Life Control Chart

Chapter 1062 Juntian Wall

With a slight cough, Shi Yu suddenly laughed evilly, patted the commanding guard on the shoulder and said, "I forgive you! Now you can use 100% of your power at will. Go! Attack the resting place!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Yu saw countless bright star fragments suddenly exploded on the body of the commanding guard, and his whole body glowed with an unparalleled terrifying aura.

However, the commanding guard seemed unable to see or feel such a change. He looked at Shi Yu incomprehensibly, pushed Shi Yu to stagger, and said angrily:

"Are you sick? If I can beat the Duansheng Land, will I still let the Earth God Lord wreak havoc here? Oh, right! Set up the formation quickly, and we can't let the Earth God Lord and the others come in again."

Shi Yu opened his mouth, looking at the busy commanding guards and not knowing what to say.

But then, he found that he was removed from the battle path of controlling life and stood stupidly in the void.

A gust of cold wind blew past him. Shi Yu looked around the world, looked at Mo Lu who also looked confused, and asked in disbelief:

"This belongs to...grandma! I was kicked out? Did the slave kick the master out of the house?"

Mo Lu obviously did not expect such a result. Considering that Shi Yu had the authority to control the life-controlling battle, the commanding guard should obey orders honestly even if he did not know the reason.

"Uh... maybe... it's because he lost a clear memory." Mo Lu could only try his best to make excuses for the criminals below.

An angry look gradually appeared on Shi Yu's face, and he squeezed out a voice through his teeth, "Missing memory? What a loss! Damn the command guard! He actually changed his name back again! I've been busy for a long time, but I just worked for him in vain!" "

Shi Yu gestured back and forth in the air, trying to outline the palm and sky patterns, and returned to the Ming Control Road to argue with the commanding guard.

But no matter how hard Shi Yu tries, the sky palm pattern will fall into pieces if he draws out it at most. Shi Yu has lost the ability to connect with the life-controlling diagram.

The commanding guard satisfied Shi Yu's wish to get rid of the control of the life-controlling battle path, but it was satisfied too completely and completely separated Shi Yu from the life-controlling battle path.

"What a bastard! You've eaten it and wiped it clean and you don't recognize anything! Doesn't that tattered life-controlling chart need my divine power to nourish it?" Shi Yu laughed angrily, wishing he could drag out the commanding guard and give him a beating.

Mo Lu was speechless for a moment.

"Boom!" A loud noise came from high in the sky, causing Shi Yu and Mo Lu to look up in shock.

The blood-red sky was even brighter, and there was an additional layer of inexplicable undulating bright lines. The filthy air contaminated by the breath of the Earth God Lord was also expelled from the life-controlling battle path by the commanding guard.

"Jun Tianbi! The commanding guards actually set up Jun Tianbi!" Mo Lu was greatly surprised and exclaimed as he looked at the shining dense lines.

"What is Juntianbi?" Shi Yu asked in shock.

"Back then, other heavenly realms also invaded Yumingtian. The God set up the Juntian Wall to suffocate all outsiders. It is not that easy to break the Juntian Wall!"

Shi Yu became even more angry, punched high in the air, and shouted: "Commanding Guard! Are you so heartless so quickly? Where did you go to get the divine nourishment diagram?"

The commanding guard didn't answer, as if he wasn't worried about Shi Yu's question at all.

Mo Lu held Shi Yu's shoulders and sighed: "Stop screaming! You have erased the God's mark on the jade pen. Maybe the order guard can mobilize divine power from other places.

By doing so, he has trapped everyone in the Mingtian. Everyone has become a cricket in a dark jar. There is no other way but to kill each other to the death! "

Shi Yu became more angry and punched out again, catching up with the previous one and hitting the Juntian wall together.

The Juntian wall rippled slightly, and with a flash of light, Shi Yu's fierce punch was defeated.

Then several more rays of light streamed down, instantly wrapping around Shi Yu's body.

Shi Yu's extremely solid body with divine power actually creaked and groaned under the dim light. He felt that he was now the God of Earth who had been scratched by a jade pen and was about to be cut into pieces by irresistible force.

"Commanding Guard! You villain! You deceived Mo Lu and played with me! You also took the opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of the Earth God Lord! Kill three birds with one stone, you have a good plan!" Shi Yu desperately tore at the shimmer and roared at the sky .

The commanding guard still ignored Shi Yu, and Shi Yu had to stop cursing and deal with the inexplicable glimmer of light with all his strength.

Seeing that his body was about to collapse, Shi Yu angrily tore open the space barrier and plunged into his own heaven.

The faint light flowing down from the Juntian wall quickly retracted into the light wall and let Shi Yu go.

"Mo Lu! What the hell is going on? Are you, an old man in the world, being played around by the ordering guards?"

As soon as he returned to Tianyu, Shi Yu shouted at Mo Lu, shocking everyone who was meditating and gathered around him.

Mo Lu also looked embarrassed. All the conclusions he and Shi Yu made were overturned by the actual actions of the commanding guard. Not to mention surrendering to Shi Yu wholeheartedly, the commanding guard showed little respect to Shi Yu.

But he always felt that things were weird.

"What the hell, now that we haven't reaped the benefits, we can't even run away! This is really shooting ourselves in the foot!" Shi Yu couldn't hold back his anger.

Mo Lu was still very calm, and he took the initiative to explain in detail everything that happened on the Ming Yu Battle Road.

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard that the Earth God Lord could overwhelm the commanding guards, and when they heard that Yu Mingtian had been completely sealed, they looked at each other with tigerish faces.

No one would blame Mo Lu. Given the situation at that time, no matter who was present, they would think the same as him.

But no one could have imagined that when the final call came, the commanding officer would really disown his family.

"Will Duanshengdi still abide by the ten thousand year contract?" Wan Ling was the first to ask the most critical question.

Wu Qianman responded decisively: "Now that the two God Lords of Heaven and Earth have recovered, the other two Supremes are probably almost there. Whether they tear up the contract now or not, we must be prepared to fight at any time."

"I don't think so!" Yuan Long, who has never been very thoughtful, has a different idea.

"What do you mean?" Everyone looked at Yuan Long.

"The God Lord of Earth was driven out of the Yuming Battle Road by Shi Yu. He didn't know that Shi Yu didn't bring out the jade pen, nor did he know that this layer of Juntian Wall was laid by the Zhiling Guards.

The Zhiling Guards wouldn't tell Duan Shengdi these secrets, right? If Duan Shengdi had a misunderstanding, they wouldn't dare to come out and provoke."

Yuan Long's words made everyone feel a little relieved, and it made sense after thinking about it.

Shi Yu felt that he was a little anxious and lost his composure. He said to Mo Lu with a little apology: "I was too anxious. You stay here to help everyone practice. If you have any good ideas, take them out! As much as you can improve, the more you can. I will go back to Yanlan City to keep quiet and be on guard against the life-breaking land at any time.

In addition, think about how to break through the Juntian Wall and enter the Yuming Battle Road. I know you have a way to go directly to the upper realm from the Yuming Battle Road. Now the time is not ripe, so you have to use it. It may be miserable to escape to the upper realm, but being trapped here, if the life-breaking land breaks in early, we will have no way out!"

Mo Lu nodded and agreed to Shi Yu's request.

No one had any other better way, so they could only do as Shi Yu said.

The sky domain quickly became quiet again.

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