Life Control Chart

Chapter 119: Patriarch's Relics

Shi Yu hurriedly got up, turned his back to Lu Yan, took out a long gown and put it on, and occasionally pulled out rags from the gown and threw them aside.

Lu Yan was not in a hurry and turned around as well. When she heard the rustling behind her, she turned back and glared at Shi Yu again.

Shi Yu had turned around and was patting the dust on his head. There was a puff of smoke. Seeing Lu Yan looking at him, he hurriedly smiled flatteringly, walked out for more than ten steps without saying a word, stood still, and pointed in front of him. Kongdi said: "It's right here, look." After Shi Yu finished speaking, he jumped forward and disappeared in an instant like falling into a well.

Lu Yan was shocked. She was not good at dealing with people, but she was very careful in the face of such strange things. She did not follow up immediately. Instead, she stretched out her dagger and stabbed it at the ground where Shi Yu disappeared.

The seemingly calm ground was like a portal to another world, swallowing the tip of the sword up to its blade. After pulling out the dagger and seeing that there was no damage, Lu Yan was relieved and raised her legs to advance. After thinking about it, she retracted her legs.

"No wonder this kid keeps circling around here. It turns out that this is the gateway. I'm afraid he wants to remember it so that he can come back to get the treasure. But is there a trap inside? I just beat him up. It wouldn't be good if I catch him. Do it." Lu Yan thought tactfully and hesitated outside the door.

"What is this girl thinking? Why doesn't she come in? Isn't she just thinking about treasure hunting? Come in quickly, these are the treasures left by the dead! Come in~" Shi Yu stood in a cave, looking through the world soul Looking at Lu Yan, her heart kept urging her.

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster! This kid is always going back and forth, and he must have no good intentions! I'd better wait and see. Anyway, if there is something inside, take it away if you can, and you can't take him in for a while. I can't get it either." Lu Yan made up her mind, crossed her legs and sat outside the door.

"Why is this girl sitting down? I finally moved the pile of bones out as undamaged as possible. Wasn't it just to make it look like this treasure is destined to the Lu family? Could it be that I overacted and made her suspicious? "Shi Yu scratched his scalp and reflected.

Shi Yu didn't dare to let Lu Yan wait any longer. He hurriedly returned to the entrance and stuck his head out. It looked like someone was buried in the ground.

"What's wrong? Why don't you follow? What are you doing sitting here?" Shi Yu asked.

"You bastard must have no good intentions. Who knows if it's a secret place or a trap?" Lu Yan looked down at the head growing on the ground and twisting around. She felt a little funny in her heart. Just when she was about to laugh, she immediately restrained her slightly curved lips. horn.

"Don't give this brat a good look, lest he take advantage of it!" Lu Yan warned herself secretly in her heart.

"Trap? If there is a trap, why should I hide it? Wouldn't it be over if I just take you in? Besides, I still expect you to take me out. What good will it do me to hurt you?" Shi Yu raised his voice and said angrily, It seemed that he was indignant at Lu Yan's unreasonable suspicion.

"How many times have you lied to me, and it still makes sense?" Lu Yan patted the ground beside her with her dagger, and the dust almost floated into Shi Yu's mouth.

"It's true this time! It's true!" Shi Yu frowned helplessly and blew away the floating dust. "If you don't believe it, then let's go out. I've had enough of staying here." Yu said that he was about to climb out, his hands already on the ground.

"Go in!" Lu Yan stood up, walked to Shi Yu, and looked down at him. When Shi Yu raised his head, he only noticed the high tip of his nose and the small nostrils like jade porcelain.

"It's really sharp. It's pretty good-looking." Shi Yu thought to himself.

"Go in! Why are you dazed!" Lu Yan raised her hand and was about to stab Shi Yu in the head with her dagger. Shi Yu was so frightened that he shrank back to the door.

"Hmph!" Lu Yan snorted softly and jumped in with a slight leap.

Shi Yu was standing in a not very wide passage waiting for Lu Yan. Seeing that she had completely fallen in, he pointed to the far end with a smile, "That's it, let's go."

Bar. "

Lu Yan didn't move, she looked around her body up and down, and frowned slightly. The walls of the passage were engraved with detailed words. What made her even more confused was that these words were some past events recorded in the Lu family's books. , the records here are more detailed than those in the books, and many of the previous deficiencies have been made up for here.

"Have you seen all of these?" Lu Yan asked Shi Yu.

"Look, it was left behind by the deceased old patriarch of your family. You won't keep silent about it, right?" Shi Yu replied.

Lu Yan glanced at Shi Yu coldly, and Shi Yu was so frightened that he stepped back, "Are you really going to silence me?"

"These are just stories at best. Let's go and take a look ahead." Lu Yan was about to step forward and wanted to find out, but then retracted her steps.

"Lead the way!" Lu Yan raised her head to signal Shi Yu.

"Hehe, okay!" Shi Yu didn't waste any time and walked quickly forward, leading Lu Yan into the passage.

Lu Yan walked and read all the way. The winding stone walls were full of words, supplementing and completing the ancient events from time to time. The more she read, the more strange she felt. How could the old patriarch describe these unimportant events in such a way before his death? detailed. The more important thing for each generation of clan leader is to protect the family inheritance and treasure trove. Even if they are on the verge of despair, they should keep those things.

From these records, she has been able to roughly determine which generation of patriarch this is. The inheritance of the Lu family has not been greatly affected by his disappearance. His achievements in his life are not remarkable among the patriarchs of the past generations. It seems that the most important thing in his life is It’s just these personal memories.

Lu Yan shook her head, feeling a little enlightened. She was also one of the candidates for the clan leader. She didn't know what she would regard as the most important memory when she was dying. Maybe looking back, the endless battles and fights were so ridiculous. What she treasured in her heart was actually It's all trivial and trivial.

"Look! I can't go any further after I get here. I can't open this door." Shi Yu stopped and pressed one hand on a stone door at the end of the passage. His palm was printed on another palm-like mechanism, but the mechanism was too small. Shi Yu's palm covered it and completely concealed it.

"It should be something like a palm-shaped key embedded here, but unfortunately I don't have it. I tried to pry it out with brute force, but unfortunately the pressure was too great and I couldn't pry it out." There was some regret in Shi Yu's tone.

"Get out of the way!" Lu Yan pushed Shi Yu away without hesitation, stared at the palm-shaped mechanism, and slowly printed her palm on it.

"Maybe it works, after all, your ancestor has been here." Shi Yu leaned over to one side and stretched his neck to try to take a closer look. But even though Lu Yan's palm was slender and small, it was still much larger than the mechanism.

"It's useless. Did you really find that piece of plaque on the ancestor?" Lu Yan retracted her palm and turned to ask Shi Yu.

"That's it, nothing else. Look at it, it's broken into pieces. How can I not see something? Unless it's hidden in the body and disappeared with the life." Shi Yu explained carefully, as if he was afraid that Lu Yan would not believe him.

Lu Yan nodded, took out the clan leader token, and looked at it carefully. The clan leader token is hexagonal, which is obviously not suitable for this machine hole. Lu Yan gestured at the machine hole with reluctance, but it was still too big to fit in.

"Forget it, let's go, it seems you can't open it either." Shi Yu's face fell, and he turned around and walked out in frustration.

Lu Yan looked at his back, frowned slightly, and looked back at the machine hole, trying to think about what to do next.

"Are you still thinking about it? I'll go up first!" Shi Yu's voice came from afar, and his figure had already disappeared in the tortuous passage.

Unwilling to give up, Lu Yan pondered hard. This secret place was very strange, and there must be a rare treasure. Moreover, she was summoned here. It was very likely that the old patriarch left a backup plan, which allowed her to sense it. She must be able to open the door and explore.

"This girl looks smart, but why is she so stupid? The token is cracked, can't you break it? Anyway, it's useless!" Shi Yu stood outside the door and secretly despised Lu Yan through the boundary soul.

"No, too stupid, give up just now?" Shi Yu saw Lu Yan sighing and giving up, and was walking towards the door. He muttered in his heart, "I gave you the opportunity. It's your problem if you can't catch it, but you can't blame me."

Seeing Lu Yan looking back every three steps and reluctant to leave, Shi Yu's heart softened again. His goal had been achieved. Lu Yan firmly believed that he had been trapped here. So should he leave with Lu Yan now, or make a fuss to give her an opportunity? Shi Yu was a little conflicted.

Lu Yan gently wiped the clan leader token again and again, carefully put it away, cut off the last bit of reluctance, and strode towards the entrance.

Unlike Shi Yu, she would never take the initiative to damage the token. The clan has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years, and following the deep-rooted precepts is sometimes more important than her life.

Just as the token was about to be put into the body, the call that had been missing touched Lu Yan's heartstrings again. Lu Yan was startled at first, and then overjoyed. Her cold face showed a little relaxation, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously curled up.

"That's right, it's pretty to smile, why do you always have a stern face." Shi Yu's soul lightly tapped the world soul, imitating the breath of the deceased Lu family leader, and triggered a wisp of summons.

The hexagonal clan leader token lay quietly in Lu Yan's hand, and the breath of summons became weaker and weaker. Lu Yan frowned as if she didn't know what to do.

After thinking for a moment, she finally made up her mind, and the Yuanli in her palm swayed slightly, wrapping towards the token. The decayed token seemed to be unable to withstand the external force, and it broke into several pieces with a "crack", revealing a small palm.

"Here!" Lu Yan's eyes lit up, and she picked up the palm-shaped key from the fragments and looked at it carefully in front of her eyes. She did not dare to throw away the remaining fragments casually, and still carefully collected them.

"I am kind, your ancestors left things, go and collect them quickly, I don't have much time, it's a pity to waste it." Shi Yu kept urging Lu Yan in his heart.

Lu Yan held the key and walked back to the end of the passage quickly, gently sticking the key into the machine. The small palm seemed to be alive, and after entering the machine, it grabbed with five fingers, and the back of the hand arched, as if it had pulled something out of the machine.

Then the cave wall that was fastened and immovable slowly moved sideways with a "crackling" sound, and the palm-shaped key "ploped" out of the machine and fell to the ground during the movement.

A secret room appeared in front of Lu Yan.

Lu Yan didn't rush in, but picked up the key and looked back at the door of the passage, as if she was making a decision. After a few breaths, she stepped into the secret room without saying a word, and the door of the secret room slowly closed after she entered.

"This girl really abandoned me, she is so stingy!" Shi Yu saw all this and was a little disappointed, "I brought you here, don't you have any moral feelings?"

"Forget it, she and I have nothing to do with each other, we just use each other." Shi Yu comforted himself, put away his soul and peeped, and sat outside the passage waiting quietly.

Lu Yan stood in the center of the secret room. The square secret room was like the outside, densely engraved with secrets and old news. The only difference was that there was a pile of things in front of her, from books and herbs to Yuanling treasures, hundreds of things used by monks, spread all over the floor, and under the careful maintenance of the treasure box and medicine box, it was still as good as new.

"Alas!" Lu Yan sighed softly. It seemed that before the old patriarch passed away, he did not store the things into his body, but placed them here. These things were all used by the patriarch, so they were naturally not ordinary items. Even for a clan leader like Lu Yan, it was not easy to possess them. It could be said that Lu Yan had reaped a lot this time.

Lu Yan collected the clan leader's relics, and a jade mirror and a piece of hard leather caught her special attention.

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