Life Control Chart

Chapter 1039: The Way of Controlling Life

When a faint black spot appeared in his eyes, Shi Yu stopped flying and quickly landed on the ground.

Mi Susu was puzzled and followed Shi Yu to the ground, looking at him in surprise.

"Let's move slowly, don't let them find us!" Shi Yu stuck to the trees and grass, and began to escape with his feet half an inch off the ground.

Mi Susu whispered: "Can't you hide in the void? Didn't you rely on that ability to sneak to my side back then?"

This made Shi Yu look like he was doing something wrong. His face froze and he smiled awkwardly: "I had a small problem. Now I can't turn into the void, so I can only sneak over."

Mi Susu frowned and looked at Shi Yu, stretched out her hand to tear open the space barrier, and said: "Then follow me, my chaotic space can cover your body."

Entering Mi Susu's chaotic space, Shi Yu exclaimed, which was similar to what he saw in the chaos when he controlled his own heavenly body.

The dark chaos became completely clear, and every blade of grass and tree in the broken land could be seen clearly. The chaotic space where more than ten other women were located was following not far away.

Shi Yu praised slightly exaggeratedly: "Wow, you can see the big world in the chaos, and you can move it at will. Mi Susu, you are really amazing!"

Mo Lu also jumped out, stood beside Shi Yu and looked around curiously, and praised with the tone of an experienced person: "This is the first time I have seen this magical skill. If I could do this back then, how could I be here now!"

Xiao Hei was even more amazed and said enviously: "If I had this ability, plus the Fuyao magic, I would be the biggest in the world!"

Mi Susu squinted at the three clumsy actors and said in a light voice: "What's so strange about this ability? Wasn't I blocked by the Nine-Life Totoro with nowhere to escape? And that Wu Qianman, a Diyuan magic Yumie tore all the space apart, I dare to enter the chaos is to die!"

Shi Yu laughed dryly.

Mo Lu also laughed dryly. It was not easy for him to cooperate with Shi Yu's flattery this time. He lost interest immediately after being mocked by Mi Susu.

Mi Susu's beautiful eyes turned slightly and smiled, "Are you afraid that I will lose my mind after seeing the Lord of the Earth?"

Shi Yu shook his head, "That's not the case. I really think your magic skill is amazing."

Mi Susu retracted her gaze and sighed softly, "Don't worry, isn't it just a nightmare? Everything will pass! But your old lover should be comforted!"

Shi Yu's face froze and explained, "Don't talk nonsense. Tan Weiyang and I were enemies at the beginning, and then we got to know each other through fighting."

"Oh?" Tan Weiyang smiled and said, "I heard that your wife is also very tough. At first, we didn't know each other through fighting. Your popularity with women is really interesting."

"Ah?" Shi Yu recalled a lot of things and found that it was really as Mi Susu said. There was no woman he knew who didn't get to know each other through conflict.

While Shi Yu was in a daze, Mi Susu had already reached the edge of the battlefield. The rumbling sound of the bombardment pulled Shi Yu back from the past.

"Which old lover are you thinking about? Your expression can change ten times in an instant!" Mi Susu teased.

Shi Yu smiled and was no longer led by Mi Susu. "It seems that I think too much. You can control it freely."

Turning his eyes to the source of the sound, Shi Yu saw that the big meat ball-like Wuxiang Demon was trapping Xuan Pan in countless magic lights, making Xuan Pan roar but helpless.

As Mo Lu said, whether it was Xuan Pan or Wuxiang Demon, after tearing apart the fragile alliance, they would definitely regard each other as the primary enemy to fight to the death, and any other opponents could be put aside.

Except for the Lord of Heaven, the other three of the four supreme beings were at the scene, each of them surrounded Wuxiang Demon and Xuan Pan in the middle.

The other God Lords and War Lords were far away at the edge of the battlefield, busy deploying various offensive weapons, just waiting for the Supreme to call them.

Mo Lu looked at the treasures taken out by the War Lords and God Lords, and asked in confusion: "Why are there so many teleportation arrays in them? What is Qianjiangzun going to do?"

Shi Yu also frowned and said: "Qianjiangzun wants to divert the trouble to the east and send these two trolls away? Will they send them to the place of controlling life?"

Mo Lu had no idea what Qianjiangzun was thinking, "It doesn't matter, as long as we don't touch him! I think Xuan Pan is dying, Shi Yu, get ready, we will rush up and give Wuxiang Mo a hard blow, and then suppress him."

Shi Yu looked at the battlefield carefully, Xuan Pan had been beaten by Wuxiang Mo and rolled all over the air, and one of his arms was torn off.

The Wuxiang Mo was broken into countless corpses, heads, eyes, arms, legs and feet, and attacked Xuan Pan crazily.

Xiao Hei was surprised and said, "Where did Wu Xiang Mo get so many powerful corpses? He and Xuan Pan are going to kill everyone in the Yu Ming Land!"

Shi Yu was not concerned about Wu Xiang Mo, but Xuan Pan.

Xuan Pan's power in each attack was obviously far greater than Wu Xiang Mo, but all the attacks fell on Wu Xiang Mo, injuring Wu Xiang Mo by one point, but it actually increased Wu Xiang Mo's power by three points. This was exactly the same as the result of using the Five Elements technique to attack Ling Xiao.

Mo Lu chuckled and said, "As expected, they are corpse monsters with their own ulterior motives. Xuan Pan tricked Wu Xiang Mo, and Wu Xiang Mo also planted a trick on Xuan Pan. Now Xuan Pan has completely become Wu Xiang Mo's food."

Mi Susu saw Wu Xiang Mo for the first time. It seemed that his strength was far inferior to that of the Supreme. She was surprised and said, "This is the Wu Xiang Mo you are afraid of. Any Supreme can subdue him, right?"

Mo Lu replied, "Wu Xiang Mo doesn't even have one tenth of his strength now. His real body has been destroyed by us. And he will never be able to recover his strength in Yu Ming Tian, ​​but he will have no problem growing up to kill everything in Yu Ming Tian."

Mi Susu had never been exposed to the power of God's remains, so she still couldn't understand what Mo Lu said. However, she didn't have the fear of the phaseless demon, so she could do things much more neatly.

Under Mi Susu's exquisite control, the chaotic space came very close to the Phaseless Demon, and almost got into the broken limbs of the Phaseless Demon scattered in the void.

At this time, apart from roaring and struggling in vain, Xuanpan could no longer hurt the Phaseless Demon at all.

The Phaseless Demon once again blasted out a burst of black energy, knocking Xuanpan into the air and rolling around, laughing wildly and saying:

"Haha! Xuanpan, don't you think! The method of controlling corpses I gave you is true, but how could you, a cheap slave of the Heaven of Control, hurt my soul, a soul created by God!

If there is no fate-controlling God, I am the master of the fate-controlling God! You were so eager to trick me into the land of destruction and wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible, but in the end you didn't become my food! "

Xuanpan was extremely angry. It was true that he designed the Phaseless Demon that day and pushed the Phaseless Demon to a dead end without violating his oath. However, he did not expect that even the Four Supreme Beings could not kill the Phaseless Demon and allowed the Phaseless Demon to succeed. Escape.

Seeing that Xuanpan was certain to be defeated, the Earth God Lord and others showed contemptuous smiles.

From a practical point of view, Xuanpan has caused more damage to Duanshengdi than anyone else. The person they hate the most is Xuanpan, except Shi Yu. Baique ranks third, and the Phaseless Demon is not even among the top five.

However, after Xuanpan was eliminated, the real war began. The three supremes all tightened their grip on the weapons and magic weapons in their hands, and a faint coercion began to bloom on their bodies.

"Phaseless Demon! You can't run away even if I die! Look what's happening now!" Xuanpan yelled, hoping to draw the attention of the Phaseless Demon to the Three Supreme Beings.

The Phaseless Demon laughed, "Haha! They are just waiting for me to kill you! To tell you the truth, no one in Yumingtian can kill me, except you!

Do you think I will allow you to continue to be strong? If I had successfully swallowed the Earth God Lord last time, I would have killed you, a villain! "

"Don't forget that I rescued you from the corpse place! You and I have a soul bond!"

Xuanpan began to struggle desperately, and streaks of black light like giant blades burst out from his body, splitting the formless demon's body into pieces and leaving scars everywhere.

The people from Duanshengdi who were surrounding in the distance hurriedly released a ball of brilliant shields, blocking all of Xuanpan's black light.

Shi Yu sighed softly, "In the past, Xuanpan only emitted white light. Although the people were sinister, the skills were at least magnificent and righteous. Look at me now, tsk tsk, I have become completely possessed."

Mi Susu didn't take it seriously and sneered: "You humans like to talk about these frivolous things. In my opinion, whoever wins in the end is the right one!"

"Uh~ You're right! Whoever survives is the one who has the final say!"

Shi Yu watched the endless black light being pressed back into Xuanpan's body by the Phaseless Demon, and all the broken limbs clung to Xuanpan's body, holding the God-Destroying Halberd tightly and getting ready for battle.

Mi Susu has also raised his spear, preparing to give the Phaseless Demon a full blow when it completely engulfs Xuanpan.

Xuanpan's roar became louder and louder, and the black light he emitted became more and more explosive, but his struggles became increasingly weak.

The phaseless demon has completely wrapped Xuanpan in the middle, with bone spurs piercing Xuanpan's body from all directions, rapidly squeezing everything out of Xuanpan.

"Haha! Hahaha! It's delicious! Xuanpan, if you weren't so eager to fall out with me, I really want to keep you for a few more years and make you fatter to swallow!"

"Roar! Get away!" Endless black light bloomed, and Xuanpan began to explode with all its strength.

But all the power is just a cloud in front of the Phaseless Demon, and it is easily absorbed into the body by the Phaseless Demon.

"Haha! Keep blasting! The more you blast, the less effort it will take for me to swallow you!" The phaseless demon's heart-breaking words pierced Xuanpan's soul, and his roar quickly weakened and gradually became silent.

"Do it!" As Shi Yu shouted, Mi Susu immediately opened the chaotic space. Several people appeared beside the Phaseless Demon at the same time and stabbed the sharp weapons in their hands into the body of the Phaseless Demon.

Shi Yu's eyes shot out two strange lights of light and dark, which swept over the Phaseless Demon and froze him in the air.

At the same time, Duanshengdi also launched a violent attack, and all the treasure weapons that had been deployed long ago were blasted with maximum power.

The War Lord God and the three supreme beings all tried their best to use their special skills and landed on the phaseless demon.

"Roar! Damn it! You despicable people!" The Phaseless Demon roared angrily.

This burst of fierce bombardment caused his flesh and blood to fly everywhere and his body turned to ashes. The power just taken from Xuanpan could only keep him alive.

The Phaseless Demon thought of the blow from the land of destruction, but he did not expect the sudden appearance of Shi Yu and others. Moreover, under the confinement of the strange light in Shi Yu's eyes, he suffered several times more damage than expected.

Shi Yu and the others had long been prepared to bear a decisive blow. In the face of the huge threat of the Phaseless Demon, it was worth paying some price.

But what Shi Yu and others didn't expect was that Duanshengdi not only wanted to severely damage the Phaseless Demon, but they also had a bigger back-up plan to deal with the Phaseless Demon, and actually involved Shi Yu and others together.

There was only a chaotic sound of the kongkong, and all the teleportation arrays deployed on the edge of the battlefield flew over and hit the Phaseless Demon hard. The large space with the Phaseless Demon as the center disappeared instantly.

Shi Yu and others were completely unprepared for this. There was a flash in front of their eyes and they fell into a different space with the Phaseless Demon at the same time.

The way to control life!

Everyone was actually introduced to the life-controlling battle path!

The unexpected scene stunned everyone, including Qian Jiangzun, who was fighting with the commanding guard, and the Earth God Lord, who was introduced to the life-controlling battle path with the phaseless demon.

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