Life Control Chart

Chapter 1030: Red Sky

"The formless demon? Which world is this? Is it the world of Mo Lu?" Zhu Yanlan exclaimed softly, not daring to take his eyes off the figure of the formless demon.

Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao also saw the formless demon, but Shi Yu remained silent, so they knew they didn't need to worry.

"This is not Mo Lu's world, this is my world! I have created a world!" Shi Yu stretched out his arms, as if embracing the entire world.

"Your world?"

Zhu Yanlan, Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao turned their heads in horror at the same time, their eyes shooting at Shi Yu like arrows.

"Yes! My world, a new heaven, a world full of divine power! Hahaha!" Shi Yu laughed happily.

"A world full of divine power? Isn't that the upper world? Shi Tianwang, let me be your gatekeeper!" Jian Kaitian came to his senses and hugged Shi Yu's arm, flattering him smoothly.

Shi Yu shuddered and quickly shook Jian Kaitian off.

Zhu Yanlan grabbed Shi Yu's other arm and said in surprise: "My husband, you created the Heaven Realm, so you have become the Lord of Heaven?"

Shi Yu smiled bitterly, pointed to the empty little Heaven Realm, and said: "The Lord of Heaven is not worthy of the name, not only is his strength low, but he can't create destiny."

"Don't worry! One day, everything will be here!" Zhu Yanlan hugged Shi Yu's arm tightly, smiling sweetly.

Shi Yu waved his arm and picked all the ripe Guishen fruits and threw them to Ling Xiao.

"This tree will take root here first, and when we all go to the upper realm, Ling Xiao, you can take it back."

Ling Xiao waved his hand hurriedly and said: "I don't want it! I don't have the ability to make the Guishen fruit tree grow and bear fruit. It's a waste to hold it in my hand. It's better for you, my second brother, to raise it."

"Well, when we go to the upper realm, maybe you can! You are not allowed to create a world. When you go to the upper realm, try to create a world with divine power!" Shi Yu's words postponed the deadline for Zhu Yanlan and the other two to create a world for an unknown period of time.

But the three of them had no complaints. The world full of divine power in front of them was too shocking and tempting for them. After seeing such a magical world, they were unwilling to create an ordinary world.

As soon as he returned to Yanlan City, Ling Xiao distributed the Guishen Fruit according to Shi Yu's instructions.

There were not many divine essences to begin with, and the Guishen Fruit was used sparingly. Now everyone suddenly had hundreds of Guishen Fruits in their hands. It was like a mouse falling into a rice warehouse, and they were so happy that they didn't know why.

The Nine-Life Totoro under the city looked at the pile of Guishen Fruits in front of him, and his eyes flickered and his mind was full of thoughts.

Shi Yu gave the tokens for traveling to the Ten Thousand Worlds and the Land of Controlling Life to Wan Ling, asking him to think carefully and imitate ten or eight pieces as soon as possible. If there were such tokens earlier, many regrets would not have happened.

After explaining everything, Shi Yu went into seclusion again.

However, this time he was accompanied by Xiao Hei and Zhu Yanlan, and Mo Lu was still sleeping in Shi Yu's soul.

Time flies by, and a hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye. When Shi Yu exhausted all the Guishen Fruits full of divine power, his cultivation finally returned to the peak of the past, and Mo Lu finally recovered.

Stepping into Yanlan City with high spirits, Shi Yu looked up and saw a strange blood-red sky.

Mo Lu conjured up a figure, looking at the blood-red eyes, his face gradually became serious.

Two figures fell beside Shi Yu, they were Wan Ling and Wu Qianman who moved from Wanjie.

"Where are my father and the others? All the clones have merged with you?" Shi Yu saw that only Wu Qianman appeared, so he guessed that the other Wu Emperor clones had returned to their positions.

Wu Qianman patted his body and said, "There are still three walking in the Land of Controlling Life, and the others have merged with me, so you can practice safely in the secret place."

Shi Yu smiled, knowing that there must be constant disputes in the past hundred years, and the blood-red sky was the best proof.

Other people in Yanlan City also gathered. Shi Yu did not want to go to the city lord's hall to discuss in detail. He waved his hand to spread out a table and chairs, and everyone sat down casually.

Looking around, only Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao were not there. Without waiting for Shi Yu to ask, Yuan Long explained: "Only Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao are not in Yanlan City now. They left the city together when you were in seclusion."

Shi Yu knew why they left the city, and sighed softly in his heart. Cao Xinxin and Chunni's whereabouts could not be found on the Yumingtu, so where could they go to find them?

"First, tell me, what's wrong with the sky?"

Shi Yu looked up at the sky. As a fishy wind blew, the red sky became thicker.

Wan Ling said in a deep voice: "A few decades ago, the King of Spirit Seeds, the Three Saints of the Aboriginals, the Six Heroes of the Ten Thousand Worlds, and the Broken Life Land had a big fight! Xuan Pan also appeared, but stood with the spirit seeds."

Shi Yu raised his eyebrows. He did not expect that such a grand event would happen during his seclusion.

"Didn't we from Yanlan City go to join in the fun?" Shi Yu asked with a smile.

Wu Qianman laughed, "Of course I did, otherwise how could Yanlan City be so peaceful until now!"

Wan Ling nodded, "I, Wu Qianman, and Di Ruo got involved, fortunately we didn't lose face for Yanlan City."

Shi Yu smiled knowingly, knowing that Wan Ling was being subtle, but in fact it must have been a shocking battle.

"I killed two spirit kings, Di Ruo killed a hero, your defected mount, Whale Falling into the Sea. Wu Qianman, as for him, repelled the Lord of Heaven." Wan Ling said lightly.

"What? The Supreme has entered the Land of Controlling Life? Where are the Order Guards?" Shi Yu suddenly looked up at the sky.

"Don't worry!" Wan Ling patted Shi Yu on the shoulder and continued, "The four Supremes had not yet entered the Land of Controlling Life. It was Wu Qianman who chased the War Lord of the Land of Broken Life and killed him in. At that time, the Lord of Heaven was on duty at the Land of Broken Life, and the two started fighting.

As a result, Wu Qianman and Qian Wu Soul Seizer came out, frightening the God Lord away, allowing Wu Qianman to retreat completely. "

"Oh! That's awesome! This is the first realm lord in my land of all realms and destiny, right?" Shi Yu praised.

Wu Qianman smiled proudly, waved his hands and said modestly: "It's a pity that I still couldn't snatch that girl away, so Duan Shengdi kidnapped her."

"Which girl? Chunni?" Shi Yu was nervous again. The only girl he could call Chunni was Chunni.

"No! It's the King of Spirit Seeds, Mi Susu. The reason why I chased the War Lord into the Duan Sheng Land was because he suddenly interrupted the fight between me and Mi Susu and snatched people from under my nose."

Shi Yu was a little confused and asked, "Why did you get into a fight with Mi Susu again?"

"I was originally fighting Mi Susu! Two of the kings of spiritual species died. I was dissatisfied and continued to challenge Wanling, so I will fight on his behalf.

But just when Mi Susu was about to burp after being injured by me, a warrior suddenly jumped out and snatched her away.

I was so angry that I chased into the Duan Sheng Land. Alas, it’s a pity that I still haven’t caught up. "Wu Qianman shook his head regretfully.

Shi Yu frowned slightly, not quite understanding the purpose of grabbing Mi Susu from Duanshengdi.

Wan Ling laughed cheerfully and said: "In a decisive battle with many parties, the only kings of the ten spiritual species are Dragon King, King Ku and King Chen. If Meng Chu hadn't suddenly appeared to turn the tide, I'm afraid all the kings of spiritual species would have been wiped out.

But the worst thing happened to the Wanjie side. Three of the six heroes were killed by Xuanpan alone. The other two also died at the hands of Duanshengdi, and the entire army was wiped out! It’s so enjoyable, hahaha! "

Wu Qianman sighed: "Xuanpan is really powerful, he even killed a war master."

Shi Yu raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Strictly speaking, we can be considered a side of Wanjie, right? By the way, where is Bai Que? Has he participated in the war?"

Wan Ling nodded, "Of course he participated in the war. I personally went to Wanjie to invite him back. He was born to be the top king among the natives, but he was robbed of his title by three people who suddenly appeared. Naturally, he had to compete.

However, he frantically wanted to deal with the three indigenous saints alone, but he failed to take advantage. "

"Oh? Are the three indigenous saints so powerful? I remember that Bai Que killed the king of spiritual seeds like cutting grass and mustard. The three saints can block Bai Que, at least on your level."

"No, only one of the Three Saints came out, and he was as good as Bai Que. When Bai Que created a soul, he strangled one to death, and when he created a hundred, he beat a hundred to death. Even Bai Que's Trident, a snake head was torn off by him."

"Huo! What a wonderful scene I missed! You should really wake me up." Shi Yu joked.

"But the Three Saints also suffered a loss. Strangely enough, when Xuanpan wanted to fight against our Yanlan City, he was stopped by the indigenous Three Saints. The three of them seemed to hate Xuanpan even more than our Yanlan City, and they didn't pay attention to singles. In a one-on-one battle, the three of them teamed up to force Xuan Pan back."

"Three people who can defeat Xuan Pan together are truly masters!" Shi Yu praised.

"But after talking for a long time, I still didn't say why the sky turned red!" Xiao Hei listened for a long time, but he didn't hear a word about the bloody sky.

Wan Ling sighed, "This sky is stained by the blood of all the world masters who died in that battle.

Strange to say, the commanding guard, who had never done anything, was secretly spying on that battle. Every time a master of the world master died, the essence and blood would be drawn into the sky and merged into the sky, which is why we saw what we saw today! "

"Did the commanding officer do it? What did he want to do?" The more Shi Yu looked at the red sky, the more it felt like the blood curtain that trapped the formless demon in the corpse place.

Turning around to look at Mo Lu, Mo Lu seemed to have sensed it and was looking at Shi Yu. Both of them felt something was wrong.

"Great Protector, have you completed the realm gate order to teleport to all realms?" Shi Yu suddenly asked a digression.

Wan Ling took out the realm gate token that Shi Yu gave him and returned it to Shi Yu, regretting: "I really can't figure out the result, and I can't figure out the secret of the token at all."

Shi Yu nodded slightly and said urgently: "Just wait for me for a moment, I'll be back soon."

With that said, Shi Yu opened the boundary gate and rushed in, and Mo Lu quickly followed.

Xiao Hei and Zhu Yanlan blocked the door to prevent anyone from breaking in, which attracted everyone's attention.

Shi Yu and Mo Lu rushed into the Little Heaven Realm and found that the Phaseless Demon was still quietly imprisoned under the divine light of the sun and moon. They both let out a sigh of relief.

Mo Lu spread his palms in front of Shi Yu and said, "Give me the private seal of God."

Shi Yu was startled, and took out the small jade seal that he had snatched from Qian General from his body orifice, and put it in Mo Lu's hand.

Mo Lu turned into a stream of light and rushed to the side of the Phaseless Demon, stabbed him on the forehead several times, flew back to Shi Yu, and said with a serious face:

"Fortunately, the Formless Demon was seriously injured, otherwise your weak light of creation might not be able to suppress him."

"Can you ask the commanding officer to borrow the Heart of God to suppress him?"

Mo Lu shook his head, "I'm afraid the God's heart has long been gone, so prepare for the final battle! I stabbed him a few times to prepare for letting him go later."

Shi Yu was shocked and asked hurriedly: "Let him go? What do you mean?"

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