that can directly peel off the earth's veins. Treasure.

But this thing will be useless after one use. It is not a loss to use it to rob the essence of other heavens. But to rob your own heaven, tsk tsk, it is simply more gain than loss!

Therefore, it can only be said that the Earth God Lord cannot bear it anymore and needs to seize the time to grab enough earth vein essence so that the Earth God Lord can heal his wounds quickly. "

Shi Yu and Bai Que laughed deeply, looked at each other, and saw the same thoughts as their own in each other's eyes.

"How can they rescue the Earth God Lord so easily? Let's go to the next great world to be destroyed and have a good practice with Duan Sheng Earth!" Bai Que pulled out his trident and stabbed it hard in the void a few times.

"Be careful. At this time, Duansheng Land is still destroying the world according to the list. It is clear that they will still lure you into a trap. They must have a foolproof method waiting for you."

Mo Lu reminded Shi Yu and Bai Que.

Shi Yu nodded and turned to ask Bai Que, "Hurry up and recover. Once you're injured, we'll go to Duansheng Land to have some fun."

Without saying a word, Bai Que tore open a boundary door and left. Before leaving, he left one sentence, "You guys wait for me here. I'll be back in ten or eight days."

Shi Yu looked at the dissipating world gate and said with a smile: "This guy is quite careful and knows not to meditate in front of me to heal his wounds. We won't wait for him and go directly to stare at the Duan Sheng Land!"

Tear open the gate of the world and rush towards another big world, and the move to destroy the world has come to an end. Without the restraint of Shi Yu and others, all living things in this world would be reduced to dust.

When Zhan Zhanzun saw Shi Yu swaggering into the world, he still just looked at him from afar and did not take the initiative to attack Shi Yu.

Shi Yu smiled and left across the border.

At this time, the order of the world annihilation in Duansheng has not changed, but the speed is more than a hundred times faster. If the seeking chakra in their hands is not exhausted, it will definitely not slow down the pace of the world annihilation, so they will go to the next world to wait for them.

Blue Rain Realm,

A pure water-based world, there is no so-called main land, only a huge blue-black ocean hanging in the middle of the void of the world.

Water droplets the size of human heads condensed all the time above the ocean, and they fell like water bombs, causing sprays to explode on the surface of the ocean.

When Shi Yu fell into the ocean, it caused a huge commotion. All the indigenous creatures thought that the vanguard of the destruction of the world had arrived. They were so frightened that they screamed miserably and fled in all directions. In the blink of an eye, a huge gap was left around Shi Yu.

At this moment, the sky cave of Duansheng Land slowly opened in the void of this world, causing the Blue Rain Realm to howl in agony.

Shi Yu raised his head and looked towards the Heavenly Cave. Zhan Zhanzun also spotted Shi Yu at the first moment as he stepped out of the Heavenly Cave. The two men's cold and stern gazes collided in the air, causing large thunderbolts to strike.

Luo Yun knew that he was not going to join the fight, so he immediately sank to the bottom of the sea, rushed into the densely populated place, opened one door after another, and shouted to the panicked natives to leave quickly.

Zhanzhan watched coldly as the natives of the Blue Rain Realm fled, and shouted disdainfully: "Shi Yu, are your men saving people or harming them? How can aquatic creatures survive in other worlds? Shouldn't they work to death and die of thirst?"

Shi Yu retorted, "Then just retreat. If this world is not destroyed, there will be no killing."

"Hmph!" Zhan Zhanzun simply shut his mouth and raised his hand to give instructions to his subordinates behind him.

Tens of thousands of Duanshengdi monks raised their chakra-seeking chakras in their hands and waved billions of wheel-shaped light balls towards the vast ocean.

The whistling light group crashed into the ocean, cutting off pieces of water as if it were cutting through the earth. Then the water quickly disappeared into the void. The essence of the world dissolved in the water condensed and formed, and the brilliance hung in the void.

In just one or two hours, the vast and boundless ocean disappeared, and the void was filled with dead creatures.

No matter how fast Luo Yun moved, he could only save less than a drop of the total number of people from the Blue Rain Realm.

It was impossible for Shi Yu to stop all the glow of seeking chakra. He could only hang above the condensed essence and see how Zhanzhan would send people to get it.

Zhan Zhanzun's indifferent eyes swept across the world, turned his gaze back to Shi Yu, and said coldly: "Shi Yu, get out of the way! I'm not interested in chatting with you now."

Shi Yu also sneered, grabbed a large piece of the essence of the Great Realm and stuffed it into his body, and said provocatively: "Thank you for your help, I am short of treasures to practice. You can destroy the realms, but it doesn't matter whether you can get the treasures." ”

When Zhan Zhanzun saw that the essence of the Great Realm had been robbed, his eyes suddenly shrank and he shouted angrily: "Seeking death!"

Accompanied by Zhanzun Zun's roar, all the monks from Duan Sheng Land threw out the spent Chakra Seeking in their hands, and all of them hit Shi Yu like meteors.

Shi Yu was puzzled that even if such a magic weapon with no offensive power really hit him, it would not leave any damage.

But Shi Yu wouldn't just stand there and let the Xun Chakra hit him. He raised his fist and blasted upward, blasting all the Xun Chakra that flew down into pieces.

The corners of Zhan Zhanzun's mouth widened, as if he saw his carefully laid plan succeed.

Those monks from the land of life-breaking threw out the chakra and immediately turned around and left, disappearing into the cave in the blink of an eye, not even leaving the essence of the world behind.

Shi Yu looked left and right, but he didn't see any crisis. Only Zhan Zhan stood on the top of the sky, smiling coldly at him.

Unable to restrain his doubts, Shi Yu shouted: "Zhan Zhanzun, what are you doing?"

How could Zhan Zhanzun explain Shi Yu's doubts? He was like a stone statue standing in the void, watching Shi Yu quietly, making no sound, neither advancing nor retreating.

Finally, when Luo Yun sent all the living creatures into his realm, Zhanzhan Zuncai turned around and left with a cold snort.

Shi Yu was completely confused and lost his mind when looking at the endless essence of the great world that was impossible to put into the body orifice.

Luo Yun was also confused and hesitated to speak as he fled to Shi Yu's side.

"Mo Lu, what can you see?" Shi Yu called out to Mo Lu.

Mo Lu didn't say a word from beginning to end, and his eyes were full of confusion at this time.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the essence of the great world twisted behind Shi Yu like a horned dragon suddenly exploded, and pieces of the essence of the great world quickly disappeared into the void, as if they were melting into the ocean again.

The space blocks fragmented and connected, and the strange and strange lights shone brightly, making everyone feel like they were in an illusion.

Shi Yu and the others immediately stood back to back, looking around vigilantly, following the wave after wave of space oscillations.

But that's all. Although the space shock is violent, it is completely impossible to hurt Shi Yu, and even Luo Yun will not be hurt.

"Brother Shi Yu, I feel something is wrong!" Xiao Hei, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up, his wings fully spread out and he held Luo Yun and Mo Lu under him.

Seeing Xiao Hei being so vigilant, Shi Yu hurriedly asked, "What did you feel?"

"I feel like the space is not only shaking, but also moving rapidly! Because we are all in this space, it doesn't feel too obvious."

Xiao Hei's answer surprised Shi Yu and shouted: "The whole space is moving? Are you saying that this big world is moving?"

Mo Lu reacted the fastest, got into Shi Yu's soul, and shouted: "Knock Luo Yun away quickly! The target of the space splitting is you! He will definitely die if he is involved!"

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