Life Control Chart

Chapter 121: Graceful Body

Lu Yan, who stood stiffly in the cave, could no longer bear the pressure. She knelt on one knee, sweating profusely. Her beautiful hair was stuck to her body by sweat. Her silk dress was tightly attached to her body, revealing her graceful figure.

Shi Yu suddenly saw the wet clothes sticking to Lu Yan's back. Her exquisite curves showed off her beauty under the thin clothes. His face turned red. His brain seemed to be washed by a heat wave. His ears were so hot that they seemed to be on fire. He froze in place for a moment and did not move for a long time.

Shi Yu was no longer an innocent child. The attraction between the opposite sex had already sprouted unconsciously in his heart. When he saw Lu Yan's perfect figure, he kept wanting to avoid her, but his eyes were still honestly fixed. His eyeballs moved rapidly, carefully scanning every detail.

"Hiss, gulp." Shi Yu sucked back the saliva flowing out and swallowed it with difficulty. It was the first time that he saw the curves of a girl as ripe as a peach so carefully. Even if it was just a vague back view, it was enough. That beauty exuded endless attraction to the young man, making him forget that Lu Yan was in extreme danger.

The excitement of the beasts under the instigation of the sheep-headed monster disturbed Shi Yu's indulgence. Shi Yu hurriedly rubbed his slightly hot and numb face, pulled back his irrelevant thoughts from the trance and salivation, and quickly closed his eyes and slapped his forehead heavily: "What's wrong with me? I keep losing my mind. I shouldn't! I shouldn't!"

Even if he kept slapping himself, he silently chanted in his heart: Don't look at what is indecent, don't listen to what is indecent, I am a scholar, I must know books and observe etiquette, yes, um, observe etiquette! Tsk tsk tsk, it's really beautiful.

Thinking about it, saying it, Shi Yu still followed his heart and squinted his eyes, looking at Lu Yan constantly, drooling like a pig. Seeing this scene for the first time in his life, the attraction to him was unimaginable.

When the beasts seemed to be guided and rushed towards Lu Yan with strange howls, Shi Yu forced himself to regain his mind in the disturbance and stared at the restlessness of the beasts again.

The beasts running and howling wildly also understood that it was the intrusion of outsiders that disturbed their long sleep. Now, it was time to eliminate the intruders.

Lu Yan felt the slowly increasing pressure suddenly increase sharply, and the violent and smelly breath rushed to her face. Her weak body struggled to hide in a hidden corner.

The rumbling sound of hoofs and feet was deafening. Lu Yan was a little desperate. She looked up at the dim cave and the misty distance, and her face was covered with nervous sweat.

"Damn it, what should I do? I can't really watch her die!" Shi Yu was very anxious and turned around on the high cliff. "Forget it! Forget it! I'll fight you. At worst, I won't come to this Xiyue Realm anymore!" Shi Yu finally made up his mind. With a thought, he used the Realm Soul to cover his body and breath, and disappeared on the spot.

The moment Shi Yu disappeared, the three-headed python looked over with six eyes. There was nothing on the empty ground. After a moment of silence, it retracted its gaze and looked at the sheep-headed monster again gently.

Lu Yan tried her best to move her body. The roar in her ears grew louder and the fishy smell was as sticky as water, forcing her to hold her breath and calm down to get rid of the discomfort. She only practiced magic but not physical training. Under such heavy pressure, she felt like she was carrying a heavy burden, and her legs and feet were sore and weak.

"Swoosh," the sound of wind cracking passed by her ears, and a long rope was wrapped around Lu Yan's waist, violently lifting her into the air and shrinking towards a crack in the cave wall.

Lu Yan, who had no power to resist, opened her mouth in panic and tried to scream. The fishy smell filled her mouth and nose, and she felt like vomiting. A familiar voice sounded in her ears: "Don't scream, do you want to kill me too?"

Lu Yan quickly closed her mouth and held her breath. She felt relieved. Shi Yu was here, and he still had the strength to fight. It was much better than being alone and helpless.

Lu Yan felt that she had fallen into a hot embrace. The strong arms

clamped her soft waist tightly and ran far away along the crack, and then entered a tunnel and left in a hurry.

Lu Yan was held tightly by the arms, and the force of the abdomen squeezed the air in her chest and lungs, and she choked and couldn't say a word.

She wanted to pat Shi Yu to remind him to relax a little, but the rapid run brought violent turbulence. Lu Yan's weak strength couldn't control her limbs, until she felt dizzy and suffocated, and Shi Yu stopped.

Shi Yu walked down and squeezed with Lu Yan in a five-foot square pit, panting. Shi Yu was so tired that he couldn't breathe smoothly, and Lu Yan was almost out of breath because of the pinch.

The two leaned against the stone wall and panted. Shi Yu's hand had not left Lu Yan's waist, and his palm was on Lu Yan's navel. Lu Yan had no energy to pay attention to Shi Yu's presumption. Her head tilted on Shi Yu's chest with a hazy look and disordered breathing.

After a while, the two gradually became energetic and looked at each other with difficulty. The movement of the body is a ripple effect. Shi Yu's hand around Lu Yan rubbed lightly at the place where it stopped as he turned his head.

Suddenly, Lu Yan blushed, as if she had just realized that she had been held in Shi Yu's arms for a long time. She struggled to push Shi Yu away and turned to the side.

"So soft, so smooth." Shi Yu twisted his fingers in a daze, his expression full of aftertaste. He felt that this scene seemed to have been staged somewhere before.

"Bah!" Lu Yan knew Shi Yu had bad intentions as soon as she saw his expression. She spat but didn't investigate further. In this situation, risking his life to save her was a great favor. It was not worth making a big fuss about a minor physical offense. Just pretend nothing happened.

After taking a short rest and regaining some strength, Lu Yan stood up, smoothed her messy hair, looked at Shi Yu with some doubts, and asked, "Thank you very much. I didn't expect that you would be implicated as well."

"What on earth did you do? How come I am here in a flash of white light? In fact, we have always been together, but you were at the bottom of the cave and I was at the top. I have been hiding in the crevices, so you didn't see it. That's all me. By the way, where is this? ..." Shi Yu pretended not to know anything, looked up at Lu Yan, and suddenly froze.

"I don't know where this is. I just opened this jade mirror, and I didn't know that the ancestor read a few words inside... Uh, huh? What's wrong with you?" Before Lu Yan could finish her words, she saw Shi Yuzhi He looked at himself with a look of despair.

Lu Yan lowered her head and looked at herself doubtfully, sitting so tight that she could not see the beauty. When she stood upright, the dazzling and alluring convex and concave shapes from her neck to her ankles were clearly visible.

"Ah~" With a harsh scream, Lu Yan turned around and rushed towards the dark corner, but this small cave was only a few feet away. The front was covered, but the back was more attractive.

"Turn around! Turn around quickly!" Lu Yan was embarrassed and anxious. She knew what Shi Yu was looking at and what she saw. Her wet clothes were already close enough to her body, and they were pinched and blown by the wind from Shi Yu's way. , and it fit snugly on the body. Even if he was fully dressed, Shi Yu could still see him clearly. What's more, he had just touched her accidentally. Who knew what he was thinking at this time!

"Cough! Cough!" Shi Yu coughed in embarrassment to cover up his embarrassment, and turned to another corner very reluctantly, moving as slowly as a dying old man.

Lu Yan ignored Shi Yu and hurriedly tried to take out a new pair of clothes. To her helplessness, her own energy was completely unable to activate under the heavy pressure, and the objects contained in her body had no effect on her summons. There was no response, which made her even more anxious and angry.

Although she had turned her back to Shi Yu and asked Shi Yu to turn around, she actually didn't dare to look back at all. If Shi Yu was still staring straight at his back and buttocks, it would be really embarrassing. .

"Do you still have the strength to take out something? Throw some clothes over here!"

He had no choice but to ask Shi Yu for help. Shi Yu nestled in the corner of the cave, smiled, took out a long gown and threw it back, covering Lu Yan's head.

Lu Yan hurriedly took off her gown and put it on her body as quickly as possible. The more anxious she became, the more confused she became. Shi Yu's clothes were too wide for her, so she either stuffed her head into the cuffs or hung the knots on her waist. On my feet, I wore a simple gown, which I wore for half a moment.

After a lot of panic and fuss, Lu Yan finally put her clothes on and dared to secretly look back at Shi Yu. Shi Yu was squatting on the other side of the cave, facing the wall, and boringly carving something on the wall.

The flushed complexion gradually calmed down, and the porcelain white complexion returned to Lu Yan's face again. As for her mood, only she knew. Growing up, apart from her mother, Shi Yu was the only person who saw her so clearly. Lu Yan was silent for a long time, not daring to speak.

"I said, are you dressed?" Shi Yu spoke first, "The monsters down there are still making noise, we have to run away quickly, you are delaying things, and you were so loud just now Screams, who knows if they heard them.”

Shi Yu didn't know why he became a little glib when he saw Lu Yan. Maybe it was Lu Yan's cold demeanor that gave him the idea of ​​​​acting rebelliously, and he wanted to break this coldness.

Lu Yan came back to her senses and said softly: "Okay, please turn around."

Shi Yu slowly turned around, stood up straight and looked up and down at Lu Yan's messy clothes, and smiled.

"Don't think about it anymore! Don't tell anyone!" Lu Yan's face gradually turned red again, and Shi Yu's expression became weirder, more panicked, and more annoying. If Lu Yan regained all her power at this time, this small cave would probably be a lump of ice.

"You can't blame me. It was you who brought me in. Besides, I've been looking at you since I came in. I finished reading it a long time ago. It's not my fault that you sweat so much." Shi Yu muttered in explanation.

Lu Yan went crazy as this burning oil poured on her. Although the monks were informal, she was still a young girl in a boudoir. She could not tolerate being taken advantage of and acting like a good girl.

With a sudden thought in her anger, Lu Yan was about to draw out her dagger and stab Shi Yu, but when she handed it out, she found it was empty.

Shi Yu saw Lu Yan holding out her right hand, held it, turned around and walked out of the cave, "Don't you have a little strength? You still need me to support you, you are so squeamish."

Lu Yan was so angry that she almost fainted. Is this kid really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Couldn't she tell that she wanted to beat him with the angry look on her face? But her weak body could not tolerate her resistance, so she stumbled and was dragged by Shi Yu.

"Let go! I can leave! Who wants you to help me! How much more advantage do you want to take advantage of me!" Lu Yan shook her arms and tried to break away from Shi Yu's hold. She had no strength and was full of breath.

"Huh?" Shi Yu paused suddenly, let go and turned to look at Lu Yan. Lu Yan was dragged by Shi Yu so hard that she staggered. She didn't catch him for a moment, but she seemed to have jumped forward on her own initiative and got into Shi Yu's arms, using both hands. Still grabbing his chest.

The two looked up and down, looking at each other. Shi Yu was teasing and holding back laughter, while Lu Yan was furious.

Or she knew that she was no match for Shi Yu verbally, and her body could not allow her to challenge Shi Yu at this moment. After a moment of stalemate, Lu Yan instantly calmed down, and took a few steps back against Shi Yu's chest. The hair falling on the side of his face looked at Shi Yu quietly without speaking.

White hair as bright as ice needles, pale and bleeding complexion, soothing and careless breath, and ruthless and piercing eyes.

Shi Yu was a little flustered by her staring at him like this. Lu Yan had returned to her icy, unapproachable demeanor she had when they first met, except that she lacked the power of eye magic.

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